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Mistakes to Avoid While Preparing for Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024
June 6, 2024 7:10 PM

Mistakes to Avoid While Preparing for Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024

Mistakes to Avoid While Preparing for Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024: Odisha B.Ed entrance exam will be conducted by Student Academic Management System (SAMS) on behalf of Higher Education Department, Odisha on July 24, 2024. The  Odisha B.Ed entrance exam 2024 application process will conclude on June 10 and the hall ticket will be released on July 15, 2024. All aspirants must be aware of the mistakes to avoid while preparing for Odisha B.Ed exam to ensure a good result.

The Odisha B.Ed entrance exam 2024 acts as a significant point in the admission procedure for aspiring teachers within Odisha. It gives them an opportunity to acquire a place in one of the numerous respected institutions providing the two-year undergraduate B.Ed course . The test is crafted to evaluate the candidate's understanding, suitability, and teaching abilities. This makes certain that only those who are extremely qualified get chosen for top B.Ed colleges in the state.

To be successful in the entrance exam, you must not make typical mistakes while preparing. It is very important to learn about the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam pattern 2024 , go through your complete syllabus again and again, practice with previous years' papers and take mock tests. Concentrate on main subjects, stay up-to-date on current events and manage time well. Ask for help when you need it and keep a positive attitude. If you avoid errors like poor time handling, ignoring weak areas, and not keeping calm during the entrance exam, your performance can improve greatly which will give you more possibility to get good marks in the upcoming Odisha B.Ed entrance exam.

This article discusses all the major and minor mistakes that many candidates commit during the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam preparation , and what you can do to avoid such mistakes and boost your chances of scoring well.

Also Read: Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024 Last Minute Preparation Tips

Mistakes to Avoid While Preparing for Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024

Now, let’s check out some common yet grave mistakes that must be avoided in preparation of Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam:

Not understanding the exam pattern: Acquaint yourself with the Odisha B.Ed exam pattern regarding the number of questions, marking scheme, and time for each section of the exam. This will be the foundation for your preparation and therefore, you need to do it well.

Neglecting the syllabus: Carefully go through the prescribed Odisha B.Ed entrance exam 2024 syllabus and make a detailed study schedule to comprehensively cover all the associated topics.

Lack of Practice with Previous Year Papers: If you solve the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam previous year question papers , you can get an idea about the exam pattern and identify topics that require more focus.

Skipping Mock Tests: Solving mock tests on a regular basis is important to measure your readiness for the actual exam, develop time management skills and explore your weaknesses to convert them into your strengths.

Ignoring Core Subjects: Among core subjects, English, Odia, General Knowledge, Teaching Aptitude, and Reasoning play a key role as they are compulsory for Part 1 of the question paper. Part 2 of the question paper contains subjects from either the Science or Arts stream with maximum weightage. Candidates must focus on these subjects and ensure they have all the concepts cleared to enhance their chances of scoring the highest marks in the entrance exam.

Not Staying Updated: By not keeping up with the newest developments in education policies, current affairs and the most recent research in the field of education you will remain on the sidelines.

Poor Time Management: After all, a lack of planning for a structured study schedule and time management for subjects/ topics will lead to a half-baked preparation.

Lack of Guidance: If you don’t seek advice from knowledgeable teachers or join coaching classes when required, it will be a huge drawback in your preparation.

Ignoring Group Study Sessions: Working in a team with friends or study groups on some subjects would allow you to confront and resolve some difficult topics that you aren’t good at understanding.

Not utilizing mnemonic techniques and visual aids: If a candidate doesn’t apply memory-boosting methods such as mnemonics and mental pictures, it can only end up in more difficulty to remember and retrieve important information.

It is worthy of note that a tactful plan, regular practice along with self-examination are central to success in the Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam.

Also Read: List of B.Ed Entrance Exams 2024

Why Mistakes happen while Preparing for Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam?

Students can make various errors during their preparation for Odisha B.Ed entrance exam as indicated below:

Not Understanding Sectional Time Limits and Cut-offs: Candidates may perform well in some portions of the question paper but fail in other parts of the exam because of a lack of proper time management. They will thus be unable to score well in each section of the exam, eventually leading to missing the expected cutoff.

Falling into Traps: Candidates can be slowed down by a complex question, losing precious time and being sidetracked. Recognizing and avoiding this pitfall through training is critical.

