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BCECE 2022 Agriculture Important Topics: Topic-Wise Weightage

Are you confused what to read for Agriculture section in BCECE 2022 exams? Not to worry, the candidates can check the BCECE 2022 Agriculture important topics, topic-wise weightage, preparation tips and important books for Agriculture in this article.

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BCECE 2022 has been conducted on 24th and 25th July 2022. The duration of the exam is 4 hours and 30 minutes. BCECE stands for Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Exam. The subjects included for BCECE 2022 are Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and Agriculture. Candidates can opt for either of the subject combinations – PCM, PCB, MBA, MCA, CBA, PCMB. Each section consists of 100 questions. For every correct answer, 4 marks are given and there is a negative marking of 1 mark for every wrong answer.

Also Read:BCECE 2022 Admit Card 2022

BCECE 2022 Agriculture Syllabus

There are various topics to be covered under BCECE 2022 Agriculture syllabus. The agriculture topics and sub-topics are being mentioned here.

Introductory Agriculture and Agro meteorology 

  • Definition of Agriculture, Brief history of Agriculture. 
  • Disciplines of Agriculture: Agronomy, Soil Science, Plant breeding and genetics, Horticulture, Entomology, Plant pathology, Extension education, Agricultural economics, Agricultural engineering, Agricultural statistics ( One paragraph description on each discipline) 
  • National and International agricultural institutes in India. 
  • Agro climatic Zones of India and Bihar.
  • Elements of Weather-rainfall, temperature, humidity, wind velocity, sunshine, weather forecasting' Climate change in relation to crop production. 
  • Tillage: Definition, Objective and types of tillage. 
  • Tillage implements (primary, secondary and inter tillage). 
  • Soil tilth, its importance and effect on soil properties. 
  • Tillage practices (conventional) vs. conservation and zero tillage).
  • Methods of sowing / planting, Depth of sowing, transplanting and harvesting. 

Soil as A Medium Of Plant Growth 

  • Soil as a natural three dimensional resource. 
  • Soil classification, major soils of India/ Bihar. 
  • Soil profile, soil texture and structure, Soil Organism, Soil reaction / pH. 
  • Soil water.
  • Soil fertility & productivity and their indicators. 
  • Essential plant nutrients, their functions and deficiency symptoms.
  • Sufficiency and toxic levels of nutrients. 
  • Fertilizers, manures, bio-=fertilizers, integrated nutrient management. 
  • Fertilizer placement, top dressing ad foliar application.

 Plant Breeding and Genetics

  • Mendle's Laws of inheritance and its exception and significance. 
  • Qualitative and quantitative traits and their inheritance. 
  • Plant Breeding: Definition, history, objective and its achievements. 
  • Heterosis, its basis and exploitation. 
  • Breeding methods for crop improvement:- Introduction, selection, hybridization, mutation, polyploidy, population improvement. 
  • Recent methods of crop improvement, plant biotechnology and genetic engineering. 
  • Plant Genetic Resources: their collection, conservation and utilization. 
  • Seed: Formation, classification and multiplication. 
  • Intellectual Property Right: Definition, Classification and its importance. 

Agricultural Engineering 

  • Agricultural Implements:- cultivators, M.B. plough, Disc, Zero till seed drill, Rotavator, Power tiller, Tractor, Harvester - Engine- I.C. Engine: parts of engine and their work. Working of I.C. Engine, Working of 2 and 4 stroke engines. Difference between 2 stroke and 4 stroke engine, Difference between diesel and petrol engine, problems and troubleshooting of engine, Maintenance of engine, Maintenance after 100 hours and Maintenance after 500 hours. 
  • Electric motor: D.C. and A.C. 3 phase induction motor, single phase induction motor, Types of motor, Capacitor, Selection of electric motor. 
  • Sowing: Method of seeding or sowing, Seed-cum-fertilizer drill, Calibration of seed drill machine, thresher- its working and maintenance, winnower. 
  • Harvesting Equipment, working principle of mower, Problems and maintenance of harvesting equipments. 

