SBI PO 2025 Syllabus PDF - Download Latest SBI PO Syllabus for All Subjects

Updated By Tiyasa Khanra on 29 Dec, 2024 20:19

9 days Remaining for the exam

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SBI PO 2025 Syllabus

The syllabus for the SBI PO exam closely aligns with that of other banking examinations. It is structured around pivotal sections that demand candidates' focused attention to excel in the preliminary examination. The syllabus of SBI PO 2025 has topics from Quantitative Aptitude, General/Banking Awareness, English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Computer Aptitude. Within these sections lie a plethora of topics from which examination questions are derived. To gain a deeper understanding of the syllabus and optimize their preparation, candidates are encouraged to peruse previous years' question papers, which provide valuable insights into the relative weightage of each topic.

As candidates gear up for the SBI PO exam, they should intensify their preparation efforts. The SBI PO syllabus closely mirrors that of other banking exams, all of which are tailored to select candidates for the role of Probationary Officers. Acquiring a thorough grasp of the SBI PO syllabus is imperative for candidates, as it lays the foundation for an effective examination strategy. Furthermore, candidates should pay keen attention to the allocation of marks to different sections within the SBI PO syllabus.

Prospective candidates should comprehensively understand the SBI PO exam syllabus as well as the SBI PO exam pattern to navigate their preparation methods thoroughly. It encompasses three core sections and underscores the importance of candidates' familiarity with the syllabus, as well as their ability to discern the weightage assigned to each section. This knowledge forms the basis for a well-rounded and successful preparation strategy for the SBI PO examination.

Also Read:SBI PO 2025 Application Form

SBI PO 2025 Prelims Syllabus: Topic-wise Syllabus

The SBI PO Notification 2025 has been issued for 2000 PO Vacancies, with the SBI PO Preliminary Exam scheduled for November 2025 and the SBI PO Mains in December 2025/January 2025. The preliminary examination for SBI PO 2025 comprises the following sections:

  • Reasoning Ability
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Language

For a detailed breakdown of the SBI PO Prelims exam syllabus, please check out the tables below:

SBI PO Preliminary Exam Syllabus

  • Reasoning Ability: Topics covering logical reasoning, puzzles, seating arrangement, syllogism, alphanumeric series, and more.
  • Quantitative Aptitude: Concepts related to mathematics, including simplification, profit and loss, time and work, data interpretation, and more.
  • English Language: Comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension.

These sections form the core of the SBI PO syllabus, and candidates are encouraged to thoroughly prepare for each topic to excel in the examination.

SBI PO Syllabus 2025 for Quantitative Aptitude 

To help candidates identify those concepts we are providing here a list of topics that can be solved easily in a short span of time:

TopicsTopic Description
SimplificationBODMAS rule, fractions, approximation, decimals, and surds & indices
Number SystemDivisibility & remainder, multiples & factors, integers, LCM & HCF
AverageAverage weight//age/marks, average money expenditure, average temperature, etc.
PercentageCalculation oriented basic percentage problems
Ratio and ProportionSimple ratios, compound ratios, componendo and dividendo, proportions
InterestSimple interest, compound interest as well as a mixture of both SI & CI
Number SeriesSimple AP, GP, AGP, or more complex patterns
Profit and LossSuccessive selling, partnerships, discount & MP, and dishonest dealings
Speed, Time and DistanceRelative speed, average speed, problems based on trains, and boats and stream
AlgebraProblems based on quadratic equations and linear equations
MensurationAreas of square, rectangle, circle, semicircle, and parallelogram
Data InterpretationLine graphs, bar graphs, pie charts, tables, and other miscellaneous infographics- triangular graphs and radial graphs appear rarely
Mixture ProblemsMixture of two or more entities
Permutation and Combination Probability Data Sufficiency can be based on all the above-mentioned topics-

SBI PO Syllabus 2025 for Reasoning Ability 

Here is the list of topics under this category:

