GATE Rank vs Marks vs Score Analysis 2025
90+ score in GATE is considered excellent and can get you a rank between 1 and 10. A GATE score between 85 and 90 means a rank between 10 and 50. Based on the past years' trends, check your GATE 2025 marks vs rank analysis for various branches here.
GATE Rank vs Marks vs Score Analysis 2025: GATE 2025 marks vs rank analysis will help you understand what rank you will likely get according to the marks secured in the GATE 2025 exam. Usually, a 90+ score in GATE is considered excellent and corresponds to a rank anywhere between 1 and 10. On the other hand, a GATE score between 85 and 90 is likely to fetch you a rank in the top 50. However, you must note that GATE marks vs rank may differ depending on the subject paper. For example, to get in the top 10, you will have to score 92+ in GATE Mechanical Engineering while in the case of the CSE branch, a GATE score of 85+ is enough to get you ranked between 1 and 10.
By analyzing GATE rank vs marks vs score 2025 you can further predict your admission chances according to your preferred college and specialization. For core branches like CSE, ECE, and, ME, you need to score higher GATE ranks if you want to study M.Tech from top IITs only. IIT Roorkee is conducting the GATE 2025 exam on February 1, 2, 15, and 16, 2025. GATE 2025 result will be released on March 19, 2025. Find out the GATE rank vs marks vs score 2025 analysis here.
Also Check - GATE 2025 CSE Marks vs Rank vs Score Analysis
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GATE 2025 Marks vs Rank for Top Branches
GATE marks vs rank differ for different subject papers. We advise you to go through the branch-wise GATE 2025 marks vs rank analysis of the same that will give you a deeper understanding. Below is the explanation GATE score vs marks 2025 for the core branches such as Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering, ECE, CSE etc. Please note that the information shared below has been extracted from the previous year's data, so you can figure out which branch you might get according to the rank and marks assigned.
GATE 2025 Marks vs Rank for Computer Science Engineering (Expected)
The tentative GATE marks vs rank for CSE 2025 have been listed in the table below. Computer Science and Engineering is one of the most opted paper in the GATE examination. In the previous year, the highest marks scored by the topper in the GATE CSE exam was 90 out of 100. Those of you scoring the highest marks will be given 1 AIR rank.
GATE Rank | GATE Marks |
1-10 | 85+ |
11-50 | 75-80 |
51-100 | 72-74 |
101-200 | 68-71 |
201-500 | 62-67 |
501-1000 | 56-61 |
1001-2000 | 50-55 |
2001-5000 | 40-49 |
5001-10000 | 32-39 |
Also Check - What is a Good Score in GATE CSE 2025?
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GATE Marks vs Rank 2025 for Mechanical Engineering (Expected)
Going by the previous year's analysis, the expected GATE 2025 marks vs rank for Mechanical Engineering are given below. As per the GATE 2025 marks vs rank for ME, students with 92+ are likely to get a 1 to 10 rank, with 87 to 92 marks are likely to get an 11 to 50 rank, and with 85 to 86 marks are likely to get 51 to 100 rank. Refer to the GATE Mechanical Engineering (ME) marks vs rank vs score analysis 2025 to know your expected rank based on your marks.
GATE Rank | GATE Marks |
1-10 | 92+ |
11-50 | 87-92 |
51-100 | 85-86 |
101-200 | 82-84 |
201-500 | 79-81 |
501-1000 | 75-78 |
1001-2000 | 71-74 |
2001-5000 | 63-70 |
5001-10000 | 51-62 |
Also Check - What is a Good Score in GATE Mechanical Engineering (ME) 2025?
GATE Civil Marks vs Rank 2025 (Expected)
The expected GATE marks vs rank 2025 for Civil Engineering (CE) have been listed in the table below. As per the GATE Civil marks vs rank 2025, students with 90+ marks will get a 1 to 10 rank, with 85 to 90 marks will get an 11 to 50 rank, with 78 to 84 marks will get a 51 to 100 rank, and so on. Go through the GATE 2025 CE expected marks vs rank analysis below and know your expected rank based on your marks.
