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GATE Computer Science & Information Technology Syllabus: Subject Wise Weightage, Best Books

GATE Computer Science & Information Technology syllabus has been released by IIT Roorkee. The GATE CS Syllabus includes 10 sections. Along with the core CS syllabus, question will also be asked from Engineering Mathematics and General Aptitude. 


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GATE Computer Science & Information Technology Syllabus - IIT Roorkee has released the GATE syllabus for Computer Science & Information Technology paper. The GATE Computer Science and Information Technology syllabus includes 10 sections namely, Engineering Mathematics, Digital Logic, Computer Organization and Architecture, Programming and Data Structures, Algorithms, Theory of Computation, Compiler Design, Operating Systems, Databases, and Computer Networks. It is recommended that candidates refer to the official GATE Computer Science & Information Technology syllabus only for exam preparation. GATE CS and IT Core curriculum make up around 72% of the total marks, General Aptitude comprises 15%, and Engineering Mathematics takes 13%.

GATE Computer Science and  Information Technology Exam Pattern comprised 65 questions worth a total of 100 marks. The questions will be of three types: multiple choice questions (MCQ), multiple select questions (MSQ), and numerical answer questions (NA) (NAT). The important topics on which the questions are based include Digital Logic, Algorithms, Theory of Computation, Computer Organizations, etc. Candidates who took the GATE exam could also choose to take the Mathematics (MA) paper as their second paper. 

With over 3 lakh students taking the GATE Computer Science and Information Technology exam each year, it is important for applicants to become acquainted with the GATE CS and IT Syllabus, Subject Wise Weightage of topics, and the best books for GATE Preparation. Understanding the topic-wise and subject-wise weightage will help students prepare better and drive them toward smart work. They will be able to determine how much time and effort is required for each subject. Read more about the same as described in full in the article below.

GATE CS Exam Pattern: Highlights

The following are the highlights of the GATE Exam Pattern  :



Online - Computer-Based Test (CBT)


3 Hours (180 Minutes)

Nature of Questions

MCQ – Multiple Choice Questions MCQ – Multiple Select Questions NAT – Numerical Answer Type

Number of Questions

65 Questions

Total Marks

100 Marks

Marks Awarded

1 or 2 marks per correct answer

Negative Marking

1/3rd Mark will be deducted for 1 mark question; 2/3rd Mark will be deducted for 2 marks question



GATE CS and IT Subject-Wise Weightage

The following tables show the subject-wise mark weightage for GATE Syllabus

General Aptitude

The topic-wise weightage of General Aptitude has been mentioned in the table below-



Average Weightage of Marks

Numerical Ability

Numerical Computation


Numerical Estimation

Numerical Reasoning and DATA Interpretation

Verbal Ability

English Grammar


Sentence Completion

Verbal Analogies

Word Groups


Critical Reasoning and Verbal Deduction

Engineering Mathematics

Engineering Mathematics makes up 13% of the entire GATE CS and IT question paper. We have provided the subject-wise distribution of marks in this section-

1. Discrete Mathematics



Average Weightage of Marks

Discrete Mathematics

Propositional and first-order logic


Sets, Relations


Partial Orders and lattices


Graphs: connectivity,matching, coloring

Combinators: counting,recurrence, relations, generating functions

2. Engineering Mathematics

Engineering mathematics is a crucial part of GATE exam. Given below is the average weightage of marks that Engineering Mathematics holds in the GATE Exam.



Average Weightage of Marks

Engineering Mathematics




The system of linear equations

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors,LU decomposition


Continuity and differentiability

Maxima and Minima

Mean, Median, Mode & Standard deviation

Mean value theorem


Conditional Probability & Bayes theorem

Uniform, Normal, Exponential, Poisson and Binomial distributions

Computer Science Subjects

The core subjects of Computer science and Information Technology constitute of the main part of the GATE CS and IT Syllabus. Given below are the topic-wise weightage distribution of the Computer Science Subjects.

1. Digital Logic



Average Weightage of Marks

Digital Logic

Number Representation and Computer arithmetic (fixed & floating point)


Combinational and Sequential circuits

Boolean Algebra


2. Computer Organization and Architecture

The table below provides the average weightage of Computer Organization and Architecture along with its topics and sub-topics-



Average Weightage of Marks

Computer Organization and Architecture

Machine instructions and addressing modes



Data-path and control unit

Instruction Pipelining

Memory Hierarchy:cache

Main Memory

Secondary Storage

I/O interface( Interrupt and DMA)

3. Programming and Data structure

 Programming and Data structure has various subtopics, those sub-topics and the average weightage of marks of this subject in the GATE Exam are provided in the table below-



Average Weightage of Marks

Programming and Data structure

Programming C



Boolean Algebra



Linked List


Binary Heaps



Binary search trees

4. Algorithms

The table consists of the topics that come under Algorithms and the average mark that is expected to be assigned in GATE.



