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GATE 2025 Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (DA) Question Papers: Previous Year Papers PDF Download

GATE 2025 Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (DA) question papers will have the questions from the topics such as Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Machine Learning, etc. While doing the preparations, the students can solve the sample questions, study from the best books, etc.

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GATE 2025 Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (DA) Question Papers: The GATE 2025 Data Science and Artificial Intelligence paper is a new engineering specialization paper added last year by the authority. As it's a newly introduced paper you must be wondering what will be question type in the GATE 2025 Data Science question paper. Don’t worry as we have compiled some GATE 2025 sample questions of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence after taking into consideration the paper trend. You can get access to the GATE 2025 Data Science question paper on this page. The exam takers of GATE 2025 DA can choose Computer Science (CS), Electronics and Communication (EC), Electrical Engineering (EE), Mathematics (MA), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Statistics (ST), and Engineering Sciences (XE) as their second choice in the GATE two-paper combination. Students must practice from the previous year's GATE Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Question to know about the question type, chapter-wise weightage, and important topics. 

You should note that the exam date for GATE 2025 DA has not yet been announced by the authority. However, the GATE 2025 exam will be conducted on February 1, 2, 15, and 16, 2025. To know more about GATE Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (DA) Question Papers and other details, take a look at the article below.

GATE 2025 Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (DA) Question Paper

The GATE 2025 Data Science & Artificial Intelligence paper will include questions from topics such as Linear Algebra, Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Learning, etc. The GATE 2025 data science question paper will hold a total of 2 sections, namely General Aptitude & Subject Questions worth 15 and 85 marks respectively. Being a relatively new subject for the GATE examination, we understand that you might be looking for its previous year question papers in order to prepare well for it. Don’t worry as here, we have mentioned the GATE Data Science and Artificial Intelligence question paper of 2024 for you to easily access it:-

Also Check: M Tech Data Science

GATE Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Sample Questions

As discussed above, the GATE DA exam is relatively new and there is not much study material available for it. Thereafter, to make your preparation a bit easier, we have put together some sample questions for the said subject after thorough brainstorming and research. Go through the sample questions mentioned below and start practicing:- 

Engineering Mathematics

1. Let X be a real 44 matrix. Consider the following statements :

A1: X has 4 linearly independent eigenvectors.

A2: X has 4 distinct eigenvalues.

A3: X is non-singular (invertible).

Which one among the following conditions is Correct?

  1. A1 implies A2
  2. A2 implies A1
  3. A1 implies A3
  4. A3 implies A1

The correct answer is option B.

2. For matrices of the same dimension A, B, and scalar s, which one of these conditions does not always retain?

  1. (AB)T = A
  2. (sA)T = s(A)T
  3. (A + B)T = AT + BT
  4. AN = NA

The correct answer is option D.


  1. 3, 3+5j, 6-j
  2. 3, -1+3j, -1-3j
  3. -6+5j, 3+j, 3-j
  4. 3+j, 3-j, 5+j

The correct answer is option B.

4. The function f(a) = 8 log f a-a2 + 3 attains its minimum over the interval [1, f] at a = __________. (Here loge x is the natural logarithm of a.)

  1. 2
  2. 1
  3. f
  4. (1+f)/2

The correct answer is option B.

5. The families of curves represented by the solution of the equation dy/dx = - (x/y)n for n = –1 and n = 1 respectively, are

  1. Circles and Hyperbolas
  2. Parabolas and Circles
  3. Hyperbolas and Circles
  4. Hyperbolas and Parabolas

The correct answer is option C.


  1. a = b/4
  2. a = b/2
  3. a = 2b
  4. a = 4b

The correct answer is option D.

7.  500 candidates are taking one or more courses out of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. Enrollment records show course registration as given - Chemistry and Physics (83), Chemistry (329), Physics (186), Mathematics (295), Physics and Mathematics (63), and Chemistry and Mathematics (217). How many candidates are taking all 3 subjects?

  1. 53
  2. 37
  3. 43
  4. 47

The correct answer is option A.

8. Neeraj and Dheeraj went in an interview for two vacuities in the same branch. The probability of Neeraj's selection is 1/6 and that of Dheeraj is 1/8. What is the probability that only one of the options will be selected?

