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Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology Questions and Answers

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    Questions Asked On Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Delhi


    priyal Babbar, Student / Alumni

    -Answered on May-13-2024
    Hi there, of course, LPU does offer this program. For more info just visit website or get in touch with the LPU officiasl over the phone email or chat. GOod Luck
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    Can I get cse in mait Delhi with 27k ews category rank

    Asked By - Gundabathula Prem Dev Kumar 1 Answers

    mayank Uniyal, Student / Alumni

    -Answered on Apr-28-2024


    CSE is among the most desired branch in MAIT Delhi and the admission cut off is quite high in comparison to other specialisations. With this rank, you have slightly lower chances of getting into the CSE branch at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology. However, it is not impossible so you should not lose hope. If you wait until the final round of CSAB counselling, which occurs after JoSAA counselling, you might be able to get into Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology. Moreover, with a 27,000 rank, you also have chances in ICE, Civil and Mechanical branches in other top colleges.

    Hope you got your answer!

    If you have any other queries or questions, please feel free to ask us.

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    Saniya Pahwa, Student / Alumni

    -Answered on Aug-10-2023

    Dear Vanshika,

    Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology does not offer B.Com (Hons) course. At the undergraduate level, the college offers only B.Tech and B.Tech Lateral course in a variety of subjects. Apart from this, the Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology courses include MBA, which is offered at the postgraduate level. Both the courses are affiliated with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) and are accredited by the NBA. in order get admission to the BTech courses, you must have a valid JEE Main score and for the MBA courses, CAT/MAT/XAT scores are considered. 

    Hope this helps! 

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    Related Questions


    priyal Babbar, Student / Alumni

    -Answered on May-13-2024
    Hi there, of course, LPU does offer this program. For more info just visit website or get in touch with the LPU officiasl over the phone email or chat. GOod Luck

    mayank Uniyal, Student / Alumni

    -Answered on Apr-28-2024


    CSE is among the most desired branch in MAIT Delhi and the admission cut off is quite high in comparison to other specialisations. With this rank, you have slightly lower chances of getting into the CSE branch at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology. However, it is not impossible so you should not lose hope. If you wait until the final round of CSAB counselling, which occurs after JoSAA counselling, you might be able to get into Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology. Moreover, with a 27,000 rank, you also have chances in ICE, Civil and Mechanical branches in other top colleges.

    Hope you got your answer!

    If you have any other queries or questions, please feel free to ask us.


    Saniya Pahwa, Student / Alumni

    -Answered on Aug-10-2023

    Dear Vanshika,

    Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology does not offer B.Com (Hons) course. At the undergraduate level, the college offers only B.Tech and B.Tech Lateral course in a variety of subjects. Apart from this, the Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology courses include MBA, which is offered at the postgraduate level. Both the courses are affiliated with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) and are accredited by the NBA. in order get admission to the BTech courses, you must have a valid JEE Main score and for the MBA courses, CAT/MAT/XAT scores are considered. 

    Hope this helps!