Losing Patience: The candidates might feel anxious and as a result, they might get in a hurry during the questions. It is necessary to act calm and focused, and comprehend questions deeply.

Neglecting Mock Tests and Past Papers: Taking the mock tests and papers insufficiently may cause you not to familiarize yourself with the format.

Lack of Sufficient Sleep: Lack of sufficient sleep right before the exam will invariably impede cognitive skills required for passing the test, resulting in poor performance.

These mistakes may jeopardize the performance of the students during the Odisha B.Ed entrance test, and hence, there is a need for meticulous preparation, time management, and a calm and focused mindset.

Effective Preparation Tips for Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024

In this section, we have mentioned some useful tips for effective preparation for Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam:

Understand the Syllabus and Exam Pattern: Fully master the syllabus and examination pattern of the Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam in order to be aware of the topic areas that need to be given more priority in your preparation.

Create a Study Plan: Create a study schedule that grants you adequate time for each topic, contains a revision procedure, and provides for refreshment when you start to feel exhausted.

Use Quality Study Materials: Use good quality study materials that involve textbooks, reference books, and online resources that are devised to fit the syllabus and exam pattern.

Practice Previous Year Papers and Mock Tests: Solve the previous year’s question papers and take the mock tests to become acquainted with the exam format, and types of questions; and practice responding to the questions in a timed manner to increase your time management skills.

Focus on Conceptual Understanding: Ponder upon concept acquisition rather than mere rote memory to correctly answer questions that are tricky and require the presence of the mind.

Take Care of Physical and Mental Health: Take your physical and mental health seriously by taking good care of yourself, making sure you get sufficient sleep, proper exercises, and when you need to, take a break to get you relaxed and recharged during your preparations.

Group Study Sessions: Form study groups with others who dream of passing the same examination to tackle hard topics, shed some light and understand one another's strengths. From group studies, it will be possible to clarify some doubts and get a different look at a complicated topic to understand it better.

Utilize Online Resources: Instead of being limited to a textbook, use online resources such as exam related platforms, educational websites and video tutorials as a way to broaden your learning. You can find from different websites well-articulated tutorials, practice questions, and explanations of key concepts that can make learning more engaging

Seek Guidance from Experts: In case the alternatives in certain topics do not work, contact teachers, mentors, or subject matter experts for assistance. The specialists’ suggestions and explanations assist in filling up gaps in knowledge and also provide advice on ways of taking on difficult topics.

Stay Consistent and Motivated: Instill an unwavering study routine and stick to your guns in the learning process. Create realistic goals, monitor your progress and amaze yourself with what you have achieved. Stay focused and motivated.

Revision is Key: Consistent revision will strengthen your memory and further solidify your understanding of various topics which will increase your confidence and make your overall preparation more effective for the exam. Make bulleted notes, flashcards, or mind mapping to remember things to be revised before the exam.

Stay Updated with Current Affairs: Keep abreast of the latest news, educational advancement and relevant updates as the possibility of inclusion of general knowledge or current affairs questions might be in the section. Reading newspapers, magazines, and online news portals can keep you updated on current events.

By following these tips candidates will have an opportunity to boost their chance of getting a good score that can then be used to get admission to their most preferred B.Ed college.

While getting ready to write the Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam, there are some typical mistakes one needs to beware of so as not to mar the outcome. Candidates are required to be bound by the official exam preparation guidelines, implement a scheduled study timetable, and get proper sleep and food. Maintaining focus on crucial topics, not leaving the best for the last hour, and doing continuous revisions with previous years’ question papers are core tactics that will lead to success in the exam. Besides this, not studying any new topics right before the exam, coping with stress properly, and maintaining self-confidence with respect to your preparation are the things that are equally important when one is getting ready for the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam. Candidates can increase their chances of an impressive performance on the Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024 if they adhere to the directives mentioned in the article.

For more latest updates on the upcoming Odisha B.Ed entrance exam, stay tuned to CollegeDekho . Also, for any query head to our QnA Zone or fill out our Common Application Form .
Mistakes to Avoid While Applying for Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam
June 6, 2024 6:23 PM

Mistakes to Avoid While Applying for Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024

Mistakes to Avoid While Applying for Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam: Odisha B.Ed entrance exam will be conducted by SAMS Odisha on behalf of Higher Education Department, Odisha on July 24 with application form filling concluding on June 10, 2024. The application process is done online and candidates can apply for the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam at .

The Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024 application fee for General and OBC candidates is Rs. 500. For the SC, ST, and PWD candidates, the application fee is Rs. 300. Candidates are required to pay the fee before the application deadline by using either debit card, credit card, or net banking to avoid rejection of the application form. Candidates must visit the official website to download the information brochure for Odisha B.Ed course admission and check “How To Apply” to know all the steps they must follow to successfully apply for the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam without committing any mistakes.

This article discusses in detail all the mistakes that candidates may commit at the time of filling out the application form post applicant login which could lead to rejection OR unnecessary delay in successfully submitting the application form. After reading this article, you will be able to smoothly complete your Odisha B.Ed entrance exam application form online without any errors.

Also Read: Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024 Last Minute Preparation Tips

Mistakes to Avoid While Applying for Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024

Before we talk about common and crucial mistakes to avoid while applying for the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam; it is important to discuss why such mistakes happen by the candidates during the application process for the entrance exam. Once you get to know the why; you can easily avoid making those mistakes for a smooth application procedure.

Here are some plausible reasons why candidates make mistakes during the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam 2024 application form process:

Lack of attention to detail: Candidates might not pay close attention to the details mentioned on the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam 2024 hall ticket or application form like name, father's name, mother's name, date of birth and so on. They could also skip important information about document requirements for verification purposes during the application process. Such small errors can cause them to be disqualified from the Odisha B.Ed admission process.

Not obeying the instructions: It is very important to read and obey the official rules and instructions given by the conducting authority. When candidates don't follow these, they might make errors in their application process.

Delay in iilling application form: Occasionally, candidates can become too lazy to complete the application form before time. They might think that filling out an application form is easy and postpone it until the last minute. Now they're doing so at this final moment, mistakes are expected due to the very limited period available for completion.

Confusion about eligibility conditions: Sometimes, job seekers who don't fully comprehend the eligibility requirements might apply even though they are not qualified. This can result in errors and eventually, refusal.

Not having updated information: Candidates might not visit the official website often to see any latest updates or details about the application process, admission procedure or both. They could then fill out their form incorrectly because they didn't check the latest guidelines and this can result in errors and rejection.

Now, let’s check the common yet important mistakes to avoid while applying for the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam:

Giving Wrong Personal Information: Among the most frequent errors is typing personal details that are not correct like writing a name wrongly, putting down the wrong date of birth or providing incorrect address and contact details. This mistake might result in mismatched documents, problems with communication or even failing to qualify for the examination. To avoid these issues, it is very important to review all your inputs before you submit the form.

Incomplete Documentation: The second mistake is uploading wrong documents like ID proof, academic certificates and recent photographs to the registration portal. Before applying, it's very important for candidates to clearly understand the eligibility criteria of their desired courses and universities. It is essential to follow all instructions given in the brochure because not providing documents correctly could lead to the application being rejected.

Unclear Course Selection or College Preferences: When the documents are submitted, it will show a form that asks for your college preferences. If there is confusion about professional and academic goals, it may create challenges at this point. It would be beneficial to determine the best colleges for yourself that suit your future career path and make a list of such colleges that match your needs.

Filling Application Form at Last Minute: It is very important not to miss the application deadline during SAMS Odisha registration, because they don't accept late submissions. Applicants need to know the deadline for their application and plan accordingly. You should start your registration process early, as there could be website problems related to technology on that final day.

Not Utilizing the Correction Window: SAMS Odisha provides a Correction Window for handling missed errors. Although some details like the name of the applicant, parents' name, birth date and contact info can't be changed, usually things such as examination centres, course details, educational qualifications, uploaded documents, etc are modifiable during this period. So, you should seize this chance to go through your application form very carefully and check it three times over at least.

Not Meeting Eligibility Criteria: You need to have a Bachelor's degree in Science, Social Science or Humanities with at least 50% overall marks. If you are an engineering graduate specialising in Science and Mathematics, then your minimum overall marks should be 55%. Limit of Age: For SC, ST and SEBC candidates it is up to 33 years old but general candidates can't be over 28 years old. Females from all groups should not be more than 33 years old, and physically handicapped females must not go beyond 38 years.