  1. 47/48
  2. 1/4
  3. 13/48
  4. 35/48

The correct answer is option B.

9. If calls come at a telephone exchange such that the time of appearance of any call is independent of the time of appearance of earlier future calls, the probability allocation function of the entire number of calls in a specified time gap will be -

  1. Poisson
  2. Gaussian
  3. Exponential
  4. Gamma

The correct answer is option A.


  1. ½
  2. 4/9
  3. 2/3
  4. 5/9

The correct answer is option A.

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence

11. Evaluate the problem of reversing a singly linked list. To take an illustration, as given in the linked list below:

The reversed linked list should look like the diagram given below- 

Which one of the following remarks is TRUE about the time complexity of algorithms that solve the above problem in O(1) space?

  1. The best algorithm for the problem takes (n2) time in the worst case.
  2. The best algorithm for the problem takes (n log n) time in the worst case.
  3. The best algorithm for the problem takes (n) time in the worst case.
  4. It is not feasible to reverse a singly linked list in O(1) space.

The correct answer is option C.

12. What is the worst-case time complexity of inserting ‘m’ elements into an empty linked list, if the linked list needs to be maintained in sorted order?

  1. (m log m)
  2. (m)
  3. (m2) 
  4. O(1)

The correct answer is options A and C.

13. Let A be a singly linked list, Let B be the pointer to an intermediate node c in the list. What is the worst-case time complexity of the best-known algorithm to delete node c from the list?

  1. (n)
  2. (lon2n)
  3. (log n)
  4. O(1)

The correct answer is option D.

14. The preorder traversal of a binary search tree is 15, 10, 12, 11, 20, 18, 16, 19. Which one of the following is the postorder traversal of the tree?

  1. 20, 19, 18, 16, 15, 12, 11, 10
  2. 19, 16, 18, 20, 11, 12, 10, 15
  3. 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20
  4. 11, 12, 10, 16, 19, 18, 20, 15

The correct answer is option D.

15. What is the worst-case time complexity of inserting m2 elements into an AVL tree with m elements initially?

  1. (m2)
  2. (m4)
  3. (m3)
  4. (m2logm)

The correct answer is option D.

16. A queue is executed using a non-circular singly linked list. It has a head and a tail pointer, as shown in the figure. Suppose ‘m’ denotes the total number of nodes in the queue. Let enqueue be executed by inserting a new node at the head, and dequeue be implemented by omission of a node from the tail.

Which one of the options is the time complexity of the most time-efficient implementation of enqueue and dequeue respectively, for this data format?

  1. (1), (1)
  2. (1), (m)
  3. (m), (1)
  4. (m), (m)

The correct answer is option B.

17. Given the following input (4322, 1334, 1471, 9679, 1989, 6171, 6173, 4199) and the hash function a mod 10, which of the following statements is true?

  1. 9679, 1989, 4199 hash to the exact value
  2. 1471 and 6171 have the exact value
  3. All elements hash to the exact value
  4. Each element hashes to a distinct value
  5. 1 only
  6. 2 and 1 only
  7. 2 only
  8. 3 or 4

The correct answer is option B.

18. Assume a hash table with 9 slots. The hash function is h(A) = A mod 9. The collisions are settled by chaining. The following 9 keys are instigated in the order: 5, 28, 19, 15, 20, 33, 12, 17, 10. The chain-wise maximum, minimum, and average chain lengths in the hash table, respectively, are - 

  1. 3, 0, and 1
  2. 3, 3, and 3
  3. 4, 0, and 1
  4. 3, 0, and 2

The correct answer is option A.

19. Assume that the algorithms evaluated here sort the input sequences in ascending order.

  1. Quicksort runs in (m2) time
  2. Bubblesort runs in (m2) time
  3. Mergesort runs in (m) time
  4. Insertion sort runs in (m) time

 If the input is already in ascending order, which of the conditions is TRUE?

  1. 1 and 2 only
  2. 1 and 3 only
  3. 2 and 4 only
  4. 1 and I4 only

The correct answer is option D.

