What is the pattern of EAMCET exam 2025?
As per the TS EAMCET paper pattern 2025, the TS EAMCET 2025 exam will be held for a total of 160 questions in online mode. The paper will have MCQ-type questions and will be held in CBT mode. 1 mark will be awarded for every correct answer. There will be negative markings in the TS EAMCET exam 2025.
What is the EAMCET total marks?
The TS EAMCET total marks are 160 for the Engineering and Agriculture/Pharmacy stream.
What subjects are included in the TS EAMCET 2025 Engineering paper?
Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics are included in the TS EAMCET Engineering paper.
Do I have to be an expert in computer operations to take the TS EAMCET 2025 computer-based exam?
No, you do not need to any a computer expert to take TS EAMCET 2025. All you need to know is how to navigate and pick options using a mouse click. You do not need to understand any additional operations. We recommend that you solve the TS EAMCET mock test to get familiar with the CBT mode paper pattern.
What are the minimum marks required to pass the TS EAMCET exam?
To be included in the TS EAMCET ranking list, students must achieve at least 25% of the maximum marks. There is no minimum TS EAMCET 2025 qualifying mark for SC/ST students.
How many questions will be asked in the TS EAMCET 2025?
There will be 160 questions in the TS EAPCET 2025 test.
What is the mode of medium for the TS EAMCET 2025 exam?
The authorities will conduct the TS EAMCET 2025 exam in English, Telugu, and Urdu.
What is the math portion of TS EAMCET 2025?
As per the TS EAMCET exam pattern 2025, the engineering paper will include Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects. The syllabus of AP EAMCET 2025 Mathematics includes topics like algebra, calculus, trigonometry, geometry, statistics, etc.
Is there a negative marking in TS EAMCET?
There is no negative marking in TS EAMCET. The students will not be penalized for wrong attempts or unattempted questions.
Can I switch between the sections in TS EAMCET exam?
You can choose any section or question number that you want to answer in TS EAMCET exam.
Can I check my tentative score after taking TS EAMCET exam?
The students will be able to see only the number of questions he/ she answered. The students can calculate the tentative score through the response sheet.
What is the duration of TS EAMCET?
The duration of TS EAMCET exam is three hours. The students will have to reach the exam centre one hour before the exact time.
What is the mode of TS EAMCET?
The mode of TS EAMCET exam is Computer-Based (CBT). The students will have to mark answers online.