JEE Main 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

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JEE Main Preparation Tips

How to Prepare For JEE Main 2025: The JEE Main Session 2 exam is scheduled to be conducted on April 1 to 8, 2025 for Paper 1 and Paper 2, and candidates who are preparing for the JEE Main 2025 are advised to analyse their level of preparation by taking mock tests, solving sample papers and reviewing previous year question papers. Candidates who have completed their preparations for the JEE Main 2025 must solve the JEE Main mock tests and previous question papers in the exam conditions to ensure they have prepared for the JEE Main  Session 2 exam 2025.

JEE Main Syllabus 2025 is similar to NCERT’s classes 11 and 12 curriculum. The revised JEE Main syllabus will be released on the official portal at Knowing all the topics that encompass the syllabus and choosing the best books for JEE Main should be the primary focus for JEE Main preparation. 

A strong IIT JEE  preparation plan includes a study schedule that incorporates learning and revision, the best JEE Main books, high-quality mock exams, and the previous year's JEE Main exam papers. This page contains chapter-by-chapter PYQs for JEE Main, as well as answers to any other questions students may have regarding the JEE Main 2025 preparation plan and how to prepare for the exam. Check out the preparation strategy, tips, and strategies for the JEE Main Session 2.

Latest Updates

NTA has announced the exam dates for the JEE Mains 2025 exam. As per the released notification, the JEE Main Paper 1 exam will be conducted between April 2 and 8, 2025, whereas the Paper 2 exam will be conducted on April 9, 2025. On the other hand, the JEE Main City slip will be released by March 19 or 20, 2025 (tentatively), whereas the JEE Main 2025 admit card will be released three days before the exam, which is March 29, 2025.  Earlier, the application correction window was closed on February 28, 2025.

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How to Start JEE Main Preparation?

The JEE Main Preparation Strategy along with the right approach will help the candidate in acing the JEE Main 2025 Exam. Students can check the detailed JEE main study plan, which will help them to prepare effectively for the examination. 

  • Check the JEE Main Syllabus

  • Understand theJEE Main Exam Pattern

  • Analyse the previous year's question paper

  • Choose the best books for JEE Main  Preparation Strategy

  • Make a timetable and divide chapters accordingly

  • Regular revision required

  • Practice with mock tests

Last Minute Preparation Tips for JEE Main

The JEE Main last-minute preparation tips were of great help to the candidates to score well in the examination - 

  1. Make a plan: Make a plan for the final days before the exam, and prioritize the topics that need more revision. Make sure to cover all the important topics and don't leave any topic unattended. By now the JEE Main exam pattern and syllabus would be at the back of your hand, so make a plan where you will be able to utilize the time wisely and score better.

  2. Revise important concepts and formulas: Go through the important concepts and formulas from each subject. Make a list of formulas that you find difficult to remember, and revise them frequently.

  3. Solve previous year papers and mock tests: Solve as many JEE Main old question papers and mock tests as possible. This will help you get familiar with the exam pattern and also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Checking the JEE Main chapterwise PYQs will boost your preparation at this stage. NTA will release the mock test for JEE Mains , so candidates can practice with them to get an idea of what the exam will be like.

  4. Focus on your weaker areas: Identify the topics you find difficult and focus on them. Try to solve more problems in those areas and clear your doubts with your teachers or mentors.

  5. Time management: Manage your time effectively during the exam. Keep track of time while solving each question, and try to complete the exam within the given time.

  6. Revise important topics: Before the exam, revise important topics, formulas and concepts that you have studied throughout your preparation. This will help you remember them better during the exam.

  7. Take breaks and stay calm: Take regular breaks to avoid burnout and keep your mind fresh. Stay calm and positive, and avoid stress and anxiety.

  8. Stay hydrated and eat well: Drink plenty of water and eat healthy food to keep your body and mind in good shape.

Related Links to Download JEE Main Question Paper PDF - 

The table below features year-wise JEE Main Previous Year Papers PDFs with Solutions that students can practice thoroughly after revision. 