20. The worst-case running times of Insertion sort, Merge sort, and Quick sort, respectively, are:

  1. (n2), (n logn), and (n2)
  2. (n logn), (n logn) and (n2)
  3. (n2), (n2) and (n logn)
  4. (n2), (n logn), and (n logn)

The correct answer is option A.

21. Which of the following relational query languages have the same expressive power?

I) Tuple relational calculus restricted to safe expressions

II) Relational algebra

III) Domain relational calculus restricted to safe expressions

  1. II and III only
  2. I and II only
  3. I and III only
  4. , II, and III only

The correct answer is option D.

22. Which one of the following is used to describe the supporting many-one relationships of a weak entity set in an entity-relationship diagram?

  1. Rectangles with double/bold border
  2. Ovals that contain underlined identifiers
  3. Diamonds with double/bold border
  4. Ovals with double/bold border

The correct answer is option C.

23. With respect to the expressive power of the formal relational query languages, which of the subsequent comments is right?

  1. Relational algebra same power as safe relational calculus.
  2. Relational algebra same power as relational calculus.
  3. Relational algebra is more powerful than relational calculus.
  4. None of the above

The correct answer is option A.

24. Suppose a join (relation algebra) between relations a(A) and b(B) employing the nested loop method. There are 3 buffers each of size the same as the disk block size, out of which one buffer is committed for intermediate results. Assuming size {a(A)} < size {b(B)}, the join will have fewer disk block accesses if - 

  1. Relation a(A) is in the outer loop
  2. relation b(B) is in the outer loop
  3. join selection factor between a(A) and b(B) is more than 0.5
  4. join selection factor between a(A) and b(B) is less than 0.5 

The correct answer is option A.

25. A clustering index is determined on the fields of what type?

  1. non-key and non-ordering
  2. key and ordering
  3. non-key and ordering
  4. key and non-ordering

The correct answer is option C.

26. A file is arranged so that the ordering of data records is the same as or close to the ordering of data entries in some index. The index is known as -  

  1. Dense
  2. Sparse
  3. Clustered
  4. Unclustered

The correct answer is option C.

27. Which of the following is NOT a superkey in a relational schema with attributes V, W, X, Y, Z, and primary key VY?

  1. VXYZ
  2. VWXZ
  3. VWXY
  4. VWXYZ

The correct answer is option B.

28. ______ is the partition approach of grouping identical data.

  1. K-nearest
  2. K-means
  3. Approximate Nearest Neighbor
  4. Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering

The correct answer is option B.

29. We get over fitting model, because of ____bias and ____ variance.

  1. low, high
  2. low, low
  3. high, low
  4. high, high

The correct answer is option A.

30.  A table has fields, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, with the following functional dependencies: F1 → F3.F2 → F4.(F1.F2) → F5 in terms of Normalization, this table is in -

  1. 2NF
  2. 1NF
  3. 3NF
  4. None of these

The correct answer is option A.

You need to note that these sample questions are tentative and formulated based on the GATE DA 2025 Syllabus. The numbers and format may vary.

Also read: GATE Syllabus 2025

GATE 2025 Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Syllabus

IIT Roorkee has released the official GATE Data Science & Artificial Intelligence syllabus 2025 on its official website. The syllabus involves various topics such as Calculus and Optimization, Database Management and Warehousing, AI, etc. You can read more details related to GATE syllabus of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence below:-

Name of the Chapters

Calculus and Optimization

Linear Algebra

Probability and Statistics

Machine Learning

Database Management and Warehousing

Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms


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We hope that this post on the GATE 2025 Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (DA) Question Papers was helpful and informative. For more articles and updates, stay tuned with Collegedekho!​

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Is there GATE exam for Artificial Intelligence?

Yes, IISc Bangalore has recently announced the 30th GATE paper i.e. GATE Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (DA) Paper which will be conducted from the academic year 2024-2025.

Who is eligible for GATE Data Science and AI?

Candidates from any Engineering background are eligible to appear for the GATE DA 2024 Paper.

GATE Previous Year Question Paper

GATE Production and Industrial Engineering (PI) Question Paper 2019

Previous Year Question Paper

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