JIPMER MBBS 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

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JIPMER MBBS 2020 Preparation Strategy and Study Plan

When and how to prepare for JIPMER MBBS 2020, which are the preparation books to refer for JIPMER MBBS, what preparation strategy to follow to crack JIPMER MBBS 2020 are some of the major questions that comes to the mind of an aspirant who is planning to appear for JIPMER MBBS 2020 scheduled to be conducted in the month of June 2020. JIPMER MBBS is one of the most popular medical entrance exams in the country, conducted by Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research. Now that you have ample number of days to prepare for the entrance examination, your first and top-most priority should be to formulate a proper preparation strategy and practice with as many JIPMER MBBS mock tests and sample papers on which you can rely on. The more you practice, the more confidence you will gain which will help you in securing good percentile in JIPMER MBBS 2020.

Every year, numerous students take up this national level medical entrance examination. In comparison to other national level exams like AIIMS and NEET, JIPMER entrance exam is a bit easier to crack. JIPMER MBBS 2020 will consist of five sections, namely, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Logic and Quantitative Reasoning, English and Comprehension. It is a 2.5 hours computer-based test which comprises of 200 questions, all multiple choice and to prepare for this entrance examination, one must be thorough with the syllabus of Class 11 and 12. By qualifying JIPMER MBBS 2020, you will get an opportunity to take admission in JIPMER, Karaikal and JIPMER, Puducherry campuses.

Let’s start with understanding how you can crack JIPMER MBBS 2020 by making good preparation strategies and study plan as these are one of the important tools for JIPMER MBBS 2020 preparation.

Upcoming Medical Exams :

What are the Section-Wise Important Topics to Crack JIPMER 2020

In the table given below, find out the complete section-wise list of some of the important topics from Physics, Chemistry, Logic & Quantitative Reasoning and Biology that one can prepare to ace JIPMER 2020 in one go.

Important Topics for Physics Subject 


Atoms and Nuclei

Dual Matter of Nature


Current Electricity


Important Topics for Chemistry Subject

D and F Block Elements

Chemical Kinetics




P Block Elements

Important Topics for Logic & Quantitative Reasoning  Subject 

Coding and Decoding

Blood Relations

Theme Detection


Quantitative Aptitude

The number and Alphabetical series

Important Topics for Biology

Human Physiology

Biology and Human Welfare

Structural Organisation of Plants and Animals

Genetics and Evolution


Plant Physiology

Colleges Accepting Exam JIPMER MBBS :

What is the Six Month Preparation Strategy of JIPMER MBBS 2020?

In order to score well & crack JIPMER MBBS 2020, you must have a good knowledge and learning of the concepts, and formulas. Also, one must have a strong focus to study from the right study material or preparation books so as to improve his/her percentile in the entrance examination. To help you better, we have prepared a six month preparation strategy in order to make your preparation easy and hassle-free. Take a look at the table below: 



List of the Sections in JIPMER MBBS 

Biology, Physics, Chemistry, English Language & Comprehension and Logical and Quantitative Reasoning

Total No. of sections in the entrance examination 

5 Sections

No. of sub-topics in each Section

10 to 12 (Let us Assume 10)

Total No. of sub-topics to be covered within 6 Months

50*6 = 300 subtopics in 6 months

Total No. of sub topics to be covered in a Month 

50 to 51 sub topics in a month

Total No. of sub topics to be covered in a Week (Monday to Saturday )

2 or 3 subtopics in a day, 

6X2 = 12 sub-topics (Assumption)

What to do on a Sunday?

