XAT College Predictor 2025 - Predict Chances of Call from XLRI and Other Top MBA Colleges

Updated By Tiyasa Khanra on 24 May, 2024 00:09

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XAT College Predictor 2025

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XAT 2025 College Predictor

Are you wondering which college you can get into based on your XAT percentile? Don't worry, you've come to the right platform. The CollegeDekho team has developed the XAT College Predictor 2025 which will give you a fair idea of your chances of getting admission to the course and college of your preference based on your XAT score. All you need to do is enter your category and XAT percentile, and we'll help you predict your college.

The XAT College Predictor tool 2025 can be a valuable resource for test takers who want to know the possibility of getting admission to their college based on their XAT result 2025 which will be announced by the third week of January2025. The XAT 2025 College Predictor tool uses advanced AI to predict the top MBA colleges where students can seek admission in India. It saves students time and effort while providing them with accurate predictions. Moreover, the XAT Call Predictor 2025 uses official cut-off data from previous years to predict the most appropriate MBA/PGDM colleges accepting XAT scores. Get started now and good luck!

Also Read:

XAT Score Vs Percentile 2025

What is a Good Score in XAT 2025?

Top Institutes Accepting XAT Scores 2025

XLRI Jamshedpur Selection Criteria 2025

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How to Use XAT College Predictor 2025?

Using the XAT 2025 College Predictor tool is very easy. All you need to do is enter your XAT percentile and the category you belong to. Let’s look into detail how to use the XAT Call Predictor 2025 provided in the steps below.

  • Step 1: First visit CollegeDekho’s XAT College Predictor 2025 page. On top of the page, you will see the tool.
  • Step 2: You will see two fields where you need to enter your Category and XAT 2025 Percentile.

XAT 2024 College Predictor

  • Step 3: Once you submit the data, you will be asked to enter your Name, Email Address, Phone Number, and Location. Make sure you enter the correct details to proceed with the XAT 2025 College Predictor.

XAT College Predictor 2024

  • Step 4: Based on your category and XAT percentile, a list of colleges with their cutoff, fees, admission process, etc. will appear on your screen. You will also receive this list on your registered email ID and mobile number.
  • Step 5: Go through this list carefully and check all the information about the colleges. If you wish to take admission to any of these colleges, you must apply to them and prepare for further selection rounds.

XAT Call Predictor 2024

How Does the XAT College Predictor Work?

The XAT College Predictor is a sophisticated tool developed by CollegeDekho to help XAT aspirants predict which colleges will be best suite for them based on their XAT percentile scores and other factors. Based on the information provided by the candidate, the XAT college predictor offers does a thorough evaluation of all the colleges that accept XAT scores for admission and presents the most relevant results. The XAT college predictor uses advanced AI to filter out all the best choices for candidates so that they can focus on the next stage of the XAT selection process. The XAT college predictor provides students with the following:

  • A personal report and the predicted management institutes' names. A more detailed final report of the results is sent to the email address provided by candidates.

  • The XAT cutoff for various student categories which is necessary for the MBA/PGDM programs and XAT counselling rounds.

  • Information about different MBA programs, including course fees, specializations, the number of seats available, amenities, etc.

Que: What are the details required by the XAT College Predictor?

Ans: The details required by the XAT College Predictor include the candidate's category and XAT percentile score. Based on this information the XAT college predictor will provide candidates with the best colleges that will accept their application for admission based on their XAT scores.

Que: What are the details provided by the XAT Call Predictor?

Ans: The details provided by the XAT Call Predictor include the list of colleges best suited for candidates based on the XAT percentile score. The XAT college predictor will also mention details about the colleges like lowest and highest cutoffs accepted and courses available. Candidates can also check out more about the colleges by visiting the 'View Details' link provided for each college listing.

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Benefits of Using XAT Call Predictor 2025

Using CollegeDekho’s XAT 2025 College Predictor has so many benefits, some of which have been mentioned below.

  • The XAT College Predictor 2025 is a cutting-edge tool designed to assist XAT test-takers in selecting the most suitable MBA colleges. This tool employs an advanced algorithm and opening & closing ranks of the previous year's XAT selection process data to predict the best possible college for candidates based on their XAT cutoff 2025.

  • Using the XAT Call Predictor 2025, candidates can evaluate their chances of admission to top-tier MBA colleges. They can also explore the various MBA courses offered by different colleges and apply for them in advance. 

  • Additionally, the XAT 2025 College Predictor helps candidates to identify alternative options if they are not satisfied with their expected MBA college, and provides an estimate of whether the XAT percentile achieved by the candidate is sufficient for securing admission. 

  • Overall, the XAT College Predictor 2025 is an easy-to-use, reliable, and helpful tool that enables XAT test-takers to make informed decisions about their MBA college selection.

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How Accurate is XAT 2025 College Predictor?

The XAT Call Predictor 2025 is particularly useful for students who intend to pursue an MBA in India, as it provides a general idea of the colleges they are likely to qualify for based on their test scores. It is worth noting that the predictions generated by the XAT College Predictor 2025 are not always entirely accurate. The tool's projections rely on past trends and may not be entirely dependable, considering that the admission criteria for each college may differ from year to year.