Not Paying the Application Fee: Candidates must make fee payment using a debit or credit card by the deadline of fee submission otherwise their application will not be accepted. The application fee for Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024 is Rs. 500 for General and OBC candidates, while it gets reduced to Rs. 300 for SC, ST or PWD candidates.

Not Checking the Official Website: Candidates may neglect to look at the official website where they can find the counselling schedule and any alterations in the application procedure along with all the updated notices and announcements. This leads to wrongly filling out the application form online which further leads to disqualification or unnecessary delays.

Not Ready with Every Document: Candidates must collect all required documents like their B.Ed Entrance Exam admit card, B.Ed Entrance Exam Score Card, Class X MarkSheet and Certificate, Class XII MarkSheet and Certificate, Graduation/ Post Graduation marksheet and Certificate, Caste Certificate (if applicable), Income Certificate (if applicable), Domicile Certificate, Transfer Certificate as well as Conduct Certificate along with Migration Certificates when needed.

Disobeying the Instructions: Candidates must strictly adhere to the instructions given by the conducting authority, which includes following all steps in the application process such as submitting documents and paying application fees.

Candidates should try to bypass these typical errors. They can then obtain success in the application process for the Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam and enhance their probability of getting into their preferred colleges after clearing the exam with good scores.

Important Instructions to Follow During Odisha B.Ed Application Process 2024

Students Academic Management System or SAMS which conducts the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam on behalf of Higher Education Department, Odisha also prescribes some important guidelines that candidates should follow during the online common application form (CAF) filling. These guidelines can be checked by candidates through the steps mentioned below:
  • Visit the official website at
  • There you will be able to see “Information Brochure” option (link) which you have to click on as shown in the image below:

  • Once you click on the aforementioned link, you will be directed to another page where you get the following options as shown in the image below:

  • For the sake of this article, we are only focusing only on the B.Ed course, therefore you will be required to click on number 1 option i.e. “B.Ed”.
  • Once the said option is clicked, a pdf of the “Information Brochure” for B.Ed admissions will be downloaded.
  • Navigate through the pdf to check the section of “How To Apply”. This section entails all the guidelines to be followed during the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam application process.
For candidate’s ease and comfort, we are also detailing all the official guidelines to be followed during the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam application process as mentioned below:
  • Download the Information Brochure and carefully read all the instructions regarding the eligibility criteria, admission and application procedure before beginning to apply for the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam.
  • Get yourself properly registered by visiting the official website at
  • Make sure you have your registered mobile number and email ID to verify the generated OTP during the Odisha B.Ed entrance exam registration process.
  • Please choose the “Social Category” and “Exam Centre” very carefully at the time of application form filling.
  • You will not be able to make any changes once the payment has been done post completion of the online registration. Therefore, crosscheck each and every piece of information before finally submitting the application form.
  • Make sure to take a printout of the form post-payment. You will have to mandatorily carry this form with you at the time of admission at the allotted institution.
To sum up, it's very important to not make these mistakes when applying for the Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024: giving incomplete or wrong details in your application; submitting it late; and not matching the eligibility rules. You should be careful about following all application directions correctly. Make sure you send your application beforehand so that there is no problem at the end moment and everything goes smoothly for a successful application process.

For more latest updates on the upcoming Odisha B.Ed entrance exam, stay tuned to CollegeDekho . Also, for any query head to our QnA Zone or fill out our Common Application Form .
Colleges Accepting CUET in Rajasthan
June 6, 2024 5:43 PM

Colleges Accepting CUET in Rajasthan: List of Central, Deemed, State & Private Universities

Colleges Accepting CUET in Rajasthan: Undergraduate admissions in Rajasthan have seen a notable change thanks to the CUET UG 2024 exam. This single exam now serves as the main pathway to many universities, both public and private. For students aiming to study in Rajasthan, CUET opens doors to prestigious universities like the Central University of Rajasthan, renowned for its humanities and social sciences programs, and the Jain Narain Vyas Institute, a top-tier institute for technology and management studies. Furthermore, private universities such as Manipal University Jaipur and Amity University Jaipur are also adopting CUET scores for admissions, providing students with a wider array of options across various fields of study. This shift towards CUET simplifies the admission process, eliminating the need for multiple entrance exams, a change welcomed by students and universities alike in Rajasthan. Let's explore some of the top colleges accepting CUET in Rajasthan for the 2024 admissions!

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