WBJEE 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Prateek Lakhera on 19 Feb, 2025 18:27

54 days Remaining for the exam

Applicants should go through the official syllabus to prepare for WBJEE 2025. To prepare for the WBJEE 2025 exam, students are required to create a study schedule that works best for them.

How to Prepare for WBJEE 2025?

WBJEE preparation tips 2025 are developed by experts keeping in view the challenges that every student faces while studying for the WBJEE 2025 exam. Applicants preparing for the WBJEE 2025 must check this page to know how to prepare for WBJEE 2025. The WBJEE 2025 preparation tips must be followed to secure a seat in one of the top colleges/universities in the state of West Bengal. WBJEE exam 2025 is expected to be held on 26 or 27th April 2025, in offline mode. As the exam is just a few months away, it's time that applicants focus solely on their studies. 

Keeping in view the level of competition for WBJEE, students must prepare a robust preparation strategy for WBJEE 2025 to secure high marks and a good rank. Moreover, it is recommended to build a study plan and stick to it throughout the preparation time. Solving WBJEE previous year papers and mock tests is important for analyzing mistakes and improving them. To help students with their preparation we have compiled the WBJEE preparation tips 2025 on this post that will not only boost the confidence of the applicants but also help them in achieving success.

Upcoming Engineering Exams :

WBJEE 2025 Exam Facts

Before diving into the WBJEE 2025 preparation tips, applicants should go through the WBJEE facts to get an overall idea about the exam.



Exam Name


WBJEE Full Form

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE)

Exam Conducting Authority

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB)

Exam Level

State Level Exam

Exam Mode

Offline Mode i.e., OMR Based Test

Exam Duration

Total 4 Hours


Paper 1- Mathematics

Paper 2- Physics and Chemistry 

WBJEE Application Mode

Online Mode

Number of Offered Programmes


WBJEE 2025 Preparation Tips

Scoring WBJEE 2025 cutoff marks is not a one-day task, you need to dedicate yourself to studies for that. Applicants who will be sitting for the WBJEE 2025 exam should begin their preparation early to have sufficient time for studying the syllabus and solving the previous year's papers. 

In order to achieve success in the upcoming WBJEE exams, students must follow the below-mentioned WBJEE preparation tips for 2025. 

Understand the WBJEE 2025 Exam Pattern

The first step in preparing for any highly competitive exam like WBJEE is to understand the WBJEE 2025 exam pattern. The WBJEE exam consists of two papers - Paper 1 (Mathematics) and Paper 2 (Physics and Chemistry). The WBJEE exam is conducted in offline mode, and the duration of each paper is two hours. The total number of questions asked in the WBJEE exam is 155 i.e. 75 from the Mathematics section and 80 questions from Physics and Chemistry paper. All the questions will be asked in MCQ pattern and the total mark is 200. 

Students can check the official WBJEE exam pattern 2025 below to get a better idea about the paper structure and marking scheme.



Mode of Exam

Offline (pen-paper based)

Question Paper type

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Number of Papers


Total number of questions per paper


Marks awarded for the correct answer

In Category I: For each correct answer, 1 mark will be awarded.

In Category II: For each correct answer, 2 marks will be awarded.

In Category III: For each correct answer, 2 marks will be awarded.

Marks deducted for the wrong answer

In Category I: For each incorrect answer -1/4 marks will be deducted

In Category II: For each incorrect answer -1/2 marks

In Category III: There will be no negative marking in this category

Total marks per paper

200 marks per paper

Medium of language

English only

Exam duration for each paper

2 hours for each paper (4 hours total)

Analyze the Syllabus

Before making a WBJEE 2025 preparation plan, applicants should go through the official syllabus. The WBJEE 2025 syllabus PDF includes topics and chapters that will be asked in the exam. Applicants should go through the WBJEE syllabus to plan their studies accordingly. You can analyze which topics you already know and which topics need to be studied fresh by going through the syllabus. 