JEE Main 2023 Question Paper PDF with Solutions

JEE Main 2022 Question Paper PDF with Solutions

JEE Main 2021 Question Paper PDF with Solutions

JEE Main 2020 Question Paper PDF with Solutions

JEE Main 2019 Question Paper PDF with Solutions

JEE Main 2018 Question Paper PDF with Solutions

JEE Main 2017 Question Paper PDF with Solutions


Subject-Wise JEE Main Preparation

Before starting the preparation for the JEE Main  Exam, aspirants need to refer to the test syllabus and divide it as per the total number of units in each subject. This will help the candidates to prepare a timetable on how to prepare for JEE Mains. The syllabus of JEE Main is divided as follows -

Name of the Subject

Total No. Of Units/ Chapters









The Chemistry syllabus of JEE Main is vast, and the aspirants must note that the preparation for JEE Main Chemistry takes a lot of time. You can prioritize the syllabus at your convenience. It is always better to start the exam preparation with the toughest subject or the subject, in which you are not very proficient. Candidates must study the top 10 scoring topics in JEE Main  Chemistryvery well to score good marks in the Chemistry section.

The below table will help you understand the number of days each subject takes for the JEE Main 2024 Preparation Strategy-

Name of the Subject

Total Units/Chapters

No. Of Days Required to Cover Each Chapter

Total No. Of Days to Cover Each Subject



Two Days

16 X 2 = 36 Days



Two Days

21 X 2 = 42 Days



Two Days

28 X 2 = 56 Days




134 Days to Cover the Syllabus of all Subjects

From the above table, it is evident that a student can cover the syllabus of JEE Main in 134 days, i.e., Four and Half Months (approximately). The remaining two and a half months can be allocated for the revision of the syllabus and practising JEE Main mock tests/ sample tests/ practice tests.

Problem Faced by Aspirants while Preparing for JEE Main

The major challenge that JEE Main aspirants face while preparing for the exam is balancing the time between Class 12th board exam preparation and JEE Main exam preparation. In order to help such candidates, we have prepared a timetable so that JEE Main aspirants can balance the time for regular academics and JEE Main exam preparation. One more thing that the aspirants must understand is that there are major similarities between the Class 12th and JEE Main syllabus, and preparing for the exam is not at all a difficult task. However, a good strategy has to be followed to achieve a better score in the JEE Main exam.

Weekly Study Plan for JEE Main

After dividing the syllabus and identifying the units to cover for the JEE Main exam, you can prioritize the units accordingly. You can either go in sequential order or pick up units randomly from any of the three subjects. However, you will have to spend at least two days for each unit to have an in-depth knowledge of the topic. Here are some examples of how you can plan your weekly preparation strategy for JEE Main.

Important Suggestion: While studying a topic, it is advisable to note down the important points in a notebook so that it can be helpful for revision and last-minute preparation.

Example 1 (For those who like to study early hours in the morning):


Time Slot

Unit(s) to Cover

Day 1 (Monday)

5:00 AM to 7:00 AM

Mathematics - Sets, Relations and Functions

Day 2 (Tuesday)

5:00 AM to 7:00 AM

Mathematics - Sets, Relations and Functions

Day 3 (Wednesday)

5:00 AM to 7:00 AM

Physics - Physics and Measurement

Day 4 (Thursday)

5:00 AM to 7:00 AM

Physics - Physics and Measurement

Day 5 (Friday)

5:00 AM to 7:00 AM

Chemistry -Basic Concepts in Chemistry

Day 6 (Saturday)

5:00 AM to 7:00 AM

Chemistry - Basic Concepts in Chemistry

Day 7 (Sunday)

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Mathematics - Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

Example 2 (For those who like to study late night):


Time Slot

Unit(s) to Cover

Day 1 (Monday)

9:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Mathematics - Sets, Relations and Functions

Day 2 (Tuesday)

9:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Mathematics - Sets, Relations and Functions

Day 3 (Wednesday)

9:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Mathematics - Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

Day 4 (Thursday)

9:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Mathematics - Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

Day 5 (Friday)

9:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Matrices and Determinants

Day 6 (Saturday)

9:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Matrices and Determinants

Day 7 (Sunday)

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Permutations and Combinations

Example 3 (For those who like to study in the early hours of the evening):


Time Slot

Unit(s) to Cover

Day 1 (Monday)

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Physics - Physics and Measurement

Day 2 (Tuesday)

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Physics and Measurement

Day 3 (Wednesday)

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM


Day 4 (Thursday)

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM


Day 5 (Friday)

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Laws of Motion

Day 6 (Saturday)

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Laws of Motion

Day 7 (Sunday)

