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AP EAMCET Units and Measurement Weightage 2025

AP EAMCET Units and Measurement Weightage 2025 is expected to be 2.5%. Test takers can expect 1 or 2 questions from this chapter. Check the complete details of the AP EAMCET 2025 Units and Measurement Weightage here.

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AP EAMCET Units and Measurement Weightage 2025 is anticipated to be 2.5%. Units and Measurement constitute an important aspect of the Physics section of the AP EAMCET syllabus 2025. Candidates looking for admission via the AP EAMCET 2025 exam must be habituated with the weightage of the topics under the Units and Measurement section. Physical Quantities, Systems of Units, Dimensions and Dimensional Analysis, Errors in Measurement, Significant Figures, Measurement Techniques, and Practical Units are the topics of the Units and Measurement chapter. Studying such topics in the correct manner is an excellent approach which will help candidates gain an advantage in the  AP EAMCET 2025 exam. After keeping in mind the previous years' Units and Measurement weightage and important topics, we have listed down some significant topics along with the weightage from the AP EAMCET 2025 syllabus. It is suggested that the candidates read the article thoroughly for detailed information related to the AP EAMCET Units and Measurement Weightage 2025.

Latest update: AP EAMCET 2025 exam date has been announced. AP EAPCET 2025 Agriculture & Pharmacy exam will be held on May 19 and 20, 2025 and the AP EAMCET 2025 Engineering exam will be conducted from May 21 to 27, 2025.

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Expected AP EAMCET Units and Measurement Weightage 2025

Candidates can check the expected weightage of AP EAMCET Units and Measurement section along with the probable number of questions as provided in the table below.


No. of questions

Overall  Weightage (in %)

Units and Measurement

1 - 2

2.5 %

AP EAMCET Units and Measurement Topics 2025

The topics along with the sub-topics of the AP EAMCET Units and Measurement section have been mentioned below.



Physical Quantities

  1. Fundamental Quantities: Length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity.

  2. Derived Quantities: Quantities derived from fundamental quantities (e.g., velocity, force, energy).

Systems of Units

  1. SI Units (International System): Standardized units employed globally (e.g., meter, kilogram, second).

  2. CGS, MKS, and FPS Systems: Alternate systems and their conversions.

Dimensions and Dimensional Analysis

  1. Dimensional Formulae: Expression of physical quantities in terms of dimensions.

  2. Applications:

  • Checking dimensional consistency of equations.

  • Deriving relationships among physical quantities.

Errors in Measurement

  1. Types of Errors:

  • Systematic Errors: Constant errors because of instruments or environment.

  • Random Errors: Irregular variations.

  • Least Count Error: Smallest measurable value of an instrument.

  1. Propagation of Errors:

  • Errors in addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division.

Significant Figures

  1. Rules for determining significant figures.

  2. Rounding off values and expressing results.

Measurement Techniques

  1. Vernier Calipers: Measurement of length with least count accuracy.

  2. Screw Gauge: Measurement of diameter or thickness of small objects.

  3. Spherometer: Measurement of radii of spherical surfaces.

Practical Units

  1. Light Year, Astronomical Unit, Parsec: Employed in astronomical measurements.

  2. Angstrom, Fermi, Barn: Used for atomic and nuclear scales.

AP EAMCET Physics Best Books 2025

Candidates can follow the below-mentioned books for their AP EAMCET Physics preparations.

Name of the book

Name of the Author

EAPCET Physics (Andhra Pradesh & Telangana)

Arihant Experts

EAPCET Physics (Andhra Pradesh & Telangana)

Arihant Experts

Problems in General Physics

I.E. Irodov

Concepts of Physics (Volume – 1 and 2)

HC Verma

Physics for IIT-JEE

Resnick Halliday, Walker

Problems in Physics

S.S. Krotov-HC Verma 

IIT JEE Physics

DC Pandey

Key Notes Terms, Notes, Formula

Arihant Experts

AP EAMCET Physics Exam Pattern 2025

The AP EAMCET exam pattern 2025 has been provided in the table below:



Mode of AP EAMCET examination

Computer-based test (CBT)

Duration of the AP EAMCET Physics examination

1 hour

Total number of questions in the AP EAMCET Physics section


Medium of AP EAMCET Physics exam

English & Telugu (Candidates who are willing to appear for the exam in the Urdu language have to appear at Kurnool exam center only)

Types of question

MCQ ( multiple choice questions)

Marking scheme

  • 1 mark for every correct answer

  • No negative marking is allotted

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We hope this article has been helpful for the candidates to be aware of the AP EAMCET Units and Measurement Weightage 2025. Candidates can also fill our Common Application Form. It is a single application form for admission into various universities. For more articles and updates on the AP EAMCET Exam 2025, stay tuned with CollegeDekho.

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How to study for the AP EAMCET exam?

To improve speed and accuracy for the Andhra Pradesh EAMCET exam, candidates should practice sample question papers, solve previous year question papers and mock tests, learn shortcuts, focus upon fundamentals, maintain a positive attitude, practice consistently, and evaluate mistakes to identify areas of improvement.


Which chapters in the AP EAMCET exam have the most weightage?

The highest weightage topics for Mathematics in the AP EAMCET exam comprise Algebra, Vector algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry and Probability. The highest weightage topics for Physics in AP EAMCET are Current Electricity, Thermodynamics, Electrostatic Potential And Capacitance and oscillations.

How to score 100 marks in the AP EAMCET 2025 exam?

To score 100 marks in the AP EAMCET 2025 exam, candidates are required to create a structured timetable. Candidates must prioritize practicing previous years' question papers, mock tests, and sample papers. Candidates must emphasize  upon high-weightage chapters and refer to AP EAMCET best books 2025 for complete syllabus coverage.

Is the AP EAMCET exam easy or hard?

AP EAMCET exam has a moderate difficulty level, evaluating candidates on fundamental concepts in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biology.


Which book is best for the AP EAMCET Physics preparation?

Some of the recommended books for the AP EAMCET 2025 Physics preparation are  Concepts of Physics (Volumes 1 and 2) by HC Verma, IIT JEE Physics by D C Pandey, Optics and Modern Physics by D C Pandey, Problems in Physics by S.S. Krotov-HC Verma and Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov to name a few.

How to calculate the AP EAMCET EAMCET rank?

 The composite score of AP EAMCET is computed by allocating 25% of the marks from the intermediate examination and 75% of the marks from the AP EAMCET exam.

Does AP EAMCET have minus marks?

Every question from all sections in AP EAMCET carry one mark and for each correct option, candidates will be awarded 1 mark. There is no negative marking i.e. 0 marks will be deducted for incorrect answers.


What is the format of the AP EAMCET exam?

Each section in AP EAMCET comprises 40 questions. A total of 160 questions are asked in the examination from the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology. Each question will carry 1 mark. There is no negative marking in the AP EAMCET exam 2025.

Is 70 considered to be a good score in the AP EAMCET 2025 exam?

120 marks in the AP EAMCET 2025 exam can be considered to be a good score whereas a 70+ score is considered to be an average score in the AP EAMCET exam.

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