GATE Rank | GATE Marks |
1-10 | 90+ |
11-50 | 85-90 |
51-100 | 78-84 |
101-200 | 74-77 |
201-500 | 70-73 |
501-1000 | 66-69 |
1001-2000 | 62-65 |
2001-5000 | 59-61 |
5001-10000 | 55-58 |
Also Check - What is a Good Score in GATE Civil Engineering (CE) 2025?
GATE ECE Marks vs Rank 2025 (Expected)
The probable GATE score vs marks ECE has been listed in the table below. As per the GATE marks vs score ECE 2025 analysis, students scoring 73+ marks are likely to get rank between 1 and 10, with 67 to 72 marks likely to get 11 to 50 ranks, and with 63 to 66 marks are likely to get 51 to 100 ranks. The following GATE marks vs score ECE is as per the previous year result analysis. Check the GATE marks vs rank ECE below and analyze what rank you are most likely to get based on your scores.
GATE Rank | GATE Marks |
1-10 | 73+ |
11-50 | 67-72 |
51-100 | 63-66 |
101-200 | 60-62 |
201-500 | 56-59 |
501-1000 | 50-55 |
1001-2000 | 45-49 |
2001-5000 | 38-44 |
5001-10000 | 28-37 |
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GATE 2025 Marks vs Rank of Electrical Engineering (Expected)
The tentative GATE marks vs rank 2025 for Electrical Engineering (EE) have been listed in the table below. As per the GATE marks vs rank Electrical Engineering students with 91+ marks may get a 1 to 10 rank, with 87 to 91 marks will get an 11 to 50 rank, and with 84 to 86 marks will get a 51 to 100 rank, and so on.
GATE Rank | GATE Marks |
1-10 | 91+ |
11-50 | 87-91 |
51-100 | 84-86 |
101-200 | 81-83 |
201-500 | 77-80 |
501-1000 | 72-76 |
1001-2000 | 66-71 |
2001-5000 | 57-65 |
5001-10000 | 46-56 |
Also Read: What is a Good Score in GATE Electrical Engineering (EE) 2025?
GATE 2025 Marks vs Rank for Electronics Engineering (Expected)
Check out the GATE marks vs rank 2025 for Electronics Engineering below.
GATE Rank | GATE Marks |
1 - 10 | 73 and above |
11 - 50 | 67 - 73 |
51 - 100 | 63 - 67 |
101 - 200 | 60 - 63 |
201 - 500 | 56 - 60 |
501 - 1000 | 50 - 56 |
1001 - 2000 | 45 - 50 |
2001 - 5000 | 38 - 45 |
5001 - 10000 | 28 - 38 |
GATE DA Marks vs Rank 2025 (Expected)
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence is a newly introduced GATE paper. GATE DA paper will be held for a total of 100 marks and will include 65 questions. The highest mark for the GATA DA 2025 will be around 85+. Students who score the highest marks in GATE Data Science and Artificial Intelligence will get an AIR 1 rank. The other GATE DA rank 2025 will be assigned accordingly. We will update the GATE DA marks vs rank 2025 analysis below once the GATE 2025 result has been released.
Marks | Rank |
85+ | 1 |
Also Read:
GATE Score vs Marks - What is GATE Score and Marks?
Now that the GATE exam date is out and the preparations of the same are going on, we are sure that the questions of ‘What is GATE score’ and ‘How is it calculated’ must be going inside your mind. Answering this query of yours, we would like to tell you that the GATE score of a student is calculated using a formula out of 1000, whereas the marks of a student are the actual number received in the test out of 100. The GATE scorecard features the qualified student’s GATE score as well as marks. It is a measure of a student’s relative performance in relation to other students in a certain paper. The GATE scorecard has a three-year validity period. GATE marks vs rank 2025 is an indicator of a student's rank based on the marks obtained.
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GATE Marks vs Score 2025 - How is GATE Score Calculated?
There are two types of students who take the GATE examination - those who appear for the exam in a single session and those who take papers in multiple sessions. The aforementioned factors are used while calculating the examinee's GATE score.
GATE Score Formula for Single Session Paper
For exams taken in a single session: It is crucial to do a GATE marks vs score analysis since for all papers taken in a single session, your raw marks will be utilized to calculate the GATE score 2025.
GATE Score Formula for Multi-Session Paper
For exams administered in multiple sessions: For papers administered in multiple sessions, normalized marks matching your raw marks will be determined. The GATE score 2025 will be computed using normalized marks.What is a Good Score in GATE 2025?