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Work, Energy and Power

Month-Wise Timetable and Study Plan for JEE Main  Exam Preparation

The below example will help the JEE Main aspirants to prepare a monthly study plan for the JEE Main Exam 2024 -


Topics to Cover

Month 1




  1. Sets, Relations and Functions
  2. Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
  3. Matrices and Determinants
  4. Permutations and Combinations
  1. Physics and Measurement
  2. Kinematics
  3. Laws of Motion
  4. Work, Energy and Power
  1. Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry
  2. States of Matter
  3. Atomic Structure
  4. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

Month 2

  1. Mathematical Induction
  2. Bi-nominal Theorem and its Simple Applications
  3. Sequences and Series
  4. Limit, Continuity and Differentiability
  1. Rotational motion
  2. Gravitation
  3. Properties of Solids and Liquids
  1. Chemical Thermodynamics
  2. Solutions
  3. Equilibrium
  4. Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry

Month 3

  1. Integral Calculus
  2. Differential Equations
  3. Co-Ordinate Geometry
  4. Threedimensional Geometry
  1. Thermodynamics
  2. Kinetic Theory of Gases
  3. Oscillation and Waves
  4. Electrostatics
  1. Chemical Kinetics
  2. Surface Chemistry
  3. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
  4. General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals

Month 4

  1. Vector Algebra
  2. Statistics and Probability
  3. Trigonometry
  4. Mathematical Reasoning
  1. Current Electricity
  2. Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
  3. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
  1. Hydrogen
  2. S-Block Elements
  3. P-Block Elements
  4. D & F-Block Elements
  5. Coordination Compounds

Month 5

Revision and Mock Tests

  1. Electromagnetic Waves
  2. Optics
  3. Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
  1. Environmental Compounds
  2. Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds
  3. Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
  4. Hydrocarbons

Month 6

Revision and Mock tests

  1. Atoms and Nuclei
  2. Electronic Devices
  3. Communication Systems
  4. Experimental Skills
  1. Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen
  2. Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
  3. Polymer
  4. Biomolecules
  5. Chemistry in Everyday Life

Month 7

Revision and Mock test

Revision and Mock test

Revision and Mock Test

JEE Main  Preparation Tips - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics

Here's a subject-wise strategy for JEE Main:

1. Physics:

  • Focus on understanding the concepts thoroughly

  • Practice numerical problems regularly to improve your problem-solving ability

  • Revise important formulas and concepts regularly

  • Solve previous years' question papers to get a sense of the exam pattern

  • Study the top 10 scoring topics in JEE Main  Physics very well

2. Chemistry:

  • Divide your time between physical, organic, and inorganic chemistry.

  • Focus on understanding the underlying principles and reactions

  • Practice balancing chemical equations and solving numerical problems

  • Memorize important reactions and their mechanisms in organic chemistry

3. Mathematics:

  • Build a strong foundation in basic concepts such as algebra, trigonometry, and calculus.

  • Solve a variety of problems to improve your speed and accuracy

  • Practice solving complex problems using different methods

  • Focus on concepts such as coordinate geometry, calculus, and algebra, as they carry significant weightage in the exam.

Overall, it's important to create a study schedule that allows you to cover all three subjects effectively.

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JEE Main Preparation Tips & Strategies by Toppers

Mentioned below are IIT JEE preparation tips by toppersthat would undoubtedly aid aspirants in their preparation as well as provide encouragement and inspiration. This will help the candidate in getting an idea of how to prepare for JEE Main 2025. 

JEE Main Toppers List 2023 - Preparation Tips and Strategy

Here’s the list of all the applaudable students who scored 100 percentile in JEE Main April 2023 Session 2. Students are also advised to go through some useful IIT JEE preparation tips by toppers that will help them ace the exam! 

Singaraju Venkat Koundinya

  • NTA Score: 100 percentile for JEE Main 2023

  • Rank: #1

  • Preparation Tips: He suggested starting preparation early, managing time effectively, taking good notes, and being consistent with revisions to succeed in JEE Mains.

P. Lohit Aditya Saini

  • NTA Score: 100 percentile for JEE Main 2023

  • Rank: #2

  • Preparation Strategy: He recommends giving equal weightage to all subjects and practising mock exams to score well in JEE Mains.

