UPSEE 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Falak Khan on 22 Feb, 2022 10:01

Registration Starts On February 27, 2025

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UPCET 2022 (UPSEE) Study Plan

UPCET 2022 is conducted for UG and PG courses offered by Dr APJ Abduk Kalam Technical University, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology (MMMUT) and some other colleges. In order to start the UPCET 2022 Preparation, the first step is to check out the UPCET 2022 Exam Pattern and find out your subjects for the exam. Then, you should check the UPCET 2022 Syllabus for your paper and prepare accordingly. In many of the courses in UPCET 2022, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are the common subjects for exam preparation. Candidates appearing for UPCET 2022 can check the 30-day study plan for the examination. This will help the candidates to revise the syllabus accordingly.

Division of Syllabus for UPCET 2022 for PCM

Before starting the exam preparation, the candidates will have to divide the syllabus so that it will help them to identify the total number of topics that he/ she must revise.

Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised in Physics


Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised in Chemistry


Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised in Mathematics


Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised across all Subjects


There are 45 chapters that a candidate must revise in 30 days. The detailed subject wise plan for 30 days of UPCET preparation can be checked below.

UPCET 30-Day Preparation Time Table

The 30-day study plan for UPCET 2022 is as follows -

Total No. Of Days for the Exam

30 Days

Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised Across all Subjects


Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised in Physics Per Day


Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised in Chemistry Per Day


Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised in Mathematics Per Day


Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised in a Day across all Subjects


If you follow the above time-table properly, you can complete the revision of the entire syllabus as follows -

Total No. Of Chapters Revised in the First Week (Seven Days)


Total No of Topics Revised in Second Wee (Seven Days)

21 + 3

Total No. Of Days taken for Revision


Total No. Of Days Left for Exam


Total No. Of Days to be Allocated for Practicing Mock Tests and Important Formula


Is the above UPCET Preparation Strategy Practically Possible?

The above preparation strategy for UPCET PCM is practically possible if you revise one topic from UPCET 2022 Important Topics in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics chapter every day. While revising the topics, you will have to make short notes or note down the important points. This will help you with the last minute preparation. If you are preparing for an entrance exam in 30 days, it means that you will have to give more time for revision rather than learning new concepts. As most of the syllabus of UPCET PCM is based on Class 11 & 12, the above 30-day strategy is practically possible. If you are appearing for other papers of UPCET 2022, you can apply a similar strategy.

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    Upcoming Exams :

    General Tips and Tricks for UPCET 2022 (UPSEE) Preparation

    If you are planning to sit for UPCET 2022, you can consider the following tips and tricks to crack the exam with flying colours.

    Preparation Tips for UPCET

    Gather Exam Related Information:

    You should try to gather all the information related to UPCET like its exam pattern, syllabus and study material required to prepare for the exam. This information can make your life a lot easier if you're making a study plan.

    Collect the Right Study Material:

    To crack the UPCET exam, it is very important to collect the right study material to be fully prepared. Browse the internet and seek the help of your teachers, to choose the right book and sample test papers.

    Have a Strong Foundation:

    A solid foundation of concepts and subjects is very important when appearing for any entrance exam. Once you have in-depth knowledge of all the topics and have clarity of concepts, then you can attempt any question in the entrance exam with confidence.

    Time Management:

    This is one of the most important factors that could affect your performance in the exam. While appearing for an entrance exam like UPCET, You should know how to manage your time well in order to get the best results and be more productive on the day of the exam.

    Old Test Papers and Mock Tests:

    Going through the previous year test paper and referring to mock tests is a good way to familiarise yourself with the test pattern and different type of questions that come in the exam. They also help in increasing your proficiency.

