Updated By Falak Khan on 10 Nov, 2023 11:46
68 days Remaining for the exam
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Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) will release the VITMEE syllabus 2024 on its official website, vit.ac.in. Applicants who plan to take the VITMEE 2024 should familiarise themselves with the curriculum and prepare their study plan accordingly. The VITMEE 2024 syllabus varies as per the specialization. According to the VITMEE exam pattern 2024, there will be two sections namely English Communication and Technical Subject. The syllabus of English Communication is same the for all the papers and for the technical subject it varies.
VITMEE Syllabus PDF Download (Previous Year) |
Together with the syllabus, applicants must check the VITMEE exam pattern 2024 to comprehend key components such as marking scheme, duration, medium, etc. Candidates can refer to the page below for further information about the VITMEE syllabus 2024.
Chapters of BM Engineering | Topics Covered |
Mathematics | Linear algebra, calculus, differential equations, numerical methods, probability theory |
Basics of Circuits | Kirchoff ’s laws, mesh and nodal Analysis. Circuit theorems. One port and two-port Network Functions. Static and dynamic characteristics of Measurement Systems. Error and uncertainty analysis. Statistical analysis of data and curve fitting |
Transducers and Measurement | Resistive, Capacitive, Inductive and piezoelectric transducers. Measurement of displacement, velocity and acceleration (translational and rotational), force, torque, vibration and shock |
Analog Electronics | Characteristics of diode, BJT, JFET and MOSFET. Diode circuits. Transistors at low and high frequencies, Amplifiers, single and multi- stage. Feedback amplifiers. Operational amplifiers, characteristics and circuit configurations. Instrumentation amplifier. Precision rectifier. V-to-I and I-to-V converter. Op-Amp based active filters . Oscillators and signal generators |
Digital Electronics | Combinational logic circuits, minimization of Boolean functions. IC families, TTL, MOS and CMOS. Arithmetic circuits. Comparators, Schmitt trigger, timers and mono-stable multi-vibrator. Sequential circuits, flip-flops, counters, shift registers. Multiplexer, S/H circuit. Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to- Analog converters. Basics of number systems. Microprocessor applications, memory and input-output interfacing. Microcontrollers |
Signals, Systems and Communications | Periodic and aperiodic signals. Impulse response, transfer function and frequency response of first and second order systems. Convolution, correlation and characteristics of line- ar time invariant systems. Discrete time system, impulse and frequency response. Pulse transfer function. IIR and FIR filters. Amplitude and frequency modulation and demodulation. Sampling theorem, pulse code modulation. Frequency and time division multiplexing. Amplitude shift keying, frequency shift keying and pulse shift keying for digital modulation |
Electrical and Electronic Measurements | Bridges and potentiometers, measurement of R, L and C. Measurements of voltage, current, power, power factor and energy. A.C & D.C current probes. Extension of instrument ranges. Q-metre and waveform analyzer. Digital voltmeter and multimeter. Time, phase and frequency measurements. Cathode ray oscilloscope. Serial and parallel communication. Shielding and grounding |
Analytical, Optical and Biomedical Instrumentation | Mass spectrometry. UV, visible and IR spectrometry. X- ray and nuclear radiation measurements. Optical sources and detectors, LED, laser, photo-diode, photo- resistor and their characteristics. Interferometers, applications in metrology. Basics of fibre optics. EEG, ECG and EMG, Clinical measurements, Ultrasonic transducers and Ultrasonography. Principles of Computer Assist- ed Tomography |
Chapters in VITMEE CE Syllabus | Topics Covered |
Process Calculation and Thermodynamics | Laws of thermodynamics - reversible and irreversible process - concept of ideal gas and real gas - equations of states - Maxwell relations - adiabatic and isothermal compression - phase equilibrium - Gibbs phase rule - system of variable composition - vant Hoff's equation - applications of Gibbs - Duhem equation |
Momentum Transfer | Classification of fluids - fluid statics - basic equations of fluid flow - Bernoulli’s equa- tion - laminar flow – friction in flow through beds of solids - packed beds - fluid moving machinery - classification of pumps and its characteristics |
Particle Technology | Introduction to particulate solids - particle separation - size reduction - motion of a particle through fluid - classification of particulate solids - centrifugal classifier - sedimentation techniques - flotation - filtration equipments - agitation and mixing of liquids |