Mrunal S Vairagade

  • NTA Score: 100 percentile for JEE Main 2023

  • Rank: #3

  • Preparation Tips & Tricks: Nagpur resident Mrunal Shrikant achieved a perfect 100 percentile with a score of 300 out of 300 and AIR 3 in the JEE Main exam. His main strategy for success has been focusing on the JEE main syllabus and revising regularly. Mrunal paid attention to the NCERT syllabus for JEE Main and revised the notes regularly. He also spent much time identifying and rectifying mistakes after each test and assessment.

Malay Kedia

  • NTA Score: 100 percentile for JEE Main 2023

  • Rank: #4

  • Preparation Tips: A resident of Ghaziabad, Malay Kedia, secured AIR 4 by scoring a full 300 marks in the JEE Main 2023 April session. When asked about his key to success, Mrunal said there’s no magic trick to clear any exam - all that counts is hard work. He further emphasized studying the complete JEE Mains syllabus initially and then focusing on the weaker sections that require more practice and revision in the last couple of months. 

Kaushal Vijayvergiya 

  • NTA Score: 100 percentile for JEE Main 2023

  • Rank: #5

  • Preparation Tips & Advice: Kaushal’s success mantra has been regular revision and hard work. The young achiever admits to starting his JEE Mains preparations from Class 9. Kaushal dedicated much of his time to solving exam study material and assignments. He would sit for as many tests as possible which helped him work on his shortcomings and mistakes while also improving his time management skills. Kaushal also stated that going through NCERT textbooks is a great resource and one can score good marks by studying 10-12 hours a day. 

JEE Main Toppers List 2022

Sneha Parik

  • NTA Score: 100 percentile for JEE Main 2022

  • Tips and Strategy for Preparation: She suggested giving equal importance to all subjects and solving mock tests to achieve good scores in JEE Mains.

Kushagra Srivatsava

  • NTA Score: 100 Percentile for JEE Main 2022 

  • Strategy and Advice: He believes in continuous and consistent studying throughout the months before exam day. Make your preparation a top priority, and spend your free time doing activities that will inspire you to achieve your best.

Navya Hisaria

  • JEE Main Score: 100 Percentile for JEE Main 2022 

  • Tips and Strategy for Preparation: It has been a habit of his since the beginning to study Physics in the morning, Maths during the day, and Chemistry in the evening, Navya explained. "The advantage of this is that all three courses get equal attention and the preparation for the test remains balanced," the JEE Main topper added.

Mrinal Garg

  • NTA Score: 100 percentile for JEE Main 2022  

  • Mrinal had his primary education at St Kabir Convent School in Bathinda and his secondary education at Sri Chaitanya Academy in Chandigarh. Mrinal stated that he studied for 14 hours each day to pass the JEE Main test and that he opted to prepare for the examinations throughout the epidemic.

Dheeraj Kurukunda

  • NTA Score: 100 Percentile for JEE Main 2022

  • Prep Tips and Strategy: Dheeraj feels that his well-planned timetable and persistent self-study contributed to his high ranking. The best performer states he believes in self-study and devotes eight hours every day to it. Dheeraj shared some test suggestions with ambitious JEE Main participants, advising them not to become anxious about the examinations. "Take brief breaks while allowing yourself time to study." A little break will not damage you and will benefit you in the long run," said Dheeraj, who enjoys playing Table Tennis and Carom and uses games as part of his mindfulness regimen.

When to Start JEE Main Preparation?

The best time to start preparing for the Joint Entrance Exam is typically during the 11th grade of high school. This allows students to build a strong foundation in the required subjects such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Starting early gives students more time to understand the concepts thoroughly and practice solving problems, which are key components of success in the JEE Mains entrance exam. However, cracking the JEE Mains in 6 months is possible with dedicated effort and a strategic study plan. The number of hours a day an average student should study can vary depending on individual learning styles and prior knowledge. However, a general recommendation is to study for at least 6-8 hours a day, focusing on understanding concepts, practising problems, and revising regularly. It is also important to take breaks and maintain a healthy balance between studying and other activities to avoid burnout.

JEE Main Preparation Tips - Coaching Vs Self Study

When students decide to go for higher studies in technical and professional courses like engineering and medicine or prepare for administrative exams like UPSC, parents, as well as students, fall under the trap of confusion that they should opt for a coaching centre or do self-study, we will talk about the pros and cons about both types so that the students can have a detailed overview and chose his/her option of preference wisely and judicially.