    Day-Wise Preparation Strategy To Crack UPCET 2022 (UPSEE)

    Wondering how should your day-wise preparation strategy look like? Well, for your reference, we’ve created a proper study plan for UPCET 2022 so that you can know how to devote maximum time to your exam preparation. Check below:


    Particulars/ Details

    Total Number of Hours to be Spent for Exam Preparation in a Day 

    7 to 8 Hours

    Total Number of Topics/ Sub-topics to be  Covered in a Day

    3 to 4 

    Morning Session

    • Start with a new subtopic mentioned in the syllabus of UPCET 2022

    • Read and understand and jot down all the important points to be covered from the book you are studying from.

    • After understanding the topic, practice the maximum number of questions from the topic you have selected.

    Break/ Other Activities 

    After Noon Session

    • Before starting a new topic, revise the subtopics covered in the morning. 

    • Pick up another subtopic from the syllabus and make notes of the important topics for better preparation. 

    • Revise and practice from study material, and test series.

    Break/ Other Activities 

    Evening Session

    • In the evening session, revise all the topics you have completed in a day and then start with a new topic.

    • Understand and note down the important points from the topic.

    • Read your study notes and revise all the important points. 

    • To revise, practice questions from books and study material.

    Break/ Other Activities

    Last Minute Tips for UPCET 2022 (UPSEE) Exam Day

    It is completely normal for you to get anxious before the exam day. But in your nervousness for the exam day, you should not forget to keep the following information in your mind.

    • Check the centre, date & time of the exam: To avoid any last-minute confusion or hassle, cross-check the exam centre, date as well as reporting time of the exam given in the UPCET 2022 Admit Card.

    • Don’t pull an all-nighter right before the exam day: One of the most important things that you all should follow the day before the exam is to get enough sleep at night. Since sleep is critical for memory formation. You should aim to get a least 8 hours of sleep before the big day so that your brain can retain as much information as possible. Also, will help you keep alert and fresh during the exam.

    • Eat a hearty breakfast: On the day of the exam do not skip your breakfast. As per the sources, students who eat breakfast on the exam day tend to do better in exams than those who don’t.

    • Keep yourself hydrated: Most of the students forget to pay attention to their health during the exam. It is necessary to keep yourself hydrated so that you can stay alert and calm.

    • Carry important documents: You must carry your admit card and ID proof on the day of the exam. Without the hall ticket, you will not be allowed to appear for the exam.

    • Keep a track of time: Head to the exam centre with plenty of time. So that you have enough time to reach the exam centre well before the time of the exam and to avoid any sort of panic.

    6-Month vs 3-Month Preparation Strategy and Study Plan of UPCET 2022 (UPSEE)

    Many candidates like to know how to prepare for UPCET 2022 within 6 months or what they should exactly study in the last 3 months before the exam. To solve this doubt, CollegeDekho experts have prepared a detailed analysis of the 6-Month vs 3-Month preparation strategy to help students ace UPCET 2022. Take a look at the table given below:

    What is the 6-Month Preparation Strategy of UPCET 2022?

    What is a 3-Month Preparation Strategy of UPCET 2022?

    • In the first six months, all the candidates preparing for the exam must be well aware of the syllabus and exam pattern of UPCET 2022.

    • After knowing the course-specific syllabus of UPCET 2022, candidates must identify the topics or sub-topics that are tough and easy.

    • During the first six months, candidates must prepare detailed study notes in order to build their concepts and fundamentals.

    • For effective preparation, candidates must also identify and rely on the best collection of study materials and books during the time span of 6 months. 

    • Since UPCET is conducted for various courses like  B.Arch, B. Pharm, MCA, MBA, B.Tech etc, candidates preparing for any of the course, must make it a point to solve as many UPCET samples and mock test papers as possible.

    • Apart from these papers and practice tests, self-study is the key to success. There is no other option but to study and burn the midnight oil in order to excel in the UPCET examination. 

    • Without self-studying, consistent practice and doubt clearing sessions, no candidate can ace any competitive entrance examination.

    • Gradual and regular revision of all the topics is a must within 6 months and even later. Revising the concepts on a regular basis also helps to build confidence for appearing in the examination.

