UGC NET 2024 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Intajur Rahaman on 16 Aug, 2024 05:56

98 days Remaining for the exam

The UGC NET 2024 preparation will require you to adhere to the suggestions and tips of experts and toppers in order to crack the exam. An effective exam strategy and preparation are crucial to pass the exam for UGC NET 2024 and be qualified to work in Indian universities and colleges.

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How to Prepare for UGC NET 2024

Following the UGC NET 2024 preparation tips curated by experts and toppers is essential to crack the UGC NET exam. UGC declares only the top 6% of candidates eligible for Lectureship or Junior Research Fellow (JRF), securing a higher score in both Paper I and Paper II of the exam is mandatory. Each aspirant must balance the time and give equal importance to Paper I and Paper II. UGC NET Paper I is common for all, while Paper II is subject-specific. One can choose a subject relevant to their Master’s degree. To start the UGC NET exam preparation, candidates must go through the UGC NET syllabus, exam pattern, previous years' question papers, sample papers, etc. to ensure maximum marks in the exam. The previous year's questions will help understand the exam better like sections, repeated questions, marks weightage, etc.

Taking mock tests is another crucial aspect of UGC NET 2024 exam preparation. By solving mock tests regularly, candidates can check their performance and get familiar with the exam pattern and the types of questions asked in the exam. Candidates need to give their best and work hard to crack the UGC NET 2024 exam and become eligible to secure a job in universities and colleges in India. If you are preparing for the UGC NET 2024 exam, then check out the best preparation tips and 3/ 6/ 12-month study plan provided on this page.

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UGC NET 3-Month Preparation Strategy & Study Plan

Usually, short-term preparation for the UGC NET exam is preferred by those students who are either pursuing a final-year Master’s degree or jobholders. For such candidates, short-term preparation is the only option to fare well in the examination. In order to help the candidates to prepare a good strategy for short-term preparation, we have created some model timetables through which short-term UGC NET preparation can be practically possible.

UGC NET 3 Month Preparation Timetable

Compared to one year or six-month preparation strategy, the three-month strategy for the UGC NET exam is completely different. Aspirants need to spend more time on exam preparation per day, as the syllabus of the exam is vast. On the other hand, the aspirants must prepare for both Paper I & II simultaneously in a short span. We hope that the below examples will help you to prepare for UGC NET in a better way in three months.

Division of Syllabus for UGC NET Paper I

Total No. Of Units in Paper I (Specified by NTA)

10 Units

No. Of Sub Topics in Each Unit

6-8 (Let us Assume 8)

Total No. Of Sub-Topics


Total No. Of Sub Topics to be Covered in a Day

At least Four

Total No. Of Sub Topics to be covered in a Week (Monday to Saturday)

6X4 = 24

All Sub Topics to be covered in

One Month

Mock Test Practice on Sunday

At least 2-3 Mock Tests

Division of Syllabus for UGC NET Paper II

Total No. Of Units in Paper II (any subject)

Let us assume 10

No. Of Sub Topics in Each Unit

Let us assume 14

Total No. Of Sub-Topics


Total No. Of Sub Topics to be Covered in a Day

At least Five

Total No. Of Sub Topics to be covered in a Week (Monday to Saturday)

6X5 = 30

All Sub Topics to be covered in

One and Half Months

Mock Test Practice on Sunday

At least 2-3 Mock Tests

Day-wise Plan for UGC NET 3-Month Preparation

Study Plan 1:

Total No. Of Hours to be Spent for Exam Preparation (Per Day)

10 Hours

Morning Session (5:00 AM to 8:00 AM)

Paper II (Subject Specific) - Pick Up at least two sub-topics

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Paper II (Subject Specific) - Pick Up at least Two Topics

3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Paper II (Subject Specific) - Pick Up at least one subtopic and revise already covered topics

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Paper I (Pick up at least 3-4 Sub Topics)

Study Plan 2:

Total No. Of Hours to be Spent for Exam Preparation (Per Day)

10 Hours

Morning Session (10 AM to 1:00 PM)

Paper II (Subject Specific) - Pick Up at least two sub-topics

3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Paper II (Subject Specific) - Pick Up at least Two Topics

6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Paper II (Subject Specific) - Pick Up at least one subtopic and revise already covered topics

8:00 PM to 12:00 PM

Paper I (Pick up at least 3-4 Sub Topics)

UGC NET 1-Year & 6-Month Strategy

Usually, the syllabus of the UGC NET exam is based on the Master’s degree syllabus. For instance, if a student completed M.A. in Political Science, he/she can appear for UGC NET exam in Political Science. The syllabus of the exam is mostly based on the M.A. Political Science syllabus, and major emphasis should be given to the same.