For students, it is normal to get inclined for coaching institutes and the student may feel like they need some extra support for cracking the examinations. This is justified as the JEE Exams are known as one of the toughest entrance examinations in the world. However, there are people who, on their own efforts have not only cracked the JEE Mains but also cracked the JEE Advanced examination.

There is nothing wrong or ethically incorrect in choosing between any two of the study methods, this is a question of comfort and efficiency of study a student can have. Some students may prefer coaching institutes and some may prefer studying at home.

Studying at home also has its own benefits as it has now become easier to get assistance from the internet and web-learning websites who come to pretty good help and save a lot of money.

In metro cities, it has been seen that the people who crack JEE have a large number of people who do self-study. From the chart mentioned below, it becomes clear that even both has some distinguished pros and cons, both aim towards the same thing,


Self Study


All India





















Following is soare of the advantages and disadvantages of both methods to help a student have a clear idea about the two.

Advantages (Pros) of JEE Main Coaching

For subjects that demand high technicalities like physics and mathematics, going to coaching is a very good idea. Following are some points which will tell you the advantages of coaching centres for JEE Main studies.


Coaching centres can help one to understand the focus of studies required to crack the JEE Examinations. Coaching centres generally have experience coaching students for the examination and they have a clear idea of all the formats with the nitty-gritty of the examination. It can guide the focus of the student in his/her studies and elaborate on the focus portions of the examination.

Competitive Environment

Going to the coaching centres give you exposure to some of your peers who are also studying with the same aim. In coaching centres, students get exposure to other people and learn about their strengths and weakness and thus the candidate can reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses in particular subjects. Coaching centres open a door for peer learning. Students get a free environment to hold discussions on the subjects with their peers.

Access to Teachers

For timely solutions to doubts and confusion regarding a subject, the coaching centres help a lot which is an issue in the self-study method. The presence of teachers makes it easier for the students to quickly clear a doubt which is a timely research process for a self-studying student.

Disadvantages (Cons) of JEE Main Coaching

Some factors make up a set of cons or disadvantages for JEE Studies in Coaching centres. Due to the disadvantages, many people prefer self-studying even though coaching centres have their benefits. Following are the cons of studying for JEE Mains in a coaching centre:

False Assurance

In coaching centres, students are showered with the false assurance that they will clear the examination at ease because certain institute trains him/her and they show their success stories covering up the failures. The students who understand that they are false assurances know that true success can only come with one’s own merit and hard work. Coaching centres are just there to guide.

Pace of Learning

As the coaching centres run with a lot of students, they go with a ‘One size fits all’ strategy. They conduct their studies in a very rapid manner and it is true that not many students can cope up with the flow, coaching centres show a very little effort to give an extra push to students who are lagging behind.


For people belonging to the lower-middle-class and economically weak categories, affording coaching centres is a dream for them as they can be pretty expensive. One coaching class can charge up to 1 lakh rupees per month for JEE examination coaching.

Extensive Pressure on Students

Coaching centres are infamous for burdening their students with an extra burden for which, many students suffer from depression and cannot enjoy their young flavours of life. For example, Kota, Rajasthan is known as the hub of JEE coaching centres but on the other hand, the statistics have shown that 15 student suicides have taken place alone in 2018. The pressure of studies becomes so high on them adding the pressure from families that the students chose the unwanted path.

Still, students who have a good merit level and hardworking skills and want to be in a competitive environment can opt for caching centres as good coaching centres guide the students if they dream of obtaining a good rank in JEE Mains. However, students should understand that they have to have a clear idea of their family’s financial conditions before pressuring parents for admission to coaching centres for JEE Mains.

Is Self-Study a Better Option for JEE Main ?

The statistics show that the people who crack JEE Mains mainly prefer self-studying and it has all the valid reasons. Self-studying is a very beneficial method as it gives a student enough scope to reflect on and self-assess his/her own problems and take steps accordingly. People generally study in high flexibility in Self-study mode for JEE Mains. Some distinguishable benefits of Self Study in JEE Mains are as follows,

Self Authority

The feature of self-authority builds with a sense of realisation that you are your own master when you opt for self-studies. A candidate is free to follow and study at his/her own will and make their routines according to their convenience and also bring a change in study pattern if the candidate feels that he/she would be more benefit. The candidates have authority over their own studying style which is a good thing for people who are independent-minded. In this method, students do not have to depend on any external involvement for their studies.