One of the most common queries that come to mind is 'What is a good score in GATE?' After the GATE exam, different IITs, NITs, and IIITs release their cutoff score for admissions. You must acquire the cutoff marks for that specific institute if you wish to be admitted to that institute. For admission into top IITs, the student must score a GATE rank below 200. However, if you get a rank in the range of 600-800 can also get admission into IITs and IIITs. For admission into leading NITs, you should score a GATE rank in the 350-800 range.
GATE Score 300 Means How Many Marks?
Those of you who obtain 25-30 marks in GATE are likely to get a score of 300 in the entrance exam. Such a score may be equivalent to different ranks based on the branch/ specialization and other exam-related factors. Furthermore, 300 score in GATE is usually considered low for major engineering branches like CSE, ECE, etc. However, you may still have a chance of getting other less popular branches within this range. You can check and predict your GATE score vs rank vs college admission chances using CollegeDekho's GATE 2025 rank predictor and GATE 2025 college predictor tools.
GATE Marks vs Rank: What is GATE Rank 2025?
GATE rank is decided by the student's score in the GATE. After evaluating the marks, each of you who qualify the exam will be allocated a certain rank. You can proceed with PG admission in various colleges/institutions based on the All India Rank (AIR). Your GATE rank indicates the position in order of merit for a given subject. GATE marks vs rank, in other words, is an indicator of your rank corresponding to the obtained marks.
GATE Marks vs Rank: What is a Good GATE Rank 2025?
A rank within 200 will confirm a response from a PSU for most engineering branches, while a rank of less than 1,000 has a decent probability of acquiring your selected branch at IITs or NITs. Having said that, you should keep in mind that a strong GATE result does not guarantee a job at a PSU or an IIT. Most PSUs and IITs conduct interviews and group discussions before selecting a student.
You can check out the GATE rank vs marks of the previous year’s topers below. The GATE marks vs rank for ECE, CE, ME, ES, CS etc. toppers will tell you about how ranks were assigned based on top highest marks, second highest marks, third highest marks, and so on.
GATE Rank vs Marks for CE
Check out the GATE rank vs marks 2025 for Civil Engineering toppers below.GATE Rank | GATE Marks |
1 | 87.72 |
3 | 83.78 |
5 | 83.13 |
7 | 82.15 |
9 | 82.08 |
10 | 81.73 |
GATE Rank vs Marks for CS
Go through the GATE rank vs marks for Computer Science Engineering below.GATE Rank | GATE Marks |
1 | 88.67 |
2 | 88.33 |
3 | 87.00 |
9 | 84.67 |
GATE Rank vs Marks for ME
Go through the GATE Mechanical Engineering rank vs marks for topper's below.GATE Rank | GATE Marks |
1 | 94.75 |
2 | 94.65 |
3 | 93.39 |
4 | 91.69 |
5 | 91.38 |
7 | 91.01 |
10 | 89.31 |
Also Check - GATE Mechanical Engineering (ME) Marks vs Rank vs Score Analysis 2025
GATE Rank vs Marks for EC
Check out the GATE ECE marks vs rank for topper's below.GATE Rank | GATE Marks |
1 | 89.00 |
3 | 82.67 |
4 | 82.00 |
6 | 81.00 |
7 | 80.33 |
9 | 80.00 |
GATE Rank vs Marks for EE
GATE Rank | GATE Marks |
1 | 97.33 |
2 | 97.00 |
4 | 96.33 |
5 | 95.67 |
7 | 95.00 |
10 | 94.33 |
From the above GATE rank vs marks analysis of previous year, it can be concluded that a slight change in the marks affects the GATE rankings.
What are Actual GATE Marks and Normalized GATE Marks?
The GATE paper is conducted across multiple shifts. Hence the difficulty level of the exam may vary across different shifts. However, to calculate the GATE scores, the authorities use the GATE Normalized method.
Actual GATE Marks
GATE Marks are calculated out of 100 for 65 questions.
For every correct response, 1 or 2 marks are awarded.
For every incorrect response, 1/3 or 2/3 marks are deducted.
In the case of NATs and MSQs, no marks are deducted.