Plan your Study Schedule

Once students have a clear understanding of the WBJEE 2025 exam pattern and syllabus, it is recommended to create a study schedule that works best for them. Creating a proper study plan is one of the significant WBJEE preparation tips 2025. An organized study will help you have a systemic preparation. Students should allocate enough time for each subject while preparing for the exam and they must regularly revise the important topics for the exam. Your WBJEE study plan should be realistic and include all the topics of the syllabus, days for solving mock tests, previous year papers, and revising. Remember to take breaks during your study sessions. 

Study from the top WBJEE preparation books.

To prepare for the WBJEE 2025 exam, applicants should study from the best books recommended by exam experts. The top author’s WBJEE books will offer you quality knowledge and good explanation of topics. As the WBJEE syllabus is in accordance with Class 11 and 12, applicants should first study from the NCERT Class 11 and 12. After studying from the NCERT books, students should study from the additional best books like Concept of Physics Volume 1 & 2 by HC Verma, Organic Chemistry OP Tondon, Complete Mathematics by MC Graw Hills, etc. 

Focus on the Basics 

While studying for the exam, applicants should understand the concepts instead of memorizing them without understanding them. Having a clear understanding of the chapters will allow you to solve questions easily in the exam. Before moving on to advanced topics, applicants must make sure that they have a clear understanding of the basic concepts of each paper. 

Prepare Notes and Flashcards

Another important WBJEE preparation tips 2025 to follow when studying for an exam is to constantly create brief notes or flashcards. Whenever you are stuck on an idea or anything that does not register in your mind, simply make a little note and keep checking it until you grasp it. You will be able to access your study materials at any time and from any location if you create little notes and flashcards.

Resolve Doubts

One of the crucial WBJEE 2025 preparation tips is that students resolve their doubts. Many students keep their doubts to the last minute and forget about them. Don’t make such mistakes while studying for the WBJEE exam. If you have any doubts or are unable to grasp any topic, seek help from teachers, or coaching centres. You can also refer to the educational YouTube videos to understand the topic. 

Attempt WBJEE 2025 Mock Test 

Students are recommended to attempt the WBJEE 2025 mock test regularly to assess their preparation level. Solving the mock test of WBJEE will help student analyze their performance level and work on their weaknesses. This will ultimately help them to boost their knowledge thereby improving their confidence level. The mock test will help students get familiar with the exam pattern too. 

Practice WBJEE Previous Year Question Papers  

Solving WBJEE previous year question paper is one of the important WBJEE 2025 preparation tips. Information regarding the WBJEE 2025 exam pattern, kinds of questions and more can be learned from the WBJEE previous year question papers with solutions and WBJEE sample papers. By attempting these papers, students will be able to put all that they have learned into practice and evaluate what has been done incorrectly.

Improve Your Time Management Skills

Time management is crucial while preparing for any competitive exam. Many students face the challenge of not finishing the paper even though knowing the answers. To make sure that you don’t face time management challenges improve your time accuracy. Working on time management skills is one of the important WBJEE preparation tips 2025 that applicants must follow. In this aspect, students can utilize the WBJEE mock test to work on their time accuracy. 

Revision is a Must

Applicants must make sure to schedule time for revision in their weekly study plan. Assessing everything from the previous week is one of the best ways to go over and refresh anything you had previously studied. You will be able to consistently recall all of the topics and chapters you have studied, which will be helpful in the WBJEE 2025.

Staying Healthy

Although studying should be the main priority for WBJEE exam aspirants, maintaining health is also crucial. Get adequate rest and don't disrupt your sleep schedule. Between study sessions, make sure you eat appropriately and take brief breaks. Don’t panic and take too much stress. Instead, have confidence in yourself and your preparation. Remember confidence is the key. 

WBJEE 2025 Preparation Tips for Mathematics

Applicants must be aware of the WBJEE preparation tips 2025 while preparing for the maths section. 