No Pressure from Peers

Not all people can perform well under pressure. The self-study methods relieve the pressure of peers which in coaching centres a candidate gets directly or indirectly. In coaching centres, a candidate can be tensed if he/she feels that his/her peers are performing better than him/her. This adds up to an extra burden of pressure on the students and students become likely to lose focus on their studies. With the power of self-assessment which the Self-study method grants the student, students can remain free from any kind of pressure where the student only competes with self and pushes his/her own limits. This is a fun and efficient way to study according to experts.

Time Management

As mentioned before, self-study allows a student to manage his/her own time. Where the coaching centres follow a rigid schedule and format, many students find it hard to cope with the pace an institute is conducting studies. As mentioned above, students end up losing their valuable time at a young age in coaching institutes but in the self-study method, a student according to his/her will can make time for any kind of extracurricular activities, following hobbies and more.

Disadvantages (Cons) of Self-Study for JEE Mains

Every method is made with some cons as well as pros, similarly, the self-study method for JEE Mains also has a set of disadvantages. However, the disadvantages that come with self-studying methods are easily addressable in Self-study methods.

Doubt Clearing

Doubt clearing in the self-study methods consumes a lot of time. Where coaching centres can do it straight away, students studying in self mode have to rely on textual and online resources. It is indeed true that there is nothing that cannot be found online, but that too takes minimum time for research depending on the complexity of the topic.

No Competition

Self-competition is not everyone’s cup of tea but it can come to huge benefit if one expertise it. Many people perform better in competition than independent workers. For those kinds of people, self-study cannot be considered a reliable method. An environment with no competition can be too laid back for some students to actually invest some time in studying.

From the detailed description of the pros and cons of both coaching centres and self-study, the student can now get an idea for choosing what will be better for him/her. This would be wrong to quote that one is better than the other one, this is totally applicable to the individual preference of the student.

The student, depending on his ability can choose any one of the above methods of study for JEE Mains examinations. We, at CollegeDekho, wish you the best of luck irrespective of whichever path you choose to follow.

JEE Main Preparation - 1 Month Timetable

Since JEE Main will be conducted in two shifts, students have the flexibility to appear in multiple sessions. This gives the students ample time to create a JEE Main Preparation Plan . Candidates can use the one-month strategy to revise and become confident in their preparation.

The one-month preparation timetable for JEE Main  can be checked below -

Week 1 of JEE Main  Preparation Plan



Subject 1

Subject 2

Subject 3

Week 1

Day 1




Logarithms, Quadratic Equation, Application and Derivation

Power Electrostatic, Work, Energy,


Alkyl Halides, and Mole Concept and Carbonyl Compound

Day 2

Continuity, Limit, Circles and Family of. 


Carboxylic Acid and their Derivatives

Day 3

Lines and Pair of Straight Lines


Periodic table, Chemical bond

Day 4

3D Geometry


Thermal Electricity

Thermal Expansion 

Atomic Structure


Day 5


Sets, Relations and Functions


Heat Transfer

Phenol, Alcohol, Ether

Day 6

Probability and Statistics

Newton’s Law of Motion and Friction

Solid State

Gaseous State

Day 7

Revise the subjects and take mock tests or solve old question papers as much as possible. 