Therefore, it is recommended that students use the tool only as a predictor and avoid relying entirely on its results for decision-making. Students should also conduct their independent research and gather more information about the various colleges they are interested in before making any final decision. The XAT 2025 College Predictor only assists XAT takers in evaluating their chances of gaining admission to various MBA colleges in India based on their overall XAT score. Test-takers can also use our XAT Percentile Predictor 2025 to know their expected percentile in the exam.

XAT Call Predictor: Expected Cutoffs for Top Colleges

Check out the expected XAT 2025 cutoff for the top XAT participating colleges for MBA/ PGDM admission. If you clear the cutoff set by your desired college, perform well in the selection rounds, and have a good academic record, you have a good chance of getting selected.

Name of the College

Expected XAT 2025 Cutoff

Xavier Labor and Relations Institute - XLRI Jamshedpur

94 - 96 Percentile

Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar

90 - 91 Percentile

Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai

80 - 85 Percentile

Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad

90 - 91 Percentile

Goa Institute of Management, Goa

85 - 90 Percentile

Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi

85+ Percentile

K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai

84 - 85 Percentile

T. A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal

80 - 85 Percentile

Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, Bangalore

80+ Percentile

Xavier Institute of Management, Jabalpur

80+ Percentile

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Usha & Lakshmi Mittal Institute of Management, New Delhi

80+ Percentile

Institute for Financial Management and Research, Chennai

79 - 80 Percentile

Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida

75+ Percentile

XAT Participating Institutes 2025: Percentile Wise

Check out the table below to get an idea of the XAT participating colleges accepting the XAT 2025 percentile in the given range.

Percentile Range

List of Colleges

60-70 Percentile

MBA Colleges Accepting 60-70 Percentile in XAT 2025

70-80 Percentile

Top 10 MBA Colleges Accepting 70-80 Percentile in XAT 2025

80-90 Percentile

Top 10 MBA Colleges Accepting 80-90 Percentile in XAT 2025

Want to know more about XAT

FAQs about XAT College Predictor

Why should I use XAT 2025 College Predictor?

Candidates should use the XAT 2025 College Predictor tool as it will assist them in selecting the most suitable MBA colleges. They can evaluate their chances of admission to top-tier MBA colleges and identify alternative options if they are not satisfied with their expected colleges.

How can I apply to MBA colleges using XAT Call Predictor 2025?

To apply to MBA colleges using XAT Call Predictor 2025, a candidate first needs to use this tool to get an idea of the college they might get admission into. Then, he can proceed to fill out the application form for the college he is interested in.

How reliable is XAT College Predictor 2025?

Our XAT College Predictor 2025 is a reliable tool, however, its predictions rely on past trends and may not be entirely dependable, considering that the admission criteria for each college may differ from year to year. Test-takers should use the tool only as a predictor and avoid relying entirely on its results.

How can I use XAT 2025 College Predictor?

To use the XAT 2025 College Predictor tool, first visit our page and then enter your Category and XAT percentile in the given fields and submit. Then enter your enter your Name, Email Address, Phone Number, and Location. You will see the list of colleges you may get admission to based on your category and percentile.

What is the XAT College Predictor?

The XAT College Predictor is a tool which test takers can use to know the possibility of getting admission to their college based on their XAT result.  It uses official cut-off data from previous years to predict the most appropriate MBA/PGDM colleges accepting XAT scores.

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Which colleges are accepting XAT score 2024?

-Nikhil TiwariUpdated on January 05, 2024 05:57 PM
  • 1 Answer
Subhashri Roy, Student / Alumni

Dear student,

Around 126 colleges are accepting XAT score 2024. Some of the top MBA colleges accepting XAT score 2024 include the following:

You can also check out the XAT score vs percentile 2024 to predict your chances of getting into the XAT participating colleges. 

For admission-related assistance, please fill out our Common Application Form or call on our toll-free number 1800-572-9877. 

Thank you.


I am B.com final year student.Which is best for me M.Com or MBA Finance ,Details

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Shreya Sareen, CollegeDekho Expert

Dear student, 

Listing down the difference between MBA & M. COM below. You can then take a decision basis your interest and skill-set. 

Master of Commerce (M. Com)Master of Business Administration (MBA)
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M. Com is academic and theoretical in its content and approach (gives you a solid base in Accounting, if that's your forte)MBA is a professional, job-oriented PG programme
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Prashant Prasad, Student / Alumni

XAVIER SCHOOL OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS The XAHS is the University’s leading initiative to develop, transfer and disseminate knowledge about building sustainable, smart and liveable cities. Research focuses on policy and institutional development, governance, planning, and management of human settlements in rapidly urbanizing geographies. Professional education and capability development include graduate degree, diploma and certificate programs to create expertise for urban development. Policy engagement, technical support, and advisory efforts with government, corporate and civil society organizations aim to strengthen knowledge-based governance, planning, and management of human settlements. Following courses are offered at XAHS: 1. MBA-Urban Management and Governance 2. M.Plan-Urban and …


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