TopicsTopic Description
Coding & DecodingCoding and decoding by letter shifting, coding by analogy, and coding letters of a word
InequalitiesDirect mathematical inequalities problems
Ordering and RankingArranging by age, floor, rank, the order in row, etc.
Directions & DistancesSimple problems can be solved by just plotting all the given information on paper.
Arrangement & PatternRandom sequence of alphabets, number arrangements and dictionary or alphabet-based arrangements
AnalogyMeaning based, letter-based and number-based questions
ClassificationLetter-based and meaningful words based questions- can also be GK based
SyllogismsProblems with numerous statements and multiple conclusions can be dealt with. Questions are asked whether the conclusions follow or not. Mostly possibility based questions will be asked.
Blood RelationsQuestion-related to family and coded blood relation
Input-OutputWords and numbers are arranged based on some pattern which is to be identified and applied to the question statements to arrive at the output.
Data SufficiencyBlood relations, ordering & ranking, coding in fictitious language, circular arrangements, directions & distances, ages & birthdates
Circular Seating ArrangementThis concept basically includes unidirectional and bi-directional problems (i.e. facing inside, outside or in both directions). Sometimes, tough square/rectangular/hexagonal table problems also asked. These questions may be paired with blood relations or some other double line-up information along with circular arrangement information which makes the problem more difficult and time-consuming.
SchedulingThe problems in this category are very similar to double line-up problems
Grouping and SelectionProblems on teams and committees asked under this category
Verbal ReasoningCause and effect, course of action, statement and assumptions, statement and arguments, statement and inferences, statement and conclusions, and critical reasoning questions

SBI PO Syllabus 2025 for English Language

The third concept in the SBI Preliminary examination is that of the English Language. Here are the topics that will be covered in this section:

TopicsTopic Description
Fill in the BlanksDouble blank type questions. Vocabulary based questions. Answers can be easily picked by eliminating options and understanding the context of the sentence
Reading ComprehensionLikely the RC will consist of one passage of 10 questions, including 3-4 questions on vocabulary. The topics you should look out for are moral stories, banking & economy, business, education, technology and social issues. Synonyms, antonyms and meanings of phrases will be asked in vocabulary-based questions. Theme and main idea based questions can also be asked.
Para JumblesA set of 6 sentences will be given to be rearranged and form a meaningful paragraph. All questions will be based on this single test.
Cloze TestA single passage with 5 or 10 blanks. Passage could be on any topic ranging from banking & economy to social issues. Words are usually easy to moderate, but there are always one or two tough words.
Error SpottingQuestions in this category could be asked either from the grammar or vocabulary section. Important topics covered under this are tenses, subject-verb agreement, article-noun agreement, correct part of speech, correct use of prepositions, parallelism, phrasal verbs, easily confusable words, contextual usage, sentence construction, degree of comparison, conjunctions, finite and non-finite verbs.
Phrase Replacement/ Sentence CorrectionMostly grammar-based- The questions sometimes test a candidate's standard construction of sentences, the order of words etc.
Phrase Idiom MeaningThe phrases will be given and the candidate will need to select the correct meaning of the given phrase
Sentence/ Paragraph CompletionCandidates will be given an incomplete long sentence with four options to choose from to complete the sentence meaningfully.
SpellingsCandidates will have to choose the word that is correctly spelt or wrongly spelt from the given options.

SBI PO Mains Syllabus 2025: Topic-wise Syllabus

The SBI PO Mains exam 2025 consists of an objective test for 200 marks and a descriptive test for 50 marks. SBI PO Mains objective test has four sections- Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, Data Analysis and Interpretation, English Language, and General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness. The descriptive test will commence immediately after candidates complete the objective test.  In the SBI PO Mains 2025 examination, the syllabus includes the following sections:

  • Reasoning and Computer Aptitude
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • General/Economy/Banking Awareness
  • English Language

SBI PO Mains English Syllabus 2025

The following topics are covered under the English Language section:

Reading Comprehension
  • Making meaning of the text - Understanding what is being read.
  • Drawing connections - Making an inference or reading between the lines.
  • Summarizing - Understanding the main point of the passage.
  • Vocabulary - Understanding a variety of words and their meanings.
  • Sentence Completion: Tricks
  • Cloze Test
  • Sentence Completion: Practice Exercise
  • Spelling Correction: Practice Exercise
  • Idioms: Practice Exercise
Meaning/ Errors
  • Multiple Meaning/ Error Spotting
  • Tenses Rules
  • Perfect or complete.
  • Perfect continuous.
  • Progressive or Continuous.
  • Simple or indefinite.
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Para jumbles
  • Sentence Completion
  • Grammar

SBI PO Mains Reasoning Syllabus 2025

The following topics are covered under the Reasoning section:

Verbal Reasoning
  • Logical Sequence of words.
  • Syllogism.
  • Cause and effect.
  • Venn diagrams.
  • Analogy.
  • Character puzzles.
  • Classification.
  • Arithmetic reasoning.
  • Code Inequalities
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Input-Output
  • Ordering and Ranking
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Circular Seating Arrangement
  • Double Lineup
  • Blood Relations
  • Directions and Distance
Decision Making
  • Critical Reasoning
  • Analytical and Decision Making
  • Linear Seating Arrangement
  • Scheduling
  • Course of Action

SBI PO Mains Data Analysis and Interpretation Syllabus 2025

The following topics are covered under the Data Analysis and Interpretation section:

  • Tabular Graph
  • Bar Graph
Data Interpretation
  • Missing Case DI
  • Probability
  • Let it Case DI
Charts & Graphs
  • Pie Charts
  • Line Graph
  • Charts & Tables
  • Radar Graph Caselet
Data Management
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Permutation and Combination

SBI PO Mains General Awareness Syllabus 2025

This section tests the knowledge of the candidates in current affairs and banking and the economy. Some of the important topics of this section are:

General Awareness
  • Financial Awareness
  • Static Awareness
  • Principles of Insurance
Current Affairs
  • Technology,
  • Sports,
  • Awards,
  • Books & Authors,
  • Awards,
  • National & International Events
General Knowledge
  • General Knowledge
  • Banking Terminologies Knowledge
  • Banking Awareness

SBI PO Mains Computer Aptitude Syllabus 2025

The basic knowledge in Computer Hardware and software will be tested. The following topics are covered under the Computer Aptitude section:

  • Internet
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Microsoft Office
  • Computer Software
  • Networking
  • Basic of Logic Gates
  • Memory
Computer System
  • Computer Abbreviation
  • Computer Hardware
  • Operating System
  • Computer Fundamentals/ Terminologies
  • Number System

SBI PO Mains Descriptive Test Syllabus 2025

  • Candidates are given 30 minutes to complete a Descriptive paper
  • There are a total of 2 questions in this section namely Letter writing and Essay Writing
  • The letter and essay could be asked to be written on any topic relating to banking reforms, social/political or economic policies.
  • Each question is 25 marks and the total marks are 50.

SBI PO 2025 Chapter Wise Weightage

The Chapter Wise Weightage for all topics included in SBI PO 2025 has been given in the table below:

TopicsPrelims WeightageMains Weightage
Profit & Loss32
SI & CI24
Time & Work32
Ratio & Proportion23
Time & Work32
Speed, Time & Distance24
Boats & Stream42
Probability and Permutation & Combination21
Quadratic Equation33
Data Sufficiency32
Error Detection13
Reading Comprehension24
Sentence Improvement21
Synonyms & Antonyms23
Critical Reasoning24
Order & Ranking24
Computer Awareness42
General Awareness32
Financial and Banking24
Current Updates12

IBPS PO English Topic Wise Weightage

Given below is the topic-wise weightage for the IBPS PO English syllabus:

Idioms & Phrases5-6
Reading Comprehension8-10
Fill in the blanks3-4
Cloze Test7-9
Phrase Substitution6-8
Error Detection3-4
Rearrangement of Sentences1-2
Phrase replacement4-6
Jumbled Words2-4

IBPS PO Reasoning Topic Wise Weightage

Given below is the topic-wise weightage for IBPS PO Reasoning syllabus:

Ranking and Time5-7
Decision Making4-6
Blood relation5-7
Seating Arrangements6-8
Assertion and Reason3-4
Coding and Decoding6-8
Linear Arrangement6-8

IBPS PO Quantitative Aptitude Topic Wise Weightage

Given below is the topic-wise weightage for IBPS PO Quantitative Aptitude syllabus:

Time and Work5-6
Number System8-10
Simple Interest3-4
Simplification/ Approximation6-8
Data Interpretation3-4
Time and Distance1-2
Compound Interest4-6
Ratio and Proportion2-4
Quadratic Equation4-6
Top Commerce and Banking Colleges :

Best Books for SBI PO 2025 Preparation

Section Wise best books for the SBI PO Preparation have been highlighted in the following section:

SBI PO Books for Reasoning Preparation

Some of the best books for Reasoning are given here in the table for the candidates to refer to.

Book NameAuthor/Publisher
Bank PO Reasoning: Chapterwise Solved Papers 1999 to till Date 7330+Objective QuestionsThink Tank of Kiran Prakashan, Pratiyogita Kiran, KICX
Bank PO Reasoning Chapterwise Solved PapersArihant Experts
Chapterwise Solved Papers 2000-2015 Bank PO REASONINGArihant Experts
Computer Awareness for General Competitive Exams (Objective with Subjective)Soumya Ranjan Behera

SBI PO Books for English Preparation

The English section requires regular practice and clear concepts. To help the students with the same, some important books are named here.

Book NameAuthor/Publisher
Bank PO English Language Chapterwise Solved PapersArihant Experts
Objective English for Competitive ExaminationHari Mohan Prasad, Uma Sinha
Objective General English (Old Edition)R S Aggarwal

SBI PO Books for Quantitative Aptitude Preparation

Quantitative Aptitude is an important section and requires smart preparation. The best books to help the candidates are tabulated here.

Book NameAuthor/Publisher
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive ExaminationsR S Aggarwal
Shortcuts in Quantitative Aptitude with 4 eBooks for Competitive ExamsDisha Experts
Bank PO Quantitative Aptitude Chapterwise Solved PapersArihant Experts
Chapterwise Solved Papers 2000-2015 Bank PO QUANTITATIVE APTITUDEArihant Experts

SBI PO Books for Computer Awareness

The following books are suggested to ace the Computer Awareness questions of the paper.

Book NameAuthor/ Publisher
Objective Question Bank of Computer Awareness for General CompetitionsArihant
Objective Computer AwarenessR Pillai Arihant

SBI PO Books for General Awareness

To prepare the banking-related topics and questions, the toppers and experts suggest these few books. 

Book NameAuthor/ Publisher
Banking AwarenessArihant
Banking AwarenessRPH Editorial Board Ramesh Publishing House
Banking Awareness for SBI/IBPS Bank Clerk/PO/SO/RRB & RBI examsDisha Publications

SBI PO Exam Preparation Strategy 2025

The candidates appearing for the SBI PO Exam 2025 must follow the preparation tips given below: 

  • Candidates should solve previous year papers of SBI PO exam. It will help them to get a grip on the SBI PO exam pattern. 
  • Candidates should be clear with every concept of SBI PO exam whether it is in the Mains and Prelims section. 
  • Solve as many as test series related to the SBI PO exam to get a grip over the SBI PO syllabus. 
  • Candidates should also read newspapers, magazines, and journals to boost their communication and grammatical skills. This will also help in the general awareness, Descriptive Paper, Interview in the SBI PO Exam.

Want to know more about SBI PO

FAQs about SBI PO Syllabus

How prepare SBI PO GK section?

To prepare the GK section of SBI PO, candidates should read newspapers to keep themselves updated with the current affairs topics.

What are the subjects included in SBI PO mains exam?

The subjects included in SBI PO mains exam are Data Analysis & Interpretation, Reasoning, English Language, General/Economy/ Banking Awareness and Computer Aptitude.

What are the subjects included in SBI PO prelims exam?

The subjects included in SBI PO prelims exam are English, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning.

What is the standard of SBI PO syllabus?

The standard of SBI PO syllabus is of graduation level.

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