Week 2 of JEE Main  Preparation Plan




Subject 1

Subject 2

Subject 3

Week 2

Day 1

Logarithms, Quadratic Equation,






Vector Algebra

Properties of Matter


General Organic Chemistry

Day 2

Carbonyl Compound,

Continuity, Limit, Circles

Integration Differentiation

Fluid Mechanics

Co-ordination Chemistry

Day 3

Thermal Electricity

Thermal Expansion 

Complex Number


Communication Systems


Day 4

Solid State

Gaseous State

Theory of Equation

Heat and Thermodynamics

Chemical Kinetics

Day 5

Newton’s Law of Motion and Friction

Sequence and Series

Motion and Circular Motion


Day 6


Sets, Relations and Function

Trigono Metric Ratio 

Modern Physics

Hydrogen and its Compound

Day 7

Practise more question papers 

Week 3 and 4 of JEE Main  Preparation Plan



Subject 1

Subject 2

Subject 3

Week 3 and 4

Day 1

Practise Maths

Revise 2 chapters of Physics

Revise two subjects of Chemistry 

Day 2

Revise 2 chapters of Physics

Revise two subjects of Chemistry

Practise Maths

Day 3

Revise two subjects of Chemistry

Practise Maths

Revise 2 chapters of Physics

Day 4 

Practise Maths

Revise 2 chapters of Physics

Revise two subjects of Chemistry

Day 5

Practise Maths

Revise two subjects of Chemistry

Revise 2 chapters of Physics

Day 6 

Revise 2 chapters of Physics

Revise two subjects of Chemistry

Practise Maths

Day 7

Revise all the subjects in pointers

JEE Main Exam Pattern 2025

Candidates who are going through the JEE Main Preparation Tips 2025 are also advised to go through the JEE Main Exam Pattern 2025 to get a hold of the exam. Check the JEE Main 2025 exam pattern in the table below:


Paper 1 (B.Tech/B.E.)

Paper 2A (B.Arch)

Paper 2B (B.Plan)

Exam mode


Online (Mathematics and Aptitude) and offline (Drawing test)


Duration of exam

3 hours (180 minutes)

3 hours (180 minutes)

3 hours (180 minutes)

Number of sections

Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics

Drawing, Mathematics and Aptitude

Mathematics, Aptitude and Planning

Type of questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Questions with Numerical Value Answers

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Questions with Numerical Value Answers

Drawing: Questions to test drawing and sketching skills

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Questions with Numerical Value Answers

Number of questions




Language of paper

Assamese, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu in addition to Hindi, English and Gujarati

Assamese, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu in addition to Hindi, English and Gujarati

Assamese, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu in addition to Hindi, English and Gujarati

JEE Main Marking scheme

+4 marks for the correct answer; -1 mark for the incorrect answer

+4 marks for the correct answer; -1 mark for an incorrect answer

+4 marks for the correct answer; -1 mark for an incorrect answer

Total Marks

300 marks

400 marks


JEE Main Preparation Tips - Exam Day

  • Taking a break of at least 5 to 10 minutes after every one or two hours of regular study is essential. When you take a break, stay completely relaxed. Overnight studies are not recommended and you should sleep for at least 5 to 6 hours at night
  • Candidates should focus on resolving problems on their own. They should not seek solutions without trying the questions. They should start with conventional ways of solving, while gradually improving. In short, candidates should be able to create their own shortcuts and ways to solve the problem
  • Candidates should not ignore their health while preparing for the exam. They should do some meditation and yoga, it will help them develop inner strength, peace, confidence, and concentration power
  • Candidates preparing for the exam should not stress themselves. It is necessary to sleep for 5 to 6 hours each night, especially 3 to 4 days before the exam. Aspirants may take short naps as they help maintain freshness, but they must avoid oversleeping during the day.

Things to Avoid During JEE Main Preparation

While focusing on the things to do while preparing for the JEE Main  Exam, most students and parents tend to ignore the things that they must IGNORE in order to stay calm and carry on with their JEE Main  Exam Preparation. We have listed out a few important points that all candidates must avoid during the preparation work.  

  • Excessive video games, social media and TV: Students often tend to lose their focus when exposed to too much social media, television and video games. These things may take up their valuable time and lure them from their path. Therefore, it is imperative that aspirants limit their screen time and stay away from social media as much as possible.

  • Referring to multiple books and resources: Many times, students may feel the urge to refer to multiple books and resources to nail their JEE Main  Preparation, which in reality, may not be a good idea. Juggling between too many books may blur the concepts creating more confusion. Hence, it is advisable to stick to the best books for JEE Main  suggested by experts and toppers.

  • Procrastinating day-to-day tasks: Instead of postponing the tasks on your ‘to-do list’ by each day, make it a habit to get the job done right then. Procrastinating your daily tasks will only make things unmanageable later. Therefore, make sure you complete your lessons and revisions on a daily basis.

  • Mugging up without understanding the basic concepts: The worst thing you can do while preparing for JEE Mains  is memorizing the chapters without having a clear understanding of the concepts. Mugging up will not help you score good marks in the JEE  Exam. It is important to have conceptual clarity and apply logic and formulas based on that to solve numerical questions.

  • Losing focus due to poor scores in the mock test: JEE Main  Mock Tests may seem hard initially due to the level of exam difficulty but you should not lose confidence and focus even if you do not manage to score well in the initial attempts. Understand that scoring good marks requires rigorous practice and it is only through the methods of practice and errors that you will achieve success.