Heat Transfer and Chemical Reaction Engineering | Fourier’s law of heat conduction - concept of thermal conductivity - heat transfer through fins - convective heat transfer - transfer of heat in flowing fluids - laminar and turbulent flow - heat transfer with and without phase change - types of evaporators - multiple effect evaporators |
Chemical Technology | Basic principles of unit operation and unit process - schematic representations of unit operations - manufacture of sulphur, hydrochloric acid, cement, glass, products used in photography, ceramics and refractory, industrial gases, paints, pigments, fertilisers - fermentation process for the production of ethanol - manufacture of citric acid, antibiotics, penicillin, soaps, detergents – petroleum refining pro- cess - process for the production of petrochemical precursors - production of resins, nature and syn- thetic rubber |
Mass Transfer | Diffusion in liquids - development of rate equation for mass transfer - contracting devices for improving mass transfer characteristics - humidification, drying and crystallisation - distillation, continuous rectification operation, absorption, liquid -liquid extraction and leaching - fundamental principles and de- sign of the pressure, reaction vessels and related equipments in the above process |
Biochemical Engineering | Overview of industrial biochemical processes – industrially important microbial strains - enzymes used in industry, medicine and food - industrial production, purification and immobilization of enzymes - reactors types, characteristics and design-growth characteristics of microbial cells - free cell and immobilised cell reactors - downstream processing and effluent treatment |
Chapters in VITMEE EE Syllabus | Topics Covered |
Engineering Mathematics |
Electrical Engineering |
Chapters in VITMEE IE Syllabus | Topics Covered |
Engineering Mathematics |
Instrumentation Engineering |
Chapters in VITMEE EC Syllabus | Topics Covered |
Engineering Mathematics |
Network |
Chapters in VITMEE Biotechnology | Topics Covered |
Biophysics | Levels of structures in biological macromolecules. Basic strategies in biophysics. Forces that determine protein and nucleic acid structure, prediction of protein structures in nucleic acids, properties of lipid bilayers, biochemical kinetics studies, unimolecular reactions, methods of determining macromolecular structures inclusive of the spectroscopic techniques like UV-vis absorption, IR absorption, circular dichroism, fluorescence, NMR, X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques |
Biochemistry | Structure and properties of Amino acids, peptides, proteins and conjugated proteins, pro- tein hydration, coagulation, denaturation - gelation, protein-protein interactions, cytosolic and membrane properties, purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, nucleotides, polynucleotides, ribonucleic acids and deoxyribonucleic acids, TCA cycle, glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, urea cycle, metabolic regulation, respiratory chain, TP cycle, energy rich compounds, integrated metabolism, Carbohydrates - linear and branched carbohydrates, N containing carbohydrates, cell wall carbohydrates, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and oil-structure and properties of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, glycerolipids, phospholipids, sphingolipids, glycolipids, steroids, vitamins and mineral-types, structure and functional properties of vit- amins, utility of essential minerals sources and trace elements |
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics | Industrial biotechnology – Isolation; preservation and strain improve- ment for the overproduction of primary and secondary metabolites. Medium formulation, optimization and sterilisation; biological waste treatment processes. Bioprocess - Types of reactors; volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient and its estimation; models for i d e a l a n d non-ideal flow. Downstream processing- Unit operations in downstream processing, cell disruptions method, solid liquid separation methods, precip- citation methods, extraction methods, membrane based separation methods, different types of purification and chromatographic techniques. Bioinformatics - Biological databases, File formats , sequence alignment, Database searches , phylogenetic tree construction and validation, Homology modelling, Drug discovery, DNA mapping and sequencing, sequence assembly and gene prediction, molecular predictions with DNA strings, Visualisation tolls |
Cell Structure and Function of the Organelles | Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells, cell division, mitosis & meiosis cell cycle and molecules that control cell cycle, endocytosis and Exocytosis. Ultrastructure of cellular organelles, viz. Mitochondria, ER, Golgi, Chloroplast, plasma membrane, centriole, nuclear and membrane bound receptors, Signal Transduction, Signal Amplification Techniques of propagation of prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, Autocrine, Paracrine and Endocrine models of action, Cell line, generation of cell lines |