The question comes to your mind is How to Prepare for an Exam in One Year? Can I crack UGC NET on the first attempt? The answer is yes. You can crack the UGC NET on the first attempt if you rely on long-term preparation. However, there are some exceptions here, which will be discussed in the latter part. Firstly, let us focus on preparing a long-term preparation strategy for the UGC NET exam.

If you are focusing on long-term preparation for the UGC NET exam, make sure that you revise the subject from time to time. Usually, two kinds of students appear for the UGC NET exam, i.e., students who have completed a Master’s degree and students who are pursuing a final-year Master’s degree.

Students who have completed the Master’s degree and preparing for the UGC NET exam must first start with the first-year syllabus of the Master’s degree course. Before starting the preparation for the UGC NET exam, refer to the UGC NET Syllabus and divide the topics accordingly. For example, when you are checking the syllabus, you may find similar topics that you studied in the first or second-year Master’s degree course. Divide the topics accordingly and start your preparation.

Division of Syllabus for UGC NET Preparation

It is always better to start preparation for UGC NET Paper-II first. The syllabus of a subject in the UGC NET exam is divided in the form of topics and subtopics. The syllabus can be divided as follows -

Study Plan 1:

Name of the Subject


Number of Units (Topics)


Number of Sub-Topics in Each Unit

10 - 14 (Let us assume 14)

Total Number of Sub-Topics to Prepare

10 X 14 = 140

No. Of Sub-Topics that Can be Covered Per Day (Refer Day Wise Timetable Below)


No. Of Sub Topics that can be covered in a Week (Five Days - Monday to Friday)

3X5 = 15 (Three Sub Topics Per Day Multiplied by Five. So, 15 sub-topics can be covered in a week).

Sixth Day, i.e., Saturday

Practice Test for the One Complete Topic

Study Plan 2:

Name of the Subject

English Literature

Number of Units (Topics)


Number of Sub-Topics in Each Unit

12 - 16 (Let us Assume 16)

Total Number of Sub-Topics to Prepare

15 X 16 = 240

No. Of Sub-Topics that Can be Covered Per Day (Refer Day Wise Timetable Below)


No. Of Sub Topics that can be covered in a Week (Five Days - Monday to Friday)

3X5 = 15 (Three Sub-Topics Per Day Multiplied by Five. So, 15 sub-topics can be covered in a week).

Sixth Day, i.e., Saturday

Practice Test for the One Complete Topic

Note: - The above example is just to give an idea to students on the division of syllabus, and the same varies from one subject to another.

Deep Knowledge of the Subject Necessary: One of the major advantages of the long-term preparation strategy for the UGC NET exam is, you will have a chance to obtain a deep knowledge of the subject. This aspect is very important to crack the UGC NET exam in one go. The question paper of UGC NET, specifically Paper II consists of various subject-specific questions, and the difficulty level of the same will be high, as deeper aspects of the subjects are covered.

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Month-Wise Preparation Timetable & Study Plan for UGC NET

The below examples will help you in framing a monthly preparation plan for UGC NET exam preparation.

Example 1 -

Name of the Subject


Total Number of Sub Topics to Cover


Time Left for the Exam

One Year

Total Number of Sub Topics Covered in a Week


Total Number of Sub Topics Covered in a Month


All Sub Topics Can be Covered in

Five Months

Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth

Preparation for UGC NET Paper I

10th, 11th and 12th Month


Example 2 -

Name of the Subject

Public Administration

Total Number of Sub Topics to Cover


Time Left for the Exam

Six Months

Total Number of Sub Topics Covered in a Week


Total Number of Sub Topics Covered in a Month


All Sub Topics Can be Covered in

Four Months

Fifth and Sixth Month

Preparation for UGC NET Paper I and Revision

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UGC NET Last Minute Preparation Tips

We have curated here the best NTA UGC NET 2024 last-minute preparation tips to help boost candidates’ preparation levels.