Practice at least 2-3 mock tests and sample papers

Last 2 Months Preparation of JIPMER MBBS 

  • Revision of the notes prepared

  •  Strengthening of the sub-topics of all sections

  •  Practice of mock tests or practice papers of JIPMER MBBS

JIPMER MBBS 2020 Preparation Schedule to be Followed for Six Months


Sub-topics to be Prepared

1st Month

  • Have complete focus on Biology subject for JIPMER preparation

  • Prepare all the sub-topics mentioned in the syllabus of Class 11 and 12

  • Revise side by side 

2nd Month 

  • Have complete focus on Chemistry subject JIPMER preparation

  • Prepare all the sub-topics mentioned in the syllabus of Class 11 and 12

  • Do revision side by side

3rd Month

  • Have complete focus on Physics subject JIPMER preparation

  • Prepare all the sub-topics mentioned in the syllabus of Class 11 and 12

  • Keep on revising side by side

4th Month

  • Have complete focus on  Logic & Quantitative Reasoning for JIPMER preparation

  • Prepare all the topics mentioned in the syllabus of Class 11 and 12

  • Do revision of the sub-topics 

5th Month

  • Have complete focus on English and Comprehension for  for JIPMER preparation

  • Prepare all the topics mentioned in the syllabus of Class 11 and 12

  • Revise side by side

6th Month

Concentrate more on revision of all sub- topics of JIPMER MBBS 2020 syllabus, and practice mock tests 

Day- Wise Preparation Timetable for JIPMER MBBS 2020 for Biology Subject

JIPMER MBBS Biology consists of various subjects such as, Cell Structure and Function Structural Organization in Plants and Animals, Biology and Human Warfare Plant Physiology, Human Physiology Biotechnology etc. For thorough and detailed preparation of Biology subject, you may take a look at the time-table that has been mentioned below if you are self-studying for it:



Topics to Study

Morning Time (6:00 AM to 8:00 AM)


Choose one topic of study from the sub-topics mentioned in the JIPMER 2020 Biology syllabus like Biotechnology

8:00 AM to 10:00 AM


Take a Break

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM


Choose second topic of study from the sub-topics mentioned in the JIPMER 2020 Biology syllabus like Genetics and Evolution

1:00 PM to 3:00 PM


Take a Break

3:00 PM to 6:00 PM


Choose third topic of study from the sub-topics mentioned in the JIPMER 2020 Biology syllabus like Plant Physiology

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM


Take a Break

8:00 PM to 10:00 PM


Revision of all the sub-topics done during the day

10:00 PM


Take Rest/Go for Sleep

Day- Wise Preparation Timetable for JIPMER MBBS 2020 for Chemistry Subject

Chemistry section of JIPMER MBBS is quite tough and the syllabus of JIPMER MBBS Chemistry is also very vast and has many sub-topics. Before starting your preparation for JIPMER MBBS Chemistry section, it is important for you to formulate a proper preparation strategy and schedule for the entrance examination. If you are doing self-preparation for Chemistry section, then, you may have a look at the time-table that has been given below:



Topics to Study

Morning Time (6:00 AM to 8:00 AM)


Choose one topic of study from the sub-topics mentioned in the JIPMER 2020 Chemistry syllabus like Electrochemistry 

8:00 AM to 10:00 AM


Take a Break

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM


Choose second topic of study from the sub-topics mentioned in the JIPMER 2020 Chemistry syllabus like Phenols and Ethers

1:00 PM to 3:00 PM


Take a Break

3:00 PM to 6:00 PM


Choose third topic of study from the sub-topics mentioned in the JIPMER 2020 Chemistry syllabus like Chemistry in Everyday Life

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM


Take a Break

8:00 PM to 10:00 PM


Revision of all the sub-topics done during the day

10:00 PM


Take Rest/Go for Sleep

Day- Wise Preparation Timetable for JIPMER MBBS 2020 for Physics Subject

For JIPMER 2020 preparation, Physics is a subject that requires more and more practice from your side. One of the best ways of practicing and solving questions from Physics syllabus is to solve the previous year’s question papers and mock test series in order to get an overall idea about the difficulty level of the entrance examination and how much preparation is needed to score well in the entrance examination. If you are self-studying and preparing for Physics, then, you may have a look at the time-table that has been mentioned below: 



Topics to Study

Morning Time (6:00 AM to 8:00 AM)


Choose one topic of study from the sub-topics mentioned in the JIPMER 2020 Physics syllabus like Optics

8:00 AM to 10:00 AM


Take a Break

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM


Choose second topic of study from the sub-topics mentioned in the JIPMER 2020 Physics syllabus like Thermodynamics

1:00 PM to 3:00 PM


Take a Break

3:00 PM to 6:00 PM


Choose third topic of study from the sub-topics mentioned in the JIPMER 2020 Physics syllabus like Dual Matter of Nature

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM


Take a Break

8:00 PM to 10:00 PM


Revision of all the sub-topics done during the day

10:00 PM


Take Rest/Go for Sleep

Day- Wise Preparation Timetable for JIPMER MBBS 2020 for Logic & Quantitative Reasoning Subject

As compared to the other major subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology, it may be quite easy for you to answer questions based on Logic & Quantitative Reasoning. In the entrance examination, you will have to answer 10 questions, so you can refer to books and study material which will help you to prepare well for the entrance examination. Take a look at the time-table that has been mentioned below if you are self-studying and preparing for Logic & Quantitative Reasoning section.