Normalized GATE Marks
The authorities use the normalization procedure to calculate GATE Marks. There is a standard process to calculate the normalized GATE marks.
The GATE 2025 normalization is done based upon the assumption that "in all multi-session GATE papers, the distribution of abilities of students is the same across all the sessions".
Difference Between GATE Marks vs Rank vs Score
The key difference between GATE 2025 marks vs rank vs score has been explained below -
GATE Marks | GATE Scores | GATE Rank |
According to the GATE Marking Scheme, marks are determined on a scale of 100. | The percentile score are achieved out of 1000 following score normalization. | The student's AIR is calculated using GATE scores received for M.Tech admissions. |
GATE Score vs Marks vs Rank 2025
The pointers below highlight the basics of the GATE Score vs Marks vs Rank for those of you appearing in 2025. Go through the points given below to get a better idea about the GATE 2025 marks vs rank:-
GATE Marks: The GATE exam consists of 65 questions, containing a total of 100 marks. Based on the marking scheme of the paper, you will be given marks out of 100 for every correct and incorrect attempt.
GATE Score: GATE score refers to the score which is calculated on the basis of the normalization process. If the different papers for GATE have a different level of difficulty, the final score is derived using the normalization process. In this process, the score is calculated out of 1000 as the total marks. Finally, based on the normalization formula, the final score is calculated for all the papers.
GATE Rank: GATE AIR (All India Rank) is the rank that is obtained depending on the exam marks. Using the raw marks, a certain rank is assigned to each of the qualifying students. Based on this AIR, you can further go for PG admission in different colleges/institutes.
GATE 2025 Marks vs Rank vs Score for Various Specializations (AIR 1)
Let us look at the analysis of GATE marks vs rank vs score for GATE 2025 in terms of different specializations. The given below tables have been derived on the basis of the rank achieved by the top scorer with All India Rank (AIR) 1:-
GATE Marks vs Rank vs Score Analysis for Electrical Engineering
The table below demonstrates the analysis of GATE Marks vs Rank vs Score for Electrical Engineering:
Rank | Marks | Score |
1 | 77 | 1000 |
GATE Marks vs Rank vs Score Analysis for Civil Engineering
The table below demonstrates the analysis of GATE Marks vs Rank vs Score for Civil Engineering (CE).
Rank | Marks | Score |
1 | 87.33 | 989 |
GATE Marks vs Rank vs Score Analysis for Computer Science & Information Technology (Expected)
The table below demonstrates the analysis of GATE score vs marks for Computer Science & Information Technology (CS):-
Rank | Marks | Score |
1 | 90 | 1000 |
GATE Marks vs Rank vs Score Analysis for Electronics & Communication Engineering
The table below demonstrates the analysis of GATE score vs marks ECE 2025 below.
Rank | Marks | Score |
1 | 84.67 | 1000 |
GATE Rank vs Marks vs Score Analysis for Chemical Engineering
The table below demonstrates the analysis of GATE Marks vs Score vs Rank for Chemical Engineering (CH).
Rank | Marks | Score |
1 | 73.33 | 1000 |
GATE Rank vs Marks vs Score Analysis for Mechanical Engineering
The table below demonstrates the analysis of GATE score vs marks for Mechanic Engineering (ME).
Rank | Marks | Score |
1 | 84.67 | 1000 |
GATE Marks vs Rank vs Score 2025 - Key Points to Remember
You can gain a better understanding of the distinction between GATE marks vs rank vs score analysis by referring to the pointers below:-
To secure admission to your desired college, you must meet the required GATE rank, which is determined by the discipline and cutoff.
For M.Tech admission to IITs, a GATE score below 200 is considered favorable, while a score ranging from 350 to 800 is deemed suitable for admission to NITs. Certain new IITs and IIITs may consider applications for M.Tech admission from those of you with GATE scores between 600 and 800.
The GATE marks vs rank analysis 2025 indicates what GATE rank you must get based on your marks.
Also Check - How to Get Admission in MTech Courses at IITs, NITs Without GATE Score?
