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Ch. Ram Gopal Singh Vidhi Mahavidyalaya Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

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    Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh)
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Ch. Ram Gopal Singh Vidhi Mahavidyalaya Overall Rating

(Based on 1 reviews)
Infrastructure 4.0/5
Placements 4.5/5
Faculty 5.0/5
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Ch. Ram Gopal Singh Vidhi Mahavidyalaya Reviews

Best Law College in Kanpur
By Vishal
Feb 19, 2024 9:55:02

Overall: Ch. Ram Gopal Singh Vidhi Mahavidyalaya in Kanpur epitomizes excellence in legal education. The institution not only boasts a stellar academic curriculum but also prides itself on an impressive infrastructure that provides students with a conducive learning environment. The commitment to offering quality education is evident through the presence of highly qualified and dedicated teachers who seamlessly blend expertise with a friendly demeanor. The faculty at this law college stands out as the best, fostering a positive and engaging atmosphere for students. Their approachability and willingness to go the extra mile contribute significantly to the overall learning experience. The well-maintained infrastructure further enhances the educational journey, providing students with state-of-the-art facilities to explore the intricacies of the legal field. Ch. Ram Gopal Singh Vidhi Mahavidyalaya's emphasis on both academic rigor and a supportive community sets it apart as an exemplary institution. For aspiring law students in Kanpur, this college not only imparts top-notch education but also nurtures a friendly and encouraging environment, making it a standout choice in the realm of legal education.

Placement: The Faculty of Law in Kanpur excels in providing unparalleled placement and internship opportunities for its students, establishing itself as a beacon of professional growth in the field of law. The college's robust network of connections with leading law firms, corporate entities, and legal practitioners ensures that students have access to diverse and rewarding placement prospects. The institution's proactive approach towards fostering industry collaborations has translated into a high rate of successful placements for graduates. Students benefit not only from the theoretical knowledge imparted in classrooms but also from hands-on, real-world experiences gained through internships. The college facilitates internships with prestigious legal entities, allowing students to apply their skills in practical settings and build a strong foundation for their future careers. The dedicated placement cell plays a pivotal role in guiding students through the job search process, offering career counseling, and organizing placement drives. This comprehensive support system ensures that graduates from the Faculty

Infrastructure: The Faculty of Law in Kanpur boasts the epitome of superior infrastructure, setting a remarkable standard in legal education facilities. The campus exudes a modern and well-maintained atmosphere, featuring state-of-the-art classrooms that enhance the learning experience. The well-equipped library stands as a treasure trove of legal resources, providing students with a rich academic environment. Moot courtrooms replicate real-world legal scenarios, allowing students to hone their advocacy skills. The computer labs are furnished with cutting-edge technology, supporting legal research and facilitating a seamless integration of technology into the curriculum. Accessibility is prioritized, ensuring that the infrastructure is inclusive and convenient for all students. The commitment to maintenance is evident in the pristine condition of the facilities, creating a conducive and inspiring ambiance for academic pursuits.

Faculty: The Faculty of Law in Kanpur stands as a paragon of legal education excellence. Boasting an exceptional faculty, this institution provides an unparalleled learning experience. The professors demonstrate a rare blend of profound expertise in their respective fields and a passion for nurturing the next generation of legal minds. The commitment of the faculty to student success is evident in their unwavering support, engaging teaching methods, and personalized attention. Beyond imparting legal knowledge, they inspire critical thinking and instill a profound understanding of the law's practical applications. The faculty's diverse backgrounds and extensive experience contribute to a rich and dynamic academic environment. Their approachability fosters an open and collaborative atmosphere, encouraging students to actively participate in discussions and seek guidance. The Faculty of Law in Kanpur, with its stellar team of educators, not only imparts legal knowledge but also molds students into adept, ethical, and socially responsible legal professionals. For those seeking a transformative legal education, this institution stands as a beacon of academic brilliance and mentorship.

Hostel: While the college currently lacks a hostel facility, there are promising signs of progress as plans are underway to construct one in the near future. The administration's commitment to addressing this accommodation need is commendable, and the anticipation of a forthcoming hostel reflects a proactive approach to enhancing student facilities. The announcement of future hostel construction indicates the institution's dedication to providing a comprehensive and supportive environment for its students. This development is particularly encouraging for prospective students who seek both academic excellence and convenient living arrangements. While the absence of a hostel may be a temporary limitation, the college's proactive stance in addressing this aspect suggests a commitment to holistic student welfare. As the hostel project progresses, it is likely to further elevate the overall appeal of the college, making it an even more attractive choice for those considering enrollment.








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Admission criteria 3 year llb course
-Swamini -Updated on Aug-07-20231 Answers

mayank Uniyal, Student / Alumni

-Answered on Aug-07-2023

Dear Swamini, 

Ch. Ram Gopal Singh Vidhi Mahavidyalaya offers an LLB course as a regular course at the institute. The course duration is of 3 years and only eligible students are allowed for admission to the course. To be eligible you have to make sure that you have completed your class 12 from a recognised board of education with at least 45 percent marks. The authorities have not announced any additional criteria. However, in case a student is found to be ineligible as per the criteria, then he/she would be disqualified from admission. 

Hope this helps!

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