Crop protection

  • Importance of crop insect-pests, diseases, nematodes, rodents. 
  • Important insect-pest and diseases of field crops, vegetables, fruits and stored grain pests and their management. 
  • Methods of control of insect-pest and disease:- Physical, Mechanical, Cultural, biological, chemical, autocidal, legal method and integrated pest management. 
  • Pesticides and their classification, symptoms of poisoning, First aids and antidotes. 
  • Harmful effects of insecticides. 
  • Effect of environment (temperature, moisture, wind, light, soil pH) on pest development. 

Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fish Production 

  • Importance of livestock in agriculture & industry 
  • Important developmental programmes by Central or State Government for improvement of livestock ( Operation Flood) 
  • Important indigenous and exotic breeds of Cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat & poultry. 
  • System of housing in cattle & poultry. - Principles of feeding. - Management of cattles at the time of 
  • calving (ii) newborn calf (iii) heifers (iv) milch animals (v) pregnant animals and poultry (vi) Bullocks (Chicks pullets, Layers, Broilers) - Principles of feeding of different classes of animals, calves, pregnant animals, lactating animals, Bullocks and Poultry (Chicks, Pullets, Layers & Broilers) 
  • Methods of conservation of green fodder (hay making & silage making) 
  • Sign of sick & healthy animals, etiology symptoms, prevention and control of common diseases in cattle & poultry. (i) Rinderpest (ii) Foot & mouth disease (iii) Rabies (iv) Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (v) Black quarter (vi) Mastitis (Vii) Trypanosomiasis (viii) Basesiosis (ix) Coccidiosis (x) Ranikhat disease (xi) Fowl pox (xii) I.B.D. or Gumboro disease. - Artificial insemination (Definition, Benefits, Drawbacks). - Principle and methods of milking clean milk production.
  •  Modern methods of fish production. 

Crop Production 

Cultivation of Crops

Economic importance, origin, distribution, soil and climatic requirement, varieties, cultural practices (Seed bed preparation, seed treatment, time and method of sowing/ planting, seed rate; dose, method and time of fertilizer application, irrigation, inter culture and weed control; common pests and diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, virus and nematode, integrated pest management, harvesting, threshing, post harvest technology, storage, processing and marketing and major production constraints) of following crops: 

  • Cereals: Paddy, Wheat, maize. 
  • Pluses: pigeon pea, gram, lentil, pea mung bean, urd bean. 
  • Oilseeds: Groundnut, rapeseed and mustard, Linseed, sunflower. 
  • Cash crops: Sugarcane, jute. 
  • Fodder and forage crops: Sorghum, maize, oat, napier grass berseem 

Cropping system 

  • Crop rotation, sequential cropping, mixed cropping, inter cropping, parallel cropping, multi-storied cropping, multiple cropping, cropping system / cropping pattern, cropping intensity. 
  • Important cropping system for the rainfed and irrigated ecosystem of Bihar. 

Soil and water management 

  • Water requirement, Irrigation requirement, concept of irrigation scheduling. 
  • Field capacity, permanent wilting point, plant available water. 
  • Method of irrigation. - Importance of drainage, drainage methods. 
  • Problem soils and its management saline alkaline, acid soil and water logged (Diara and Tal) 

Weed management 

  • Definition of weeds, Characteristics of weeds, Harmful and beneficial effects of weeds. 
  • Crop-weed competition, 
  • Weed management: Principles, mechanical, cultural, chemical, biological, integrated weed management. 
  • Herbicides. 

Recent trends in Agriculture 

Organic farming, Integrated farming system, recycling of plant nutrients, precision farming, watershed management, groundwater recharge, targeted yield concept. 

Agricultural economics 

  • Major economic problems in agriculture. 
  • Role and share of agriculture in the state economy. 
  • Land use classification. 
  • Land distribution and size of holding. 
  • Area, production, and productivity of major crops in the state with reference to the country. 
  • Marketing of agricultural produce, cooperative farming, corporate farming, contract farming, integrated value chain 

Basic Horticulture 

  • Importance of fruits and vegetables in the human diet. 
  • Area & production of horticultural crops and its future prospect. 
  • Classification of horticultural crops according to climatic adaptation and economic use. 
  • Planting system, high density orchard, training, pruning, intercropping and rejuvenation of fruit trees. 
  • Protection from frost and sunburn 
  • Plant propagation and nursery management. 

 Fruit Production

  • Establishment of new orchards and its layout.
  • Cultivation of major fruit crops : 
  • Mango, Papaya, Banana, Guava, Citrus, Litchi, Strawberry, Coconut, Aonla, Ber, Jack fruit.