    • Candidates must also set a deadline or a finishing date to complete the syllabus of UPCET 2022.

    • Finishing the whole syllabus well on time will leave time for learning new topics and concentrate on revising them. 

    • Last 3 months are very crucial for UPCET 2022 preparation. Candidates must check whether they have mastered their basic concepts, formulas, and have gained good fundamental clarity.

    • This is the time when candidates must stop worrying and pull up their socks for UPCET preparation by practising various kinds of questions, remembering the formulas, and their application to solving questions in the exam by studying from UPCET best books.

    • Clear all the study related doubts and queries from mentors, teachers and experts.

    • Take UPCET 2022 mock tests for practice, the rectification of errors and improvement. This will help you to analyze your performance and work on your weaknesses and mistakes

    • Keep evaluating your progress to do better and to improve your weak points.

    UPCET 2022 (UPSEE) Study Material

    While preparing for the UPCET 2022, candidates must choose the right study material like books, sample papers, and mock tests to be well prepared for the exam day. There is a lot of study material available for the preparation of the UPCET exams, what you should keep in mind is not to experiment with the study material and only go for reputed and trusted UPCET books and study material for the preparation. Here’s a list of subject-wise books that you can refer to for your UPCET 2022 exam preparation:

    Best Books & Reading Material for Physics

    • NCERT Physics Books of Class 11 & 12

    • Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma ( Numerical & Theory)

    • U.P. Engineering Entrance Exam SEE GBTU 14 years, Solved Papers by Arihant Publication

    • MCQ Physics by D. Mukerjee for conceptual questions in Physics

    Best Books & Reading Material for Biology

    • NCERT Biology Books for Class 11th & 12th

    • Dinesh Objective Biology

    • Previous year test papers from AIMPT, UPCET & other Medical Entrance Exams

    • Modules of Akash Institutes

    Best Books & Reading Material for Mathematics

    • NCERT Mathematics Books of Class 11th & 12th

    • R.D. Sharma Objective

    • U.P. Engineering Entrance Exam SEE GBTY 14 Years’ Solved Papers by Arihant Publication

    Best Books & Reading Material for Chemistry

    • NCERT Chemistry Books of Class 11th & 12th

    • P. Bahadur for Physical Chemistry

    • Pradeep Objective Chemistry

    • U.P. Engineering Entrance Exam SEE GBTU 14 Years Solved Papers by Arihant Publication

    UPCET 2022 (UPSEE) Preparation Strategy/ Study Plan

    What is the right kind of preparation strategy that is required to crack a tough entrance exam like UPCET? Well, this question might be daunting to all the UPCET aspirants who are planning to appear for the entrance examination. A well-planned schedule and a preparation strategy can be of great help for candidates who wish to excel in UPCET 2022.

    Before appearing for UPCET 2022, it is also advisable to the candidates to prepare a proper time table or a strategy that will not only be helpful in completing the syllabus of UPCET but will also help in time management and keeping a track of their exam preparation. Before preparing the time table of UPCET 2022, candidates must make it a point that no part of the UPCET 2022 syllabus is left untouched. Additionally, while creating a preparation strategy for the examination, candidates must also have knowledge about the detailed marking scheme and exam pattern of UPCET 2022, as it will give them an overall idea about the structure of the entrance examination.

    While preparing for UPCET 2022, one of a unique way of revising the topics is to have clear knowledge about which books to study from and which mock tests and previous years question papers of UPCET must be practised to ace the examination. To make your preparation for the UPCET 2022 exam easy and hassle-free and to ensure that candidates get proper guidance, CollegeDekho experts have prepared a good preparation strategy and a study plan so that candidates can crack UPCET 2022 entrance exam.

