What is mode of WBJEE examination 2025?
WBJEE examination 2025 will be held offline in pen and paper mode.
What are the total marks in WBJEE 2025 question paper?
There are a total of 200 marks on WBJEE question paper.
What are WBJEE total marks for Jadavpur University?
At least 60% of the marks in WBJEE 2025 exam are required to make it to Jadavpur University through WBJEE 2025.
How does WBJEE marks distribution works?
WBJEE 2025 question paper format provides three types of questions in the exam, I, II, and III. Type I questions will carry 1 mark. Type II and III questions will carry 2 marks. There will be negative marks for each incorrect answer.
What are the Category 1, 2 and 3 of questions in WBJEE 2025?
According to the WBJEE 2025 exam pattern, Category I and Category II refer to the section where only one answer option is correct. Category III will have questions with more than one probable correct option.
Can I attempt WBJEE exam 2025 in Hindi?
No, the WBJEE 2025 exam can be attempted only in English and Bengali.
Where can I check the official exam pattern of WBJEE 2025?
wbjeeb.nic.in 2025 is the official website to check the WBJEE exam pattern 2025.
Which section in WBJEE paper will be the highest scoring?
The Mathematics paper in WBJEE will be the highest scoring since the maximum number of questions (total 75) are asked from this section.
What is the medium of instruction for WBJEE?
WBJEE 2024 exam will be conducted in English and Bengali.
Who sets the exam pattern for WBJEE?
The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board sets the exam pattern for the WBJEE exam.
What is the total marks weightage of WBJEE?
WBJEE is conducted for a total of 200 marks.
How many total questions will be there in WBJEE?
There will be a total of 155 questions in WBJEE 2024 exam.
What is the marking pattern for WBJEE?
For Category I, each question will be for 1 mark. For Category II and Category III, each question will be for 2 marks.
What type of questions will be asked in the WBJEE exam?
WBJEE exam will consist of Objective type questions (MCQ).
Is it compulsory to appear for both Paper I and Paper II for WBJEE?
For the candidates of B.tech and B.Arch, it is compulsory to appear for both papers of WBJEE. However, the candidates for B.Pharm can only appear for Paper-II.
How many papers will be there in the WBJEE exam?
There will be two papers in the WBJEE exam: Paper I for Mathematics and Paper II for Physics and Chemistry.
Is there any negative marking for WBJEE Exam?
For Category 1 questions in WBJEE, there is a negative mark of -1/4, while Category 2 questions have -1/2 negative mark for each wrong attempt. No marks are deducted for Category 3 questions.
What is the exam pattern for WBJEE Exam?
WBJEE exam is conducted for 200 marks. Out of 200 marks, Mathematics consists of 100 marks while Chemistry and Physics is conducted for 50 marks each.
What is the syllabus for WBJEE Exam?
WBJEE exam is conducted in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects. The syllabus of the exam is completely based on Class 11th and 12th syllabus of West Bengal.
What is the mode of WBJEE Exam?
The mode of WBJEE is offline. The candidates will be provided with an OMR sheet and question booklet. Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheet.
What is the frequency of WBJEE Exam?
WBJEE exam is conducted once a year, typically between April-May.
How many times can I give WBJEE entrance exam?
There is no limit in the number of attempts that one can take for appearing in WBJEE.