Topics to Study

Morning Time (6:00 AM to 8:00 AM)

Logic & Quantitative Reasoning

Choose one topic of study from the sub-topics mentioned in the JIPMER 2020 Logic & Quantitative Reasoning

syllabus like Figure Completion Test

8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

Logic & Quantitative Reasoning

Take a Break

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Logic & Quantitative Reasoning

Choose second topic of study from the sub-topics mentioned in the JIPMER 2020 Logic & Quantitative Reasoning syllabus like Blood Relationships 

1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Logic & Quantitative Reasoning

Take a Break

3:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Logic & Quantitative Reasoning

Choose third topic of study from the sub-topics mentioned in the JIPMER 2020 Logic & Quantitative Reasoning syllabus like Number and Alphabetical Series

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Logic & Quantitative Reasoning

Take a Break

8:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Logic & Quantitative Reasoning

Revision of all the sub-topics done during the day

10:00 PM

Logic & Quantitative Reasoning

Take Rest/Go for Sleep

Division of Syllabus For JIPMER MBBS 2020 Exam Preparation

The syllabus of JIPMER MBBS 2020 is divided into various sub-topics. Check the table below: 

Name of the Subject

Total Number of Sub-topics







English Language and Comprehension


Logic and Quantitative Reasoning


Month-Wise Preparation Timetable & Study Plan for JIPMER MBBS 2020

For JIPMER MBBS 2020 preparation, you must ensure that your study plan is practical and has realistic goals for each day, week and even a month. As the syllabus of JIPMER 2020 is same as prescribed by the State Board Higher Secondary and CBSE for Classes 11 and 12. It is advisable to you to frame a pragmatic timetable for JIPMER 2020 that allows you to study well, maintain consistency, has ample time for rest and relaxation so that you can prepare in a proper way. Take a look at the below mentioned examples:

Example 1 -

Name of the Subject


Total Number of Sub Topics to Cover for exam preparation

10 to 12 sub-topics 

Total Number of Sub Topics Covered in a Week (4 Days)

                  4 Days*2 = 8 Sub topics

5th, 6th Day

Revision of all the sub-topics studied so far and taking mock tests 

7th Day

Take a Break

Example 2 -

Name of the Subject


Total Number of Sub Topics to Cover for exam preparation

                        16 sub-topics 

Total Number of Sub Topics Covered in a Week (4 Days)

                  4 Days*4= 16 Sub topics

5th, 6th Day

Revision of all the sub-topics studied so far and taking mock tests 

7th Day 

Take a Break

Example 3 -

Name of the Subject


Total Number of Sub Topics to Cover for exam preparation

10 sub-topics 

Total Number of Sub Topics Covered in a Week (4 Days)

                  4 Days*2 = 8 sub-topics

5th, 6th Day

Revision of all the sub-topics studied so far and taking mock tests 

7th Day

Take a Break

Example 4 -

Name of the Subject

English Language and Comprehension

Total Number of Sub Topics to Cover for exam preparation

6 subtopics 

Total Number of Sub Topics Covered in a Week (4 Days)

                  4 Days* 1 = 4 Subtopics

5th, 6th Day

Revision of all the sub-topics studied so far and taking mock tests 

7th Day 

Take a Break

Example 5 -

Name of the Subject

Logic and Quantitative Reasoning

Total Number of Sub Topics to Cover for exam preparation

9 subtopics 

Total Number of Sub Topics Covered in a Week (4 Days)

                  4 Days*2 = 8 Sub topics

5th, 6th Day

Revision of all the sub-topics studied so far and taking mock tests 

7th Day 

Take a Break

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