LSAT-India 2025 Syllabus PDF - Download Latest LSAT-India Syllabus for All Subjects

Updated By Debanjalee Sen on 19 Aug, 2024 11:04

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LSAT India 2024 Syllabus

LSAT India syllabus 2024 has been announced by Pearson VUE on the official website. While preparing for the entrance test, candidates must follow the LSAT India 2024 syllabus and get an idea about the major subjects and topics they need to cover.

That way, they can categorise the significant and the least important topics and split their time accordingly while preparing. Once they have covered the syllabus, they are advised to attempt mock tests and solve sample papers for effective preparation.

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LSAT India 2024 Syllabus Highlights

Here are some essential highlights regarding the LSAT India 2024 syllabus.




4 Sections: Analytical Reasoning 1, Logical Reasoning 1, Logical Reasoning 2, Reading Comprehension 1

Weightage Per Section

23 questions: Analytical Reasoning 1

24 questions: Reading Comprehension 1

22 questions: Logical Reasoning 1

23 questions: Logical Reasoning 2

Section-Wise Marking Scheme 

+1 for every correct answer

0 for unattempted 

No negative marking

Time Per Section

35 minutes per section

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LSAT India 2024 Section-Wise Syllabus

Please find the section-wise syllabus topics of the LSAT India 2024 below.



Analytical Reasoning

(1 section)

Mathematical Ability in Scientific Form

Comprehending Data

Comprehending Situation

Data Analysis 

Data Interpretation

Reading Comprehension

(1 section)

Understanding of Language

Understanding of Reading Data

Comprehending Reading Data 

Logical Reasoning

(2 sections)

Data and Logic Interpretation

Intelligence Quotient


LSAT India 2024 Detailed Syllabus

The details LSAT India 2024 syllabus is as follows.

Analytical Reasoning Section: 

In this section, the question will be asked about the rules or principles that describe relationships between things, events, persons and sets of statements. These questions measure the ability to understand the structure of relationships and logical conclusions are drawn about that structure.

The questions of analytical reasoning illustrate complex types of analysis that a law candidate works during legal problem-solving. Major topics include– Comparison, Selection, Arrangements, Logical Deduction, Coding and Decoding, Intersection Type, Family Based Problems, Directions, etc.

Reading Comprehension Section:

In the Reading Comprehension section, the ability of the candidates to read questions with understanding and insight is generally prepared for examples of complex and lengthy materials, which usually come to law schools.

The paper contains four sets of Comprehension sections, each has a selection of reading material, followed by four to nine questions which can be from reasoning and reading. Major topics in this section include Technology, Sociology, Economics, Law, Business, Philosophy, Psychology, etc.

Logical Reasoning Section:

In this section, questions will be asked from the general language. There will be 2 sections of logical reasoning in LSAT 2024. These questions assess the critically evaluated, complete arguments and the ability to analyze. Major topics are Venn Diagram, Clock, Calendar, Cubes, Blood Relations, Seating Arrangements, Syllogism, Logical Matching etc. For each logical reasoning question, the candidates need to read and understand a short passage, and then answer a question about it. Solving these requires certain amount of skills such as:

  • Applying principles or rules,
  • Drawing well-supported conclusions,
  • Determining how additional evidence affects an argument,
  • Reasoning by analogy,
  • Identifying argument flaws.

LSAT India 2024 Exam Pattern

Now that candidates have an idea of the LSAT India 2024 syllabus, they should also know the exam pattern and prepare themselves for the exam accordingly. The number of questions and the weightage assigned to each section will be specified here. Find out the LSAT India 2024 exam pattern from the table below:


Total No. of Questions


Analytical Reasoning

23 questions

35 minutes

Reading Comprehension

24 questions

35 minutes

1st Logical Reasoning

22 questions

35 minutes

2nd Logical Reasoning

23 questions

35 minutes


92 questions

2 hours 20 minutes

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FAQs about LSAT-India Syllabus

How many questions will be asked from Reading Comprehension Section 1 of LSAT-India 2023?

There will be a total of 92 questions of total 92 marks in LSAT-India 2023. A total of 24 questions will be asked in Reading Comprehension Section 1 of LSAT-India 2023. 