JEE Main Study Plan for Final Two Weeks

Preparing for JEE Main in two weeks requires an intense and focused approach. Here's a sample two-week preparation timetable that you can customise to your needs:


JEE Main 2025 Preparation Tips

Day 1

Revise important concepts and formulas from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics

Day 2

Focus on Mathematics: Trigonometry and Complex Numbers

Day 3

Focus on Physics: Mechanics and Electrodynamics

Day 4

Focus on Chemistry: Organic Chemistry

Day 5

Focus on Mathematics: Differential Calculus

Day 6

Focus on Physics: Waves and Thermodynamics

Day 7

Focus on Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry. Revise important concepts and reactions and solve problems from reference books

Day 8

Focus on Mathematics: Integral Calculus and Probability

Day 9 

Focus on Physics: Optics and Modern Physics. Solve problems from reference books and take a mock test

Day 10

Focus on Chemistry: Physical Chemistry. Practice JEE Main sample papers

Day 11 

Practice JEE Main previous years question paper (last 5 years)

Day 12

Utilise JEE Main mock test available on NTA website

Day 13

Use the revision notes and revise all important concepts and formulae

Day 14

Revise using notes and formulae charts, avoid starting any new topic. Keep your mind calm for the upcoming exam

How to Prepare for JEE Main 2025 at Home?

Preparing for the JEE Mains exam at home requires a structured approach and dedication. Check the strategies that can help you crack the JEE Main 2025 exam from home: 

  • Create a Study Plan that can cover the entire syllabus within the time and divide the syllabus into weekly and monthly goals
  • Make a timetable and allocate specific hours to study and revise different subjects, i.e., Physics, Chemistry and Maths
  • Understand the syllabus and exam pattern for the JEE Main 2025 in detail. Don't miss the marking scheme, important topics, important chapters with maximum weightage, and more
  • Collect all the study material that suits you for preparation purposes. Don't buy or get into any study material that is popular or followed by many.
  • Solve previous year's question papers and take regular sectional & full-length mocks. Analyse the result of the mocks to check the preparation level for the JEE Main exam
  • Focus on conceptual learning rather than mugging up the questions and formula as the JEE Main exam will be conducted to test the ability to apply concepts to the problems and perform under pressure
  • Revise regularly and make notes for last-minute preparations 
  • Regularly exercise, eat nutritional food, and get complete sleep to remain healthy and sane
  • Stay motivated while preparing for the exam, and don't compare your preparation level with other candidates. Focus on learning relevant things rather than digressing from them.
  • Work on time management and accuracy for the exam. Solve the previous year's questions and mock tests in exam conditions 
  • Seek help from the teacher, parents, and friends to keep yourself motivated and healthy. Don't lose contact while preparing for the exam with anyone. Remain positive and healthy to perform well in the JEE Main exam

Candidates preparing for the JEE Main exam from home can also crack the exam easily. However, they have to remain focused, healthy and have sheer dedication to crack the JEE Main exam in 2025.

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FAQs about JEE Main Preparation Tips

Does 12 marks matter in JEE?

Class 12 grades are not taken into consideration for determining JEE Main rankings. Students should be aware that their admission exam results will be used to determine their rankings. However, the grade that applicants received on their class 12 board test will be considered for admission into IITs, NITs, and GFTIs.


How can I score 200 in JEE Main 2025?

To score 200 marks in JEE Main 2025 exam, you should make a study plan and follow it strictly, avoid social media and other distractions and study hard for the exam. Select the best JEE Main preparation books and guide and study from NCERT also. Attempt several previous year's papers. 


Can I crack JEE 2025 if I start now?

If you are sitting for JEE Main 2025 session 2 which will be conducted in April, you still have enough time to prepare and crack JEE Main 2024 exam. 


Will JEE Main 2025 be easy?

The paper's difficulty level depends upon the student's preparation for JEE Main 2025 exam. If you are starting your preparation early, and dedicating a good amount of time to the preparation and studying well by attempting previous year papers, mock tests, etc you will find JEE Main 2025 easy. 


How can I start preparation for JEE 2025?

To prepare for JEE Main 2025 exam, make a proper study schedule and follow it strictly, study the whole syllabus without missing any topic, use a JEE study guide, and read the theory portion of a topic first before solving numerical. Attempt the previous year's papers, mock tests, and sample papers, and do continuous revision and don't take too much stress. 


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