    UPCET 2022 (UPSEE) Preparation Strategy for MBA 2021

    UPCET is a popular state-level entrance exam conducted for admission to MBA colleges in Uttar Pradesh. It is a popular MBA entrance exam in India and gets applications from all parts of the country. Preparing for UPCET MBA 2022 is possible at home if a student plans with the right mindset. While preparing for the UPCET MBA from home, a student needs to do practice as well as plan for the test. Therefore, it is important for a student to first have good knowledge of the UPCET MBA syllabus. The student must also take note of the UPCET MBA Important Dates to plan well for the exam.

    The syllabus for UPCET MBA 2022 is simple and based on school-level topics. However, students must go the extra mile to maintain speed and accuracy in the exam. Practising previous year question papers and mock tests is a good strategy to prepare for UPCET MBA 2022 but it should be done while also learning new and revising old topics. Student must maintain a daily schedule of study to score well in UPCET MBA 2022. Here is how you can prepare for the UPCET MBA exam in 30 days. Also, check the preparation tips and best books for UPCET MBA 2022.

    30-Day Preparation Strategy for UPCET MBA 2022 (UPSEE)

    Preparing for UPCET MBA 2022 in 30 days is not an ideal strategy. It can only be done by a candidate who has a good basic knowledge of the exam and requires a revision of the important concepts. For such a candidate, 30 days is sufficient time to revise the subjects, memorize tips and tricks and make notes related to the examination. We have prepared a 30-day study plan for UPCET MBA 2022. Candidates appearing for this exam can follow this time table for an approximate idea of how to study for UPCET MBA 2022.

    Division of Syllabus of UPCET MBA 2022 (UPSEE)

    Students must first get an overview of the subject-wise syllabus of the exam before they can start preparing. Having an overview helps in planning for the exam and keeping track of preparation. The UPCET MBA 2022 Syllabus has 4 subjects and the number of chapters in each subject has been given in the table below.


    No. of Chapters

    English Language


    Numerical Ability


    Thinking and Decision Making


    General Awareness




    30-Day Study Time Table For UPCET MBA 2022

    As can be seen from the table above, students have to revise more than 50 chapters to prepare for UPCET MBA 2022. Here is how a student can divide the study into 30 days.

    No. of Days for Study


    Recommended Hours of Study Per Day

    6 - 8 hours

    Total No. of Chapters to Revise Per Day


    Total No. of Chapters to Revised in a Week

    7 x 3 = 21 days

    Total Days Taken to Revise the Whole Syllabus

    54 / 3 = 18 days

    No. of Days Left

    12 days

    No. of Days for Practice

    11 days

    Last Minute Preparation and Revision

    1 day

    Preparation Tips for the UPCET MBA 2022 (UPSEE)

    UPCET MBA 2022 is a competitive exam with many students vying for a seat in the top MBA colleges of UP. Students must apply proper strategies to prepare well for UPCET MBA 2022 and aim to get a high score in the exam. Given below are some of the preparation tips for UPCET MBA 2022.

    • Stick to the syllabus when studying. The questions asked in UPCET MBA 2022 are up to Class 12th level. Students having a basic knowledge of concepts will get benefit in the exam.

    • Practice makes all the difference. Even though the syllabus is school-level, the speed and accuracy required are much higher. These can only be built by practice.

    • Spot strong and weak areas. While practising, keep your mindset to spot:

      • type of questions that you do quickly

      • type of questions that you get wrong

      • type of questions that take time to solve

    • Having this knowledge will help you identify which questions to attempt and which to leave in the exam.

    Best Books for UPCET MBA 2022 (UPSEE) Preparation

    Here are some books recommended to prepare for the UPCET MBA exam.


    Writer / Author

    Class X and XII Mathematics


    Wren and Martin English Grammar


    Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations

    R S Aggarwal

    MBA-UPCET Entrance Exam

    Dr. Chandresh Agrawal

    The Best Book of General Knowledge

    Subhash C. Soni

    Numerical Ability 18 Days Wonder

    KJS Khurana

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