  • Mathematics constitutes half the weightage of the entire paper, hence students focus on this subject by learning the formulas and practicing questions. 
  • Students must study the WBJEE 2025 Mathematics important topics well.
  • A strong conceptual base and understanding of the concepts should be the priority for the students
  • Furthermore, the Mathematics paper is long to solve because of the large number of calculative problems. Therefore, applicants must practice to solve long questions within the time.
  • Students should memorize the formulae and understand how to utilize them. 
  • The students must always remember the more the Merrier, i.e. more practice will make the students better at solving questions.
  • Students must study important topics such as vectors, limits, complex numbers, probability, 3D, etc.

Also Read: WBJEE 2025 Mathematics Topic Wise Weightage & Important Topics

Top Engineering Colleges :

WBJEE 2025 Preparation Tips for Physics

Here are the WBJEE preparation tips 2025 for physics that students must keep in mind while preparing.

  • The students must prepare short notes including bulleted concepts, flowcharts, block diagrams, etc which will be of great use during the final stages of revision.
  • A good score in the WBJEE Physics section is always attributed to application skills and strong conceptual knowledge which can only be attained from a good understanding of the theory.
  • Speed also plays a major role in the WBJEE Physics section which is why the students must focus on improving the speed of question-solving.
  • Students must be familiar with the WBJEE 2025 Physics Important topics to understand which chapters to concentrate on and to create a time management plan for this section.

Also Read: WBJEE 2025 Physics Topic Wise Weightage & List of Important Topics

WBJEE 2025 Preparation Tips for Chemistry

Students must target the chemistry section to secure a full 40 out of 40 in this section and this can be possible by following the WBJEE preparation tips 2025 for chemistry.

  • Understanding the basics should be the priority for the students which will, in turn, help them remember the equations, formulas, and reaction steps without extra effort.
  • For equations and reactions, the students are suggested to put in extra effort in understanding the working of the reactions which should be followed by practicing enough number of questions based on them.
  • Students must understand the WBJEE 2025 Chemistry important topics as it is a crucial chapter in the examination.
  • The secret of scoring good marks in the Chemistry section of WBJEE lies in regular problems practicing.

Also Read: WBJEE 2025 Chemistry Topic Wise Weightage & List of Important Topics

WBJEE Last Minute Preparation Tips 2025

When the WBJEE exam 2025 is just a few days away, the students should apply the following last-minute WBJEE 2024 preparation tips in their study approach. 

  • Applicants should avoid learning new concepts or chapters in the last week before the exam. Instead, they must focus on the topics that they have already learned. Moreover, reading the prepared chapters more often can ensure that applicants do not forget any important concept or point. 
  • Revise the complete WBJEE syllabus 2025 without skipping any chapters. Revise the formulas, and equations and solve practical questions. Use your notes and flashcards for the last-minute revision
  • Attempting WBJEE previous year papers and mock tests during the final days is highly recommended. Solve the WBJEE mock test to boost your exam preparation. 
  • While attempting the mock tests and sample papers you will come across some mistakes. Improve on those mistakes. If you are facing time issues, improve your time management skills. If you are not able to get the formula for the question in your mind, revise the formulas again.
  • Make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep. Eat healthy meals.
  • Stay positive. We understand that exam preparation can be exhausting and students feel fear of failing. But, you need to stay positive. Don’t fall for peer pressure and match your preparation with your friends who are also appearing for WBJEE. Instead, focus on your studies. 

Toppers’ Tips to Prepare for WBJEE 2025

Haven't started preparing for WBJEE 2025 yet? What better than to have a previous year's topper’s tips to prepare for WBJEE 2025 for a clear vision? Here is what the previous year's WBJEE toppers have to say regarding how to prepare for the WBJEE 2025 entrance exam:

  • Always remember what Colin Powell said - Success is the result of hard work, preparation, and the ability to learn from failure.
  • Studying without thinking of the future will bring fruitful results.
  • Equal emphasis should be given to all the subjects of the WBJEE 2025 exam.
  • Focus on doing the hard work and the results will take care of itself.
  • Attaining clarity of concepts should be the ultimate goal.
  • Regular revision will help you score good marks in the exam. 