GATE 2024 Toppers Marks Analysis
You can check the GATE 2024 topper name along with the GATE 2024 marks vs score below:-
GATE Paper | Toppers Name | Raw Marks (out of 100) | GATE Score (out of 1000) |
Biotechnology | Akansha S | 83 | 1000 |
Architecture and Planning | Gajendra Kumar Sharma | 77 | 981 |
Agricultural Engineering | Pratik Sherke | 75.67 | 1000 |
Aerospace Engineering | Kundan Jaiswal | 86.33 | 962 |
Biomedical Engineering | Sanjeev C Achar | 54.33 | 1000 |
Civil Engineering | Deepak | 87.33 | 989 |
Civil Engineering | Bhanu Pratap Singh | 87.33 | 989 |
Chemistry | Himanushu Papnai | 78 | 1000 |
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence | Ayyagari Sathya Sai Srikar | 90 | 1000 |
Electrical Engineering | Manoj Kumar Sinha | 77 | 1000 |
Chemical Engineering | Adarsh Rai | 73.33 | 000 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | Raja Majhi | 84.67 | 1000 |
Electrical Engineering | Shivam | 77 | 1000 |
Physics | Anurag Singh | 78.33 | 1000 |
Humanities and Social Sciences (Economics) | Srijan Shahswat | 70.33 | 940 |
Electrical Engineering | Sai Kiran Adelly | 77 | 1000 |
Environmental Science and Engineering | Gaddipati Yaswanth Babu | 77.33 | 965 |
Humanities and Social Sciences (English) | Ajay Kumar | 83 | 1000 |
Geology and Geophysics (Geology) | Jaydeep Roy | 82.33 | 1000 |
Ecology and Evolution | Dhrubojyoti Patra | 81.67 | 1000 |
Computer Science and Information Technology | Piyush Kumar | 90 | 1000 |
Geology and Geophysics (Geophysics) | Shivam Kumar Rai | 75.33 | 999 |
Instrumentation Engineering | Rishabh Gupta | 82.67 | 984 |
Geomatics Engineering | Vaibhav Sonkar | 79.33 | 1000 |
Mathematics | Suyash Srivastava | 71.33 | 1000 |
Mining Engineering | Anurag Kumar Pathak | 58.33 | 966 |
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering | Prince Kumar | 55.33 | 1000 |
Petroleum Engineering | Saurabh Kumar | 80.67 | 955 |
Metallurgical Engineering | Hrutidipan Pradhan | 81.67 | 977 |
Statistics | Sinchan Snigdha Adhikary | 89.67 | 1000 |
Textile Engineering and Fibre Science | Meenu Munjal | 72 | 1000 |
Humanities and Social Sciences (Linguistics) | Jesu Nazarene Roy | 77.33 | 1000 |
Life Sciences (Chemistry, Biochemistry, Zoology) | Siddhant Bhardwaj | 77.33 | 1000 |
Mechanical Engineering | Suraj Kumar Samal | 84.67 | 1000 |
Humanities and Social Sciences (Philosophy) | Utkarsh Rana | 58.67 | 1000 |
Engineering Sciences (Engineering Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics) | Ghanshyam Girish Dhamat | 83 | 989 |
Humanities and Social Sciences (Psychology) | Srishti Datta | 77.67 | 975 |
Production and Industrial Engineering | Kumar Vishesh | 84.67 | 1000 |
Humanities and Social Sciences (Sociology) | Mohammed Shefin M P | 63 | 1000 |
GATE 2023 Topper List
You can check the following table to learn about the GATE marks vs scores obtained by the previous year's toppers.