Revise your notes

The most important task to perform specifically during the last days of the preparation is revising the prepared notes. Be it for paper I or II, aspirants should revise all the important topics they have highlighted in the self-prepared notes. Devote a day for revising only the prepared notes because it consists all the important information of topics in simple language.

Analyse the solved UGC NET mock tests & question papers

During the last phase of preparation, candidates can analyse the UGC NET mock tests and previous years’ question papers already solved by them. By going through the solved mock tests and question papers, candidates get to know their weak areas and strong areas. This will help candidates in improvising their weak areas.

Read the complete question first

Candidates are required to avoid the mistake of reading incomplete questions and arriving at incorrect answers eventually. Read the questions carefully and check what is being asked.

Maintain your Speed & Accuracy

Remember that there are no sectional cut-offs and no negative markings. So your job is to simply maximize your score however you can. So, try to maintain your speed and accuracy while solving the paper during the examination.

Do not forget to carry UGC NET admit card & documents

Candidates need to carry the UGC NET admit card 2024 and a valid and original photo ID proof to the exam centre. Those who forget to carry these documents will not be allowed to appear for the NTA UGC NET examination.

How Many Hours to Spend Per Day for UGC NET Preparation?

The number of hours you spend for UGC NET exam preparation per day completely depends on your daily routine. In long term preparation, one can spend at least 8-10 hours per day for the preparation. However, it advisable to not spend constant long hours for the exam preparation.This approach may dilute your overall performance. If you are preparing 10 hours per day, divide the number of hours accordingly.

Wake up early! It is a good approach in long term preparation. At least spend three hours in the morning for understanding the concept. Note down the important topics after reading a particular concept and scan all the important points. Depending on the nature of the topic, you can complete at least one or two topics in the morning session. Preparing for the exam in morning hours is highly beneficial, as you study with a fresh mind. The below examples will help you to divide the number of hours per day for exam preparation.

Example 1 (For Students who Wake Up Early in the Morning)

Total Number of Hours for Exam Preparation (Per Day)

8 Hours

Morning Session (5:00 AM to 8:00 AM)

Pick Up a Sub Topic from the main topic, Read and Understand it Completely, Note Down the Important Points and Scan all the Important Points.

8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

Daily Routine Activities

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Scan the Important Points Covered in Morning Session, Pick up another subtopic, note down the important points and scan all the important points.

1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Rest/ Daily Routine Activities Etc

6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Scan the Important Points covered at 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM session and Pick up a new subtopic, note down the important points and scan all the important points.

10:00 PM

Sleep Early to Wake up Early in the Morning

Example 2 (For Students who Spend Tend to Do Nightout for Exam Preparation)

Total Number of Hours for Exam Preparation (Per Day)

8 Hours

Morning Session (10:00 AM to 1:00 PM)

Pick Up a Sub Topic from the main topic, Read and Understand it Completely, Note Down the Important Points and Scan all the Important Points.

1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Daily Routine Activities

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Scan the Important Points Covered in Morning Session, Pick up another subtopic, note down the important points and scan all the important points.

8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Dinner Break

9:00 PM to 12:00 AM

Scan the Important Points Covered at 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM session and Pick up a new subtopic, note down the important points and scan all the important points.

UGC NET Coaching V/s UGC NET Self-Study

What should you choose for better UGC NET 2024 preparation?

UGC NET Coaching Institute

UGC NETSelf-Study

Coaching institutes are one of the best options for the students who wish to seek guidance from the experts and mentors.

It is a known fact that for any entrance examination, self-study holds prime importance. Even if candidates do not opt for coaching institutes, they will have to study and prepare the topics of the syllabus themselves before appearing for the entrance examination.

The coaching institutes keep constant vigilance on the student’s progress and help them to improve if they fall behind.

If candidates wish to self prepare for UGC NET, they need to understand first how to prepare for UGC NET exam at home with the help of books for UGC NET preparation, and other relevant UGC NET books and study material.

The coaching institutes provide revalent study material created with the help of experts to wrap up the UGC NET syllabus well on time.

Through self-study, candidates can easily revise what they have studied for the entrance examination and practice questions on it.

Candidates can rely on the top coaching centres or institutes of UGC NET to score well in the entrance examination.

Self-study will help the candidates dedicate proper time to your studies and also abide by the strict guidelines or timelines while studying for the entrance exam.

