Registration Starts On February 09, 2025
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THE JUET 2021 syllabus consists of 4 sections and equal marks are allotted to each question. Standard of contents of the syllabus will be as per the status of candidates. The syllabus of JUET 2021 is classified as per the standards of UG and PG courses. For UG courses the syllabus is based on class 10th and class 12th whereas for PG courses the syllabus standard and will be according to the UG level.
Syllabus for General English:
Grammar | Arrangement of sentences |
Common Error | Synonyms |
Sentence Improvement | Antonyms |
Active and Passive Voice | Vocabulary |
Direct and Indirect Speech | Selection of misspelt/correctly words |
Reading Skills | Idioms and Phrases |
Structure | One Word Substitution |
Cloze Test | - |
Syllabus for Reasoning:
Puzzles | Syllogism |
Seating Arrangement | Order and Ranking |
Inequalities | Cause And Effect |
Statement and Assumptions | Statement and Course of action |
Statement and Argument | Blood Relations |
Coding-Decoding | Machine Input and Output |
Direction and Distance | - |
Syllabus for Numerical Ability:
Differential Equations | Interest |
Time and Work | Height and Distance |
Analytical Geometry | Average |
Stock and Shares | Calculus |
Statistics | Probability |
Modern Algebra | Linear Equations |
Percentage | Ration and Proportion |
Trigonometry | Profit and Loss |
Fractions | - |
Syllabus for General Knowledge:
General Science | Geography |
Economics | Indian Economy |
Computer Knowledge | Miscellaneous |
Indian History | Indian Polity |
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