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Vignana Jyothi Institute Of Management (VJIM), Hyderabad Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

  • 1 Reviews
    Hyderabad (Telangana)
  • Private
  • Approved by : AIU, AICTE, National Board of Accreditation (NBA)
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Vignana Jyothi Institute Of Management (VJIM), Hyderabad Overall Rating

(Based on 1 reviews)
Infrastructure 4.5/5
Placements 3.0/5
Faculty 4.5/5
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Vignana Jyothi Institute Of Management (VJIM), Hyderabad Reviews

The Overall Rating of Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management (VJIM)
By Archana
Mar 01, 2024 8:05:24

Overall: I'm currently pursuing my PGDM in VJIM. The Overall Rating of my experience at VJIM is very good.I would like to recommend this college. But In terms fee, I think they are demanding more. They always ask for the fines.But academic wise it's very good.

Placement: Firstly they don't give a 100% guarantee of the placement. They brought some of the well known MNC companies. They bring more companies majorly for marketing. For the rest of the specializations they bring few companies not more. What I feel is the placement department is managed by only one, if they recruit 2/3 more, they can manage effectively & count of companies can be increased.

Infrastructure: On my 1st day of clg I was literally confused about the ways & blocks. The campus looks like a puzzle. The classrooms structure looks very unique.They have the lift facility, they also have updated systems & projectors. Overall I liked it.

Faculty: What I feel is they are the major advantage of the VJIM college. The faculties are well trained and highly educated ones. They don't just teach & left. They take care of every student and make them transform to a management professional.

Hostel: Actually I'm a days scholar, But all the days scholar can also visit the hostel. They don't restrict it so I went there for couple of times. They give you completely a seperate room for you. There will be a bed and a table with the a chair. There are some open cupboards. It's Good but not luxurious. There will be a lot of open place as well. I heard from my friends that couple of times they had seen the snakes. That is a major disadvantage I guess.








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