Top B.Tech Colleges in Punjab 2024

See the list of top B.Tech colleges in Punjab along with all the information such as rating, accreditation, courses offered, eligibility criteria, entrance exam preparation, cut-off, scholarships and awards, placements and much more. Having trouble finding the best B.Tech colleges in Punjab? We at Collegedekho have prepared a list of the popular B.Tech colleges in Punjab. Here, not only will you find the details about these B.Tech colleges such as the courses offered, fee structure, number of seats available, cut-off, placement records, alumni etc. but also stepwise information on how to get admission.

The eligibility criteria for every college is also mentioned. Most of these top-rated colleges of B.Tech in Punjab accept students after they have cracked JEE Mains. Some of the top Punjab B.Tech colleges are Lovely Professional University, Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College and Quest Group of Institutions etc. The course fee for Punjab B.Tech colleges ranges from Rs.40, 000 to Rs.2 lakh per annum. Take a look at all the B.Tech colleges of Punjab and choose accordingly.

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Applied Filters :

  • B.Tech. (Bachelor of Technology)
  • Punjab

Showing 151 B.Tech Colleges in Punjab

  • RatingMuktsar, Punjab
  • RatingPrivate
  • Rupee

    62 K - 2.42 Lacs Fees

  • Symbol

    PSEB 12th Exams

    ...+2 CBSE 12th , CMAT
  • Shortlist Students
  • Shortlisted by  5+  students

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