WBJEE Important Topics 2025

The table below includes a list of some of the key topics for WBJEE 2025 preparation. These are the subjects that are more important for the exam or that come up frequently. But, this does not imply that you limit your study to only these important WBJEE 2025 important topics. To be on the safer side, it is recommended to study the entire WBJEE 2024 syllabus.

Subject-Specific Important Topics for WBJEE 2025

Students can check the list of important topics for WBJEE 2025 below.


WBJEE 2025 Important Topics


  • Current Electricity
  • Heat & Thermodynamics
  • Electrostatics
  • Magnetic Effect of Current & Magnetism
  • Work Energy Power
  • Wave Motion
  • Simple Harmonic Motion
  • Physics of Nucleus
  • Solids & Semiconductor Devices
  • Modern Physics -Atomic Models
  • Center of Mass, Impulse & Momentum
  • Laws of Motion
  • Rotational Motion


  • Chemical Kinetics
  • Chemical Bonding
  • Transition Elements – d & f block
  • s-block Elements
  • General Organic Chemistry
  • p-block Elements
  • Redox Reactions
  • Ionic Equilibrium
  • Chemical Equilibrium
  • Coordination Compounds
  • Carboxylic Acid & its Derivatives
  • Alcohol Phenol Ether
  • Chemical Thermodynamics


  • Vectors
  • Probability
  • Three-Dimensional Geometry
  • Matrices Determinants
  • Limits
  • Indefinite Integration
  • Sets, Relations & Functions
  • Definite Integration
  • Theory of Equations
  • Permutation & Combination
  • Complex Numbers

Important Instructions for WBJEE 2024 Exam Day

WBJEE exam 2024 will be held in offline mode at various exam centres. Along with knowing the WBJEE preparation tips 2024, students should also be aware of the exam day instructions. Students should follow the WBJEE exam day guidelines to have a hassle-free exam day experience. 

Some important instructions regarding the WBJEE 2024 exam day are as follows - 

  • Students must report at the exam centre allotted to him/her in the admit card.
  • Students are advised to enter the exam hall at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the entrance exam.
  • Students must occupy the seats allotted to them at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the entrance exam.
  • Under any circumstance, no student will be allowed to enter the exam hall after the scheduled time of commencement of the test.
  • Students must carry a hard copy of the WBJEE 2025 admit card, a copy of the colored photograph (the same one uploaded during the online application), and a photo ID proof in original such as Passport/Aadhaar card/ Pan card/voter card/ 10th standard admit card/ School – ID card.
  • Students are not allowed to carry any written or printed material, log table, calculator, pen, wristwatch, or any communication device like mobile phones, etc. inside the exam hall.
  • Before the commencement of the test, question booklets will be distributed to the students. Students must check whether their OMR number & question booklet number are the same and must put their signature on top of the question booklet.
  • Students must read the instructions given on OMR & on the cover page of the question booklet very carefully.
  • Students must write their name in BLOCK LETTERS, the name of the centre, and put their signature in appropriate places on the OMR. Putting any unwanted marks in OMR may lead to rejection of OMR.
  • In the exam hall, students must check their Roll Number, Photograph, and the spelling of their name in the attendance sheet. The details of the student should match the information on the admit card. In case of any correction requirement, students must bring it to the notice of the invigilator.
  • All students must maintain silence during the entrance exam.
  • If any student is found adopting any unfair means, his/her candidature will be canceled and he/she will be debarred either permanently or for a period from taking the exam as is deemed fit by the centre-in-charge.
  • Until the exam is over, no student will be allowed to leave his/her seat without the permission of the invigilator.

WBJEE 2025 Best Books

Studying from the top WBJEE books is important to acquire quality knowledge for each topic. The best books for WBJEE 2025 which students must follow are given below. 


