Where can I download WBJEE 10 years solved papers PDF?
You can download, WBJEE 10 years solved papers PDF files from CollegeDekho website. You can also visit WBJEE website, wbjee.nic.in to download past years papers.
What are the benefits of solving the WBJEE previous year question papers?
Solving the WBJEE previous year question papers will help you understand the exam pattern, improve your mistakes, work on your time accuracy, and get confidence for the real-time exam.
How can I download WBJEE previous year paper PDF?
The candidates will be able to download the WBJEE pyq with solutions pdf by clicking on the links mentioned on this page.
Is it hard to crack WBJEE?
No, WBJEE is not that hard to qualify. By practising WBJEE previous year question papers with solutions pdf and with a proper studying schedule, hard work, dedication, and perseverance, the candidates can easily qualify the exam of WBJEE 2024.
Which is the most difficult topic in WBJEE?
Going by the analysis of WBJEE previous year question papers, Mathematics is considered to be the most difficult subject.
What are the benefits of solving the WBJEE sample papers?
Attempting the WBJEE sample papers will help a candidate get familiar with the exam pattern, analyze their preparation, work on their weak topics, and improve their time accuracy.
How can I improve my time management skills by solving WBJEE previous year papers?
While attempting the WBJEE previous year papers, allocate yourself a deadline. Check whether you are able to finish the paper within that deadline or not. If not, work on your time accuracy, develop a paper-solving strategy, analyze which questions to attempt first, and improve your speed.
Are WBJEE previous year papers enough for exam preparation?
No, along with solving the WBJEE previous year papers you should also attempt mock tests, sample papers, and important questions available online for better exam preparation.
What is the right time to begin solving the WBJEE previous year question papers?
Once you have studied the WBJEE syllabus, you can start attempting the WBJEE previous year question papers PDF.
Do questions get repeated from the WBJEE previous year papers?
We can’t predict whether questions will get repeated from WBJEE previous year question papers or not. But sometimes few questions get repeated from previous year papers. However, by solving the previous year question paper you can determine the important topics that are repeated many times.
Are the previous year's papers enough for WBJEE?
Though WBJEE previous year papers help in exam preparation by helping candidate analyze their mistakes, understand the difficult level, and improve time management skills. But, solving only the previous year's papers will not help. Candidates should study the complete syllabus, do timely revision, and practice with mock tests and sample papers.
Are WBJEE previous year question papers available?
Yes, candidates can find the WBJEE previous year question papers on this page. They are also available on the official website of WBJEEB at wbjeeb.nic.in.
What is the advantage of practicing and referring to WBJEE previous year’s papers?
The main advantage of practicing WBJEE previous years’ papers is that aspirants get to know in detail about the nature of questions asked in the exam and pattern.
Which is the most difficult aspect of WBJEE?
Maths subject is ideally helmed as the most difficult section of WBJEE.
Which topic has the highest weightage in WBJEE Physics?
Current Electricity is the topic that comprises the most weightage in the WBJEE Physics question paper.
Which topic has the highest weightage in WBJEE Mathematics?
Vectors is the topic that comprises the most weightage in the WBJEE Mathematics question paper.
Which topic has the highest weightage in WBJEE Chemistry?
Chemical Kinetics is the topic that comprises the most weightage in the WBJEE Chemistry question paper.
How many questions are asked in WBJEE exams?
A total of 155 questions is asked in the two papers combined for the WBJEE exam. Total marks for the same is 200.
Is it necessary to sit and attempt both Papers I and II in WBJEE?
Aspirants who want admission in Technology, Architecture, Engineering, or Pharmacy need to appear for Paper I and Paper II both. If test-takers want admission only in Pharmacy, then paper II will suffice.