Molecular Biology | Structure of DNA and histone molecules, Replication of eukaryotic chromosomes, nucleoid the complex replication apparatus, process of transcription and, Structure of tRNA, mRNA, rRNA, Deciphering of the genetic code, Translation, Mutation. General principles of cloning, inhibitors of replication, transcription and translation |
Recombinant DNA | Genetic elements that control gene expression, method of creating recombinant DNA molecules creating transgenic animals, plants microbes, Safety guidelines for creating recombinant DNA research, restriction enzymes and mapping of DNA, plasmid and phage and other vectors. Construction of genomic and cDNA libraries, methods of nucleic acid. Patents and methods of application of patents |
Genetics | Classical genetics, Mendel’s genetics, crossing over, linkage, Chromosome maps, chromosomal theory of heredity, cytoplasmic inheritance, Sex determination, sex linked inheritance, microbial genetics, population genetics, polyploidy, pedigree analysis, eugenics, mutation |
Microbiology | Basic concepts of microbiology, classification, morphology, physiology of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites. Microbes of various plant and animal diseases . Industrial microbiology, Microbial bio- technology, Microbial diversity and ecology |
Immunology | Basic concepts of immunology, types of immunity, organs of immune response, Innate and adaptive immunity, clonal selection theory, hypersensitivity, hybridoma-technology, vaccine develop- ment, epitope mapping and immunomics, immunological tolerance and transplantation biotechnology |
Plant and Environmental Sciences | Taxonomy and systematic botany, Plant structure and development, morphology and anatomy embryogenesis of monocots and dicots. Phytohormones, respiration, nutrition, transpiration. Photosynthesis, C3 and C4, & CAM plants, photoperiodism, concepts of ecosystems and energy flow in the biosphere. Ecosystems, energy flow, ecological succession, pollution. Conventional and Non conventional sources of energy. Biogeo chemical cycles. Biodiversity and wildlife conservation. Social issues and the environment. Legal implications in bioremediation |
Chapters in VITMEE ME Syllabus | Topics Covered |
Mathematical Fundamentals |
Applied Mechanics And Design |
Fluid Mechanics And Thermal Sciences |
Manufacturing And Industrial Engineering |
Somecurrent Trends In Design And Manufacturing |
VITMEE CSE & IT Syllabus | Topics Covered |
Engineering Mathematics |
Algorithmic Analysis and Data Structures |
Software Engineering and Programming |
Chapters in VITMEE MCA | Topics Covered | |
Mathematics | Algebra | Fundamental operations in Algebra, Expansion, factorization, quadratic equations, indices, logarithms, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions, binomial theorem, permutations and combinations |
Calculus | Functions of single variable, limit, continuity and differentiability, Mean value theorems, indeterminate forms and L'Hospital rule, Maxima and minima, Taylor's series, Fundamental and mean value-theorems of integral calculus, total derivatives, Lagrange method of multipliers | |
Differential Equations | Differential equations of first order and their solutions, linear differential equations with constant coefficients, homogeneous linear differential equations | |
Algorithms | Analysis, Asymptotic notation, Notions of space and time complexity, Worst and average case analysis; Design: Greedy approach, Dynamic programming, Divide-and conquer; Connected components, Spanning trees, Shortest paths. Asymptotic analysis (best, worst, average cases) of time and space, upper and lower bounds | |
Probability | Probability theory, Dependent and independent events, frequency distributions, and measures of dispersions, Skewness and Kurtosis, random variable and distribution functions, mathematical expectations, Binomial, Poisson, normal distributions | |
Algebra and Complex Analysis | Algebra of matrices, rank and determinant of matrices, linear equations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Matrix representation of linear trans- formations. Canonical forms, diagonal forms, triangular forms, Quadratic forms, reduction and classification of quadratic forms Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations. Contour integral, Cauchy’s theorem, Cau- chy’s integral formula, Taylor series, Laurent series, calculus of residues. Conformal mappings, Mobius trans- formations—Fourier series—harmonics | |