WBJEE 2025 Best Books


  • NCERT Textbook for Physics 11th and 12th Standard

  • Concept of Physics Volume 1 & 2 by H.C. Verma

  • Understanding Physics series by D.C. Pandey

  • Problems in Physics by AA Pinsky

  • Objective Physics by Arihant Publishers


  • NCERT Textbook for Chemistry 11th and 12th Standard

  • Physical Chemistry by O.P Tandon

  • Concepts of Organic Chemistry by O.P Tandon

  • Numerical Chemistry by P. Bahadur

  • Inorganic Chemistry by O.P Tandon


  • NCERT Textbook for Mathematics 11th and 12th Standard

  • Mathematics by R.S. Aggarwal

  • Objective Mathematics by R.D. Sharma

  • Higher Algebra by Hall Knight

  • Complete Mathematics by McGraw Hills

Want to know more about WBJEE

FAQs about WBJEE Preparation Tips

How do I start preparing for WBJEE?

You can start preparing for WBJEE 2025 by analyzing the exam pattern and syllabus. Following that, prepare a proper exam timetable and follow it.

What is the difficulty level of WBJEE 2025?

The difficulty level of WBJEE 2025 is between moderate to tough as per candidates' reactions in the previous year. However, any competitive exam’s difficulty level depends upon the student’s preparation. If you study hard for the exam you will find it easy. 


Which book is best for WBJEE?

NCERT books are the best for WBJEE preparation. After finishing the NCERT books, candidates can study from additional books like the Understanding Physics series by D.C. Pandey, Mathematics by R.S. Aggarwal, Physical Chemistry by O.P Tandon, etc.

How to crack WBJEE in 15 days?

To crack the WBJEE exam 2025, we advise that you begin your preparation early as 15 days are less to prepare for such state state-level competitive exam.

How can I start preparing for WBJEE 2025 exam?

To start preparing for the WBJEE exam 2025, applicants must first analyze the exam pattern and syllabus. Following that, prepare a proper study plan that includes all the topics of the syllabus and then study according to the plan.

How many hours should I study for WBJEE 2025?

To prepare well for WBJEE 2025, every candidate must give 4 hours everyday to achieve success in the exam. It is recommended by experts that in the last month before WBJEE 2025, each applicant should study 6 hours on a daily basis, i.e. 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening. 


Should I include new chapters in my last week of revision?

Experts recommend focusing on the topics that are already covered by candidates during their preparation. As an important WBJEE preparation tips 2025, applicants need not include new concepts and topics in the last week before the exam.  


What are some of the important preparation tips of WBJEE 2025?

Students must have a clear idea of the WBJEE exam pattern along with the syllabus of WBJEE 2025. Moreover, preparing with the WBJEE previous year question paper and taking  regular mock test of WBJEE 2025 is also recommended by experts.


How many hours should I allocate each day for WBJEE preparation?

It is recommended to allocate 4 hours each day for WBJEE preparation.

Which subject should I focus on more to prepare for WBJEE?

You should focus on Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry/ Biology to prepare for WBJEE.

Which topic is the most scoring topic in WBJEE?

All of the topics for WBJEE are important and you must study all of the topics equally.

How much time is required to prepare well for the WBJEE exam?

The students must start their preparation in class 11th to prepare well for the WBJEE exam. However, if you work hard, you can also prepare for the exam in 6 months.

Is there a shortcut to prepare for WBJEE?

No, there is no shortcut if you want to score well in the WBJEE exam. You need to work hard.

Where can I download previous year papers for WBJEE?

You can download the previous year’s paper for WBJEE through the official website or from this page directly

What are the WBJEE mock tests?

The WBJEE mock tests are the practice questions which you can attempt to practice for the exam.

Is WBJEE tough?

Yes, WBJEE is a tough exam as lakhs of aspirants registers every year for the exam. However, if you study hard, you can easily score well in the exam.

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