 Vegetable production 

  • Cultivation practices of major vegetables
  • Radish, Carrot, Sugar beet, Potato, Onion, Garlic, Chillies, Cauliflower, Brinjal, Tomato, Spinach, Cabbage, Elephant foot yam, Colocasia, Corriender, Pointed gourd, Bottle gourd, Bitter gourd, Sponge gourd and Cucumber, Bhindi, Cowpea, French bean, Pea. 
  • Nutritional kitchen gardening. 

Flowers, medicinal and aromatic plants

  • Cultivation of Chrysanthemums, Roses, Dahlia, Marigold, and Tube rose, Gladiolus.
  • Cultivation of ornamental shrubs, avenue trees, and climbers. 
  • Cultivation of Menthe, Lemon grass, Citronella.
  • Introduction of medicinal plants. 

Preservation Of Fruits And Vegetables

  • Principles and Methods of Fruit and Vegetable Preservation. 
  • Preparation of Fruit Squash, Jellies, Jams, Ketchup, Chips, Pickles And Their Packing. 

 Extension education

  • Extension education: Definition, Scope, Objective, Importance. 
  • Extension methods and tools.

Also Read:How to Prepare for BCECE 2022 exam?

BCECE 2022 Important Topics for Agriculture

The candidates can check the list of important topics for BCECE 2022 Agriculture domain given below.

  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Basic Horticulture
  • Crop Protection
  • Extension Education
  • Dairy and Fish Production
  • Flowers
  • Introductory Agriculture And Agrometeorology
  • Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
  • Plant breeding and Genetics
  • Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables
  • Soil as a medium of Plant growth
  • Crop Production

BCECE 2022 Agriculture Topic-Wise Weightage

The candidates can check the tentative number of questions which are expected to come from the topics listed below.

Important Topics

Expected Number of questions

Agricultural Engineering


Animal Husbandry


Basic Horticulture


Crop Protection


Dairy and Fish production


Introductory Agriculture and Agrometeorology


Medicinal and Aromatic Plant


Plant Breeding and Genetics


Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables


Soil as a medium of Plant Growth


Crop Production


BCECE 2022 Best Books for Agriculture

Agriculture subjects have various topics to cover. The candidates who want to excel in the BCECE 2022 Agriculture section require the apt books for agriculture to study. There are several books available in the bookstores for studying and preparing for the exam but the candidates must know about the relevant Agriculture books so that they score good in the exam. The candidates can check the names of the BCECE 2022 Exam books for Agriculture and their respective authors given below.



BSc agriculture entrance exam

Dr. Lalita Gaur

Agriculture at a glance revised edition

R.K.Sharma, S.K.Bhoi, N.Pandey and S.Shinde

BSc agriculture entrance exam

Arihant Experts

BCECE 2022 Preparation Tips

The candidates can check the techniques for the preparation of the exam for achieving success in their in the entrance test of BCECE 2022. Some of the preparation tips for BCECE 2022 are listed below.

  • Follow the routine -Candidates are advised to study for at least 8-10 hours per day and allocate the time for each subject according to their comfortability. This will help them in covering the entire syllabus on time.
  • Revise 11th & 12th topics- As the syllabus is based on the 11th and 12th standard, learn all the important formulas and topics of the 11th and 12th. This will help in solving the question without much hassle.
  • Increase Speed - More and more preparation will aid in answering more questions because the exam will be conducted in offline mode. Always divide the time allotted for each topic during practice.
  • Practice Previous Year’s Question Papers-To obtain an idea of the type of question , solve the previous year's question paper.
  • Make Notes - Make brief notes on each topic, review them, and solve the numerical problems in each topic. This will help you in gaining confidence.
  • Mock Test - Mock Tests are really helpful as we all come to know about the demo of exam paper and it gives a lot of confidence.

Also Read: BCECE BSc Agriculture/Horticulture Cutoff 2022

For more updates related to BCECE Agriculture topics, stay tuned to CollegeDekho! If the students have any doubts or queries please visit our QnA section and raise their concerns, we will be there to guide you and answer all your queries.

We wish all the appearing candidates of BCECE 2022 Good Luck and Best Wishes!

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