Average Weightage of Marks


Searching, sorting & hashing


Asymptotic worst-case time and space complexity

Algorithm design techniques: greedy, dynamic programming and divide-and-conquer

Minimum spanning trees

Graph search

Shortest Paths

5. Theory of Computation

The Theory of computation sub-topics and average weightage of marks have been provided in the table below-



Average Weightage of Marks

Theory of Computation

Regular expressions and finite automata


Context-free grammar and pushdown automata

Regular and context-free languages

Pumping Lemma

Turing Machines


6. Compiler Design

Check the detailed topics of Compiler Design and its Average Weightage of Marks in the table below-



Average Weightage of Marks

Compiler Design

Lexical analysis



Syntax-directed translation

Runtime Environments

Intermediate code

7. Operating Systems

The subject, operating systems is one of the most important subjects in Computer Science. Check the detailed topics and average marks allotted to this subject in the table provided below-



Average Weightage of Marks

Operating Systems




Inter-process communication


Concurrency and synchronization

CPU Scheduling

Memory management and virtual memory

File systems

8. Database

The database has a wide array of subtopics a few of which has been provided here along with the average weightage of marks-



Average Weightage of Marks




Relational Model: Relational algebra, tuple, calculus, SQL

Integrity constraints, normal forms

File organization, indexing (e.g. B and B+ trees)

Transactions and concurrency control

9. Computer Networks

Computer networks are one of the most critical subjects in the GATE CS and IT Exam. Check the average weightage of marks here-



Average Weightage of Marks

Computer Networks

Concept of Layering


LAN technologies (Ethernet)

IPv4/IPv6, routers, and routing algorithms (distance vector, link state)

TCP/UDP and sockets, congestion control

Application layer protocols (DNS, SMTP, POP, FTP, HTTP)

Basics of WiFi

Network Security: authentication, basics of public key cryptography, digital signatures and certificates, firewalls

Also read: GATE Syllabus

GATE CS Syllabus PDF

Candidates can download the GATE syllabus PDF for Computer Science and Information Technology by clicking on the links given below. 

GATE CS and IT Best Books

Computer Science and Information Technology discipline is now the most popular among engineering students due to the booming IT sector and consistent work prospects. It is crucial that candidates follow the best books for GATE Preparation and practice materials when it comes to GATE preparation strategy to make sure they score well and improve their prospects. Here are some recommended and highly rated books for computer science GATE preparation:

GATE Preparation Books for Computer Science and Information Technology




Operating System


Theory of Computation


Computer Networks


Computer Organisation

Carl Hamacher

Database System


Compiler Design

Aho & Ull Man

Digital Logic

Morris Mano

Software Engineering


Quick Link

About GATE

GATE exam is likely to be held on February 1, 2, 8 and 9.  IIT Roorkee will soon release theGATE exam date. The GATE Exam is a nationwide exam that is taken by around 9 lakh students each year. The GATE Score has a lot of importance because all major universities that accept students use the GATE Score in their admission process, and the same is true for PSUs (Public Sector Undertakings).

The examination assesses the graduate engineer's understanding of the fundamental concepts in the field, such as discrete mathematics, digital logic, programming and data structures, compiler design, and others.

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When will the GATE 2025 going to be conducted?

GATE exam 2025 is likely to be held on February 1, 2, and 8, 9, 2025.

What is the total marks in GATE 2025 Computer Science & Information Technology?

GATE Computer Science and Information Technology 2025 comprised 100 marks. 

How many questions are asked in GATE 2025 Computer Science & Information Technology?

As per the GATE 2025 Exam Pattern, there are 65 questions asked in GATE 2025 Computer Science & Information Technology.

What is the marking scheme of GATE 2025 Computer Science & Information Technology?

As per the GATE 2025 marking scheme, 1/3rd mark will be deducted for 1 mark question; 2/3rd mark will be deducted for 2 mark question.

GATE Previous Year Question Paper

GATE Production and Industrial Engineering (PI) Question Paper 2019

Previous Year Question Paper

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Related Questions

Which branch can I choose for definitely getting one in NIT Hamirpur with an 88.1 percentile EWS category?

-RahulUpdated on March 03, 2025 01:10 PM
  • 1 Answer
Dewesh Nandan Prasad, Content Team

Dear Student, 

It is unlikely that you will be eligible to get admission to the National Institute of Technology Hamirpur with 88 percentile marks in JEE Main 2025, as the EWS cutoff for NIT Hamirpur closes at 95 percentile marks. However, as per the latest expected cutoff and admission trends, you can expect branches like mechanical engineering, civil engineering, and electrical engineering at NIT Hamirpur. We hope that you get admission to NIT Hamirpur for BTech courses. All the best for your future! Stay connected with College Dekho for the latest updates related to the JEE Main 2025 exam. 


88.1 percentile in ews category in moderate to difficult paper best lower ranked nit with branch with definite seat getting one .. Which nit did you suggest??

-RahulUpdated on March 05, 2025 12:24 PM
  • 1 Answer
Dewesh Nandan Prasad, Content Team

Dear Student, 

It is unlikely that you will be eligible to get admission to the National Institute of Technology Hamirpur with 88 percentile marks in JEE Main 2025, as the EWS cutoff for NIT Hamirpur closes at 95 percentile marks. However, as per the latest expected cutoff and admission trends, you can expect branches like mechanical engineering, civil engineering, and electrical engineering at NIT Hamirpur. We hope that you get admission to NIT Hamirpur for BTech courses. All the best for your future! Stay connected with College Dekho for the latest updates related to the JEE Main 2025 exam. 


doing my final year in btech pharmaceutical technology. looking forward to attend niper jee 2025 for getting admission in mba pharm or mtech pharm. i’m confused that whether gpat is mandatory for me to get eligible.

-THOMAS ELDHOUpdated on March 06, 2025 01:22 PM
  • 1 Answer
Mrunmayai Bobade, Content Team

Dear Student, 

It is unlikely that you will be eligible to get admission to the National Institute of Technology Hamirpur with 88 percentile marks in JEE Main 2025, as the EWS cutoff for NIT Hamirpur closes at 95 percentile marks. However, as per the latest expected cutoff and admission trends, you can expect branches like mechanical engineering, civil engineering, and electrical engineering at NIT Hamirpur. We hope that you get admission to NIT Hamirpur for BTech courses. All the best for your future! Stay connected with College Dekho for the latest updates related to the JEE Main 2025 exam. 


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