How many questions will be asked from Analytical Reasoning Section 1 of LSAT-India 2023?

There will be a total of 92 questions of total 92 marks in LSAT-India 2023. A total of 23 questions will be asked in Analytical Reasoning Section 1 of LSAT-India 2023. 

How many questions will be asked from Logical Reasoning Section 2 of LSAT-India 2023?

There will be a total of 92 questions of total 92 marks in LSAT-India 2023. A total of 23  questions will be asked in Logical Reasoning Section 2 of LSAT-India 2023. 

How many questions will be asked from Logical Reasoning Section 1 of LSAT-India 2023?

There will be a total of 92 questions of total 92 marks in LSAT-India 2023. A total of 22 questions will be asked in Logical Reasoning Section 1 of LSAT-India 2023. 

How much time will be awarded for each section in LSAT-India 2023?

LSAT-India 2023 will be conducted for a duration of 2 hours 20 minutes. There will be 4 sections in the exam. Candidates will be given 35 minutes each for every section. 

What are the important topics in the Reading Comprehension Section in LSAT-India 2023?

The important topics of the Reading Comprehension Section in LSAT-India 2023 are given below. 

  • Understanding of Language
  • Understanding of Reading Data
  • Comprehending Reading Data

What are the important topics in the Logical Reasoning Section in LSAT-India 2023?

The important topics of the Logical Reasoning Section in LSAT-India 2023 are given below. 

  • Data and Logic Interpretation
  • Intelligence Quotient
  • Resolving

What are the important topics in the Analytical Reasoning Section in LSAT-India 2023?

The important topics of Analytical Reasoning Section in LSAT-India 2023 are given below. 

  • Mathematical Ability in Scientific Form
  • Comprehending Data
  • Comprehending Situation
  • Data Analysis 
  • Data Interpretation 

How many sections are there in LSAT-India 2023?

There are total 4 sections wherein questions are asked in LSAT-India 2023 these are as follows:

  • Analytical Reasoning 1
  • Reading Comprehension 1
  • Logical Reasoning 1
  • Logical Reasoning 2

Which subject is the most important in the LSAT India exam?

All subjects in LSAT India are very important. However, the Logical Reasoning section is in two parts and consists of the most number of questions and marks which make it more crucial than other subjects.

Is solving sample papers enough to cover the entire LSAT India syllabus?

No, solving sample papers is just one preparation approach for LSAT India. An individual has to cover the entire syllabus, solve mock tests and revise in order to score well in the law exam.

What should I expect in the Reading Comprehension section of LSAT India?

In the Reading Comprehension section of LSAT India, questions are passage-based. They target the reasoning and reading ability of a candidate.

What is the exam language for LSAT India?

The exam language for LSAT India is English.

Which topics in LSAT India are important for Logical Reasoning?

For the Logical Reasoning section of LSAT India, the important topics that must be studied are Number and Letter Series, Clocks, Venn Diagrams, Calendars, Logical Sequence, Seating Arrangement, Cubes, Binary Logic, Logical Matching, Logical Connectives, Logical Sequence, Syllogism, Connections and Blood Relations.

What is analysed in the Analytical Reasoning Section of LSAT India?

In the Analytical Reasoning section of LSAT India, the ability to understand the structure and draw a logical conclusion is analysed.

Which subject is the least important in the LSAT India exam?

There are no least important subjects in LSAT India. Candidates must consider all sections as important in order to get a good score.

Is it important to cover the entire syllabus of LSAT India before the exam?

Yes, covering the entire syllabus of LSAT India is very important as questions can come from any section and topic prescribed by the conducting body.

What is evaluated in the Logical Reasoning Section of LSAT India?

In the Logical Reasoning section of LSAT India, a candidate is judged on his/her Intelligence Quotient and ability to identify and analyse arguments.

What topics should I focus on in the Analytical Reasoning subject of LSAT India?

In the Analytical Reasoning section in LSAT India, a candidate must go through vital topics such as Arrangements, Arrangements, Selections, Directions, Intersection Type, Family-Based Problems, Coding & Decoding, Logical Deductions, Comprehending situation, Data Interpretation, Mathematical ability in scientific form etc.

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