Calculus and its Applications | Linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs), variation of parameters, Sturm-Liouville problem. Partial differential equations (PDEs) - Classification of second or- der PDEs, General solution of higher order PDEs with constant coefficients, Method of separation of variables for Laplace, Heat and Wave equations. Transformation techniques —Laplace transformation—Fourier transforms—z—transformation to solve differential and difference equations | |
Numerical Methods | Numerical solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations iteration meth- ods and Newton—Raphson method, Solution of systems of linear algebraic equations using Gauss elimination and Gauss-Seidel methods-Numerical differentiation and integration, Numerical solutions of ODEs and PDEs | |
Descriptive statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis | Sample space, discrete probability, independent events, Bayes theorem. Random variables and distribution functions (univariate and multivariate) - expectation and moments. Independent random variables, marginal and conditional distribu- tions. Characteristic functions. Standard discrete and continuous univariate distributions. Corre- lation and simple and multiple linear regression. Test of hypotheses —Large and small sample tests confidence intervals. Chi-square test goodness of fit. Simple non parametric tests for one and two sample problems, rank correlation and test for independence. ANOVA | |
Date Structures | Arrays, Stacks, Queues, linked Lists. Sorting techniques, Searching Techniques, Trees and Graph terminology and representation in memory, binary search tree, traversal techniques of graphs and Trees | |
Computer Networks | Network models, Internet model, OSI model, Physical Layer - Analog and Digital Signals, Analog and Digital Transmission, Coding, Sampling. Data Link Layer - Error detection and correction, Data link control and Protocols, Stop and wait, Go-back-n, Selective repeat. Network Layer - Inter-networks, Address- ing, unicast and multicast routing, Presentation Layer | |
Programming in C | Data types, Declarations, Expressions, statements and symbolic constants, input-Output functions. Operators and expressions: Arithmetic, unary, logical, bit-wise, assignment and conditional opera- tors. Control statements: While, do-while, for statements, nested loops, if else, switch, break, Continue, com- ma operators. Storage types: Automatic, external, register and static variables. Functions: Defining and ac- cessing, passing arguments, Recursion | |
Database Management Systems | DBMS architecture, Data models, data independence, E-R model, normalisation, Relational Model: concepts, constraints, languages. Data storage, indexing, query processing, design and programming SQL | |
Operating Systems | Process management, Process States, Process Control Block, Process and Threads, CPU Scheduling, Scheduling algorithm, Process Synchronisation and Deadlock, Memory management, Virtual memory concepts paging and segmentation File organisation, Blocking and buffering, file descriptor, File and Directory structures, I/O Devices | |
Computer Architecture | Boolean algebra and computer arithmetic, flip-flops, design of combinational and sequential circuits, instruction formats, addressing modes, interfacing peripheral devices, types of memory and their organisation, interrupts and exceptions. Von Neumann Computer, System Bus. Instruction Cycle, Data Representation, Machine instruction and Assembly Language |
1. Grammar
2. Writing Technical Instructions
3. Writing Memos & Writing Minutes
4. Transcoding
5. Preparing Questionnaire
6. Proofreading
Candidates who plan to take the exam should familiarise themselves with the VITMEE exam pattern.
VITMEE Particulars | Details of VITMEE Exam Pattern |
Mode of Exam | Computer Based Test (CBT) |
Medium | English |
Question Type | Objective Based (MCQ) |
Total Number of Questions | 100 |
Maximum Marks | 100 |
Duration | The exam duration will be 120 minutes (2 hours) |
Marking Scheme |
Want to know more about VITMEE
The detailed syllabus can be found on this page as well as the direct link to download the VITMEE syllabus PDF. Candidates can also visit the official website - vit.ac.in
Mathematics is a common subject in some VITMEE papers, but the topics within the subject vary according to the course. Candidates should the topics of the Mathematics subject applicable to their selected course.
The syllabus of VITMEE is not very vast and limited to the selected course. The syllabus is in accordance with the course structure. Candidates need not worry as the syllabus can be easier covered with the right preparation strategy.
The questions asked in the paper will be objective based and there will be no numerical questions. Although candidates may need to perform calculations to choose the correct answers amongst the choices.
It is recommended to not omit any topics while preparing for VITMEE. Candidates can however choose less difficult topics to be covered later on during the preparatory stages.
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