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UGC NET Previous Year Question Papers

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FAQs about UGC NET Preparation Tips

When should I start preparing for UGC NET?

Depending on a number of factors, including your familiarity with the UGC NET syllabus, the best time to begin studying for the UGC NET exam varies from person to person. Starting your exam preparation at least six to eight months in advance is recommended. With enough time, you will be able to cover the entire syllabus, go over the important topics again, complete past year's papers and mock exams, and assess your strengths and weaknesses. You can begin studying for the test three to four months prior to the exam date if you are already familiar with the syllabus and understand the subjects it covers.

How many mock tests should I take for UGC NET preparation?

The number of mock tests required for UGC NET preparation is different for all students. There are numerous benefits to UGC NET mock exams. Time management is a critical component of the exam, and UGC NET mock tests can help you practice it. You can finish the exam in the allocated time by doing this, which can help you increase your speed and accuracy. Hence, in order to improve their confidence and exam-related abilities like time management, problem solving, and performance under pressure, candidates should take a sufficient number of practice exams.

What is the best preparation strategy for UGC NET Sociology?

You should start your preparation by familiarising yourself with the UGC NET Sociology syllabus and paper format. Examine the entire UGC NET Sociology syllabus and evaluate the questions' format, scoring system, and deadline. Making a schedule based on the subject and determining how much time to devote to each unit is also crucial if you want to finish the syllabus in the allotted time. In order to retain what you have read and to review your notes and study tips, it is advisable to revise prior to the exam. You learn about the subjects you weren't as prepared for during rewriting.

Which are the best books for UGC NET Commerce?

Some of the best books for UGC NET Commerce preparation include Arihant's NTA UGC NET/JRF/SET Paper 2 Commerce 11th and 12th textbooks for basic R. S. AGGARWAL & TS Grewal Graduation Textbook By Maheshwari and Mittal Graduation Textbook Micro Economics by Dr. Deepshree Graduation level Textbook and Internet/ Wikipedia Graduation level Textbook by I. M. Pandey Post-Graduation level Textbook Business Statistics by Dr. J. K. Thakur Graduation level Textbook by C. R. Kothari.

How to prepare for UGC NET English Literature?

It can be difficult to prepare for the UGC NET English Literature exam, but you can succeed if you follow a carefully planned study plan and put in constant, dedicated effort. Candidates must first familiarise themselves with the syllabus and format of the exam. A wide range of subjects are covered in the UGC NET English Literature syllabus, such as literary periods, genres, theories, and critical approaches. Additionally, candidates need to create a study schedule that includes every subject in the syllabus. Prioritize your weak areas and allot the same amount of time to each topic of study. Give yourself enough time to revise, prepare for mock exams, and finish past years' papers.

Do I need timetable for UGC NET preparation?

Yes, you need a timetable for UGC NET preparation, as it can be extremely helpful providing structure, managing time effectively, and ensuring proper coverage of all subjects and topics within a specified timeframe.

Do I need to study for 10 hours everyday to prepare for UGC NET exam?

The amount of time required to prepare for the UGC NET exam varies for each individual. While studying for 10 hours a day can be beneficial, it is important to create a study plan that suits your learning style and allows for regular and focused preparation. Focus on quality of your preparation, not quantity.

How much time I need to prepare for UGC NET Exam?

The preparation time for the UGC NET Exam varies depending on individual circumstances such as prior knowledge, study routine, and dedication. However, it is generally recommended to allocate 6 to 7 hours daily for UGC NET, you may prepare the syllabus within 4 months. There are many students who got success within 4 months of preparation. Several months of focused and consistent preparation to increases chances of success.

What is the best strategy to prepare for UGC NET 2024 Paper I?

To prepare for UGC NET 2024 Paper 1, the students need to Understand the syllabus, Know the exam pattern, Plan thoroughly, Make notes while studying, Revise as many times as possible, Try different types of questions, Practice previous years' papers, and Appear for mock tests.

How do I prepare for UGC NET 2024?

To be well prepared for UGC NET 2024, all that you need to do is become more organised and confident about taking the exam. You can create a time table and follow it religiously, you can take help from coaching institutes, practice mock tests and solve previous years' question papers. You can take reference material like books to get an in-depth understanding of the different topics in the syllabus.

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