MAT 2025 Exam Pattern - Marking Scheme, Mode of Exam, Maximum Marks

Updated By Intajur Rahaman on 03 Mar, 2025 17:37

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MAT Exam Pattern 2025

MAT exam pattern 2025 comprises how the MAT question paper will be framed or the overall structure of the MAT exam such as the number of sections in the question paper, total number of questions and number of questions per section, type of questions asked, total marks, duration of the exam, sectional time limit, etc. The question paper for the MAT 2025 exam will include 5 sections, Language Comprehension, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Mathematical Skills, and Indian and Global Environment, each containing 40 multiple-choice questions (MCQs).

The total number of questions in the MAT question paper is 200 and the duration of the exam is 150 minutes. Each question in the MAT 2025 question paper carries 1 mark and there is a negative marking of -0.25 marks per incorrect question. Check all the details about the MAT 2025 Exam Pattern, including the detailed section-wise breakup of the question paper, marking scheme, and more!

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MAT 2025 Exam Pattern Highlights

Check the table provided below to know the exam pattern as well as the marking scheme of the MAT 2025 entrance exam.  



MAT Conducting Body

All India Management Association (AIMA)

MAT Exam Level

National Level

Examination Modes

  • Internet-based Test (IBT)

  • Paper-based Test (PBT)

  • Computer-based Test (CBT)

Number of Sections


Number of questions in each section


Total Number of questions

200 questions

Exam duration

2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes)

Number of options per question


Marks per question

+1 mark for every correct answer

Negative marking

Yes, -0.25 marks for every incorrect answer

Name of Sections

  • Language Comprehension: This section assesses your English language skills, including reading comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar.
  • Mathematical Skills: This section tests your quantitative aptitude and mathematical reasoning abilities.
  • Data Analysis and Sufficiency: This section evaluates your ability to interpret and analyze data, as well as to solve problems based on data.
  • Intelligence and Critical Reasoning: This section assesses your logical reasoning, analytical skills, and critical thinking.
  • Indian and Global Environment: This section covers general knowledge and current affairs topics.
Difficulty LevelEasy to Moderately Difficult

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MAT 2025 Section-Wise Exam Pattern

Check the section-wise Breakup of the MAT 2025 question paper from the table provided below.

Name of the Section

Number of Questions

Suggested Time

Language Comprehension


40 minutes

Mathematical Skills


30 minutes

Data Analysis & Sufficiency


35 minutes

Intelligence & Critical Reasoning


40 minutes

Indian & Global Environment


15 minutes




MAT 2025 Marking Scheme

As per the marking scheme of the MAT 2025 exam, candidates will be awarded one mark for each correct answer while 1/4 mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.  



For Each Correct Response

1 mark

For Each Incorrect Response

-1/4 marks

For Each Unattempted Question

Zero mark

Note: The maximum marks that a candidate can score are 200 and the scaled score is given out of 800.

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MAT 2025 Key Topics and Number of Questions

The MAT 2025 exam pattern sectional highlights are provided below.

MAT 2025 Language Comprehension Highlights

  • Out of the 40 questions, 20 questions will be based on reading comprehension passages

  • There will be a total of 4 short passages in this section and the difficulty level for the same would be moderate

  • In each passage, there will be 5 questions 

  • The questions will be in MCQ format where the candidates will be penalized with 1/4th of the total marks carried by each question for every incorrect attempt

  • Questions like Synonyms/Antonyms, true/false statements, etc will be asked from the reading comprehension passages

MAT 2025 Mathematical Skills Highlights

  • A total number of 40 questions will be asked in this section

  • In the MAT 2025 exam, this section will carry a sectional weightage of 20%

  • In this section also, the questions will be asked in MCQ format

  • A maximum number of questions will be asked from topics such as percentages, interest, profit & loss, time & work, partnership, etc

MAT 2025 Data Analysis & Sufficiency Highlights

  • Similar to the previous two sections, this section will also contain 40 questions in MCQ format

  • The weightage of this section in the MAT 2025 exam will be 20%

  • This section aims to analyze the ability of the candidates to interpret the data provided to them and answer the questions based on those data

  • Most of the questions will be based on Data Interpretation

MAT 2025 Intelligence & Critical Reasoning Highlights

  • This section will also comprise 40 questions based on reasoning

  • The questions will be asked either individually or in a set of 3-4 questions

  • During MAT 2025 percentile score calculation, this section will carry a weightage of 25%

  • The candidates can expect questions based on clocks & calendars, family relations, etc

MAT 2025 Indian & Global Environment Highlights

  • The total number of questions in this section will be 40

  • The questions will be in MCQ format

  • The candidates will have only 15 minutes to get through this section

  • This section will not be considered during the percentile score calculation

  • Usually, the test-takers give less importance to this section by either completely ignoring this section or attempting very few questions

MAT 2025 IBT Mode System Requirements

Due to the COVID 19 situation, AIMA introduced an Internet-Based Test (IBT) that allow the candidates to give the exam from home. The system requirements for the IBT exam is provided below.



Supported Browsers

  • Firefox version 52 and above

  • Chrome version 63 and above


Aspirants should have a stable internet connection with proper speed throughout the exam duration


Windows OS (Version7 and above)


65 MB permanent free space on the default hard drive

.NET Framework

MSB requires dot net framework. The minimum supported version is 4.5.1. of the .NET Framework

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FAQs about MAT Exam Pattern

Will MAT be conducted in offline mode?

Yes, MAT will be conducted both in online and offline mode.

Is there any sectional time limit in MAT Exam?

No, there is no sectional time limit in MAT exam. Candidates may answer questions in any order.

What type of questions will be asked in MAT exam?

All the questions that will be asked in the MAT exam will be in MCQ form.

What are the total number of questions in MAT?

A total of 200 questions (40 questions in each section) will be asked in MAT.

Is there any negative marking in MAT?

Yes, ¼ mark will be deducted for each incorrect attempt.

Do all the sections of MAT carries equal marks?

Yes, all the sections of MAT carry equal marks i.e 40 marks.

What is the total duration of MAT exam?

The total duration of the MAT exam is 150 minutes i.e 2 ½ hours.

What is the marking scheme of MAT?

One mark will be awarded for each correct answer and ¼ marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

How many sections are there in the MAT exam?

There are 5 sections in MAT exam namely Language Comprehension, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Mathematical Skills, Indian & Global Environment and Intelligence & Critical Reasoning.

Can a test taker review questions or sections in the MAT entrance exam?

Within the allotted section, the test taker can review the sections of the exam. However, once a test taker has moved ahead from one section to the next section, he/she will not be able to return to the previous section. Therefore, test takers should complete answering and reviewing each sections in their respective allotted time.

Are there any breaks during the MAT test?

There are no scheduled breaks in the MAT test. However, test takers can take unscheduled breaks if they want during the test session. If a test taker chooses to take a break, the actual time spent on the break will be deducted from the time allocated to complete the test. No extra time will be given to complete the test.

If a MAT test taker needs to do calculations or make notes during the test; does he/she need to carry a rough sheet with him/her?

MAT test takers must not carry anything with them other than the confirmation e-mail print out, admit card and two IDs for the test. Required stationery will be provided to the test taker by the invigilator at the test center.

When should a MAT test taker report to the test center?

MAT test takers must report to their allocated test center forty-five (45) minutes prior to the scheduled time mentioned in their confirmation E-mail.

Do I need to bring any other document except MAT admit card to the exam centre?

Yes, candidates must bring any one of the photo ID proofs along with the MAT admit card/hall ticket.

Will I get any rough sheets for the MAT CBT exam?

Blank sheets will be provided to candidates for rough work, if required.

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