Paper | Name of the Topper | GATE Marks | GATE Scores |
Agricultural Engineering | Anshika Rai | 49 | 1000 |
Architecture and Planning | Shreya Bhardwaj | 75.67 | 1000 |
Biomedical Engineering | Thandava Sesha Talpa Sai Sunkara | 60 | 1000 |
Biotechnology | Aishwarya K | 79.67 | 1000 |
Chemical Engineering | Rohit Bhagat Kalwar | 92.67 | 1000 |
Civil Engineering | Suban Kumar Mishra | 83.11 | 1000 |
Computer Science and Information Technology | Jayadeep Sudhakar More | 93.67 | 1000 |
Ecology and Evolution | Karthik Thrikkadeeri | 84.33 | 1000 |
Electrical Engineering | Bhanwar Singh Choudhary | 66 | 1000 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | Siddharth Sabharwal | 90 | 1000 |
Geology and Geophysics: Geophysics | Shubham Banik | 85.67 | 1000 |
Geology and Geophysics: Geology | Manish Singh | 74 | 1000 |
Geomatics Engineering | Saurav Kumar | 66 | 1000 |
Humanities and Social Sciences: Psychology | Deepti Dilip Moar | 84 | 1000 |
Humanities and Social Sciences: Linguistics | Keerthana Nair | 74.67 | 1000 |
Humanities and Social Sciences: Philosophy | Sreeram K N | 72.67 | 1000 |
Humanities and Social Sciences: English | Sayantan Pahari | 84.33 | 1000 |
Life Sciences: Biochemistry & Botany | Advita Sharma | 73.33 | 1000 |
Mechanical Engineering | Aryan Choudhary | 90.67 | 1000 |
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering | Shivam Ranjan | 60 | 1000 |
Physics | Arunendra Kumar Verma | 75 | 1000 |
Statistics | Nikhilesh Rajaraman | 73.67 | 1000 |
Textile Engineering and Fibre Science | Amit Kumar Pandey | 66 | 1000 |
Humanities and Social Sciences: Economics | V Gaurav | 83.33 | 989 |
Aerospace Engineering | Joshi Yash Kishorbhai | 73 | 988 |
Chemistry | Atanau Das | 72 | 981 |
Metallurgical Engineering | Ashutosh Kumar Yadav | 85.67 | 973 |
Mining Engineering | Udit Jaiswal | 63.33 | 973 |
Instrumentation Engineering | Akash Srivastava | 78.33 | 968 |
Petroleum Engineering | Mahammadtaukir Alauddinbhai Karigar | 74.67 | 963 |
Environmental Science and Engineering | Devendra Patil & Manish Kumar Bansal | 64.33 (Both) | 953 (Both) |
Engineering Sciences: Solid Mechanics & Thermodynamics | Anshuman | 83.67 | 952 |
Humanities and Social Sciences: Sociology | Tejasvi Kamboj | 73 | 943 |
Mathematics | Suvendu Kar | 50.33 | 941 |
Production and Industrial Engineering | SH Gowtham Gudimella | 87.33 | 93 |
GATE 2021 Toppers List
You can go through the GATE toppers list 2021 below.
Name | Paper Code | Marks out of 100 | GATE Score |
Siddharth Sabharwal | EC | 82 | 1000 |
Dhruvalkumar Thakkar | CH | 89.67 | 1000 |
Uddesh Sahu | AG | 61.33 | 1000 |
Shubham Gupta | AR | 79.67 | 1000 |
Paavan Harish Giuniyal | BM | 64 | 1000 |
Indermeet Singh Bakshi | BT | 75.33 | 1000 |
Niladri Pahari | AE | 84 | 1000 |
Amit Sharma | CE | 95.56 | 1000 |
Jaydeep Vasudev Pawar | CS | 87.81 | 1000 |
Simran | CY | 91.33 | 996 |
Aakash Dhill | EE | 85.33 | 974 |
Amit Gupta | EE | 85.33 | 974 |
Samarthya Tomar | ES | 88 | 966 |
Jose Mathew | EY | 78 | 1000 |
Sambit Parida | GG(Geology) | 72.67 | 945 |
Raju Kumar | GG(Geophysics) | 68.67 | 1000 |
Suryansh Sharma | ME | 93.22 | 979 |
Shivam Kishore | MN | 77.67 | 1000 |
Pratik Prakash Shinde | IN | 79 | 933 |
Himanshu Verma | IN | 79 | 933 |
Agniv Banopadhyay | MA | 68.33 | 1000 |
Ayushkumar Satishkumar Patel | PE | 90.67 | 954 |
Sourav Durai | PH | Marks out of 100 | 1000 |
D. Laxman Rao | MT | 87.67 | 923 |
B. Vinith | MT | 87.67 | 923 |
Varun Kaushik | XE | 75.33 | 1000 |
Arghya Banerjee | XH – C1 Economics | 95.56 | 1000 |
Ganesh Kumar Adigar | PI | 84 | 939 |
Niladri Kal | ST | 61.33 | 1000 |
Ashwini Sahadeo Kanekar | TF | 79.67 | 945 |
Tanishq Aswathi | TF | 64 | 945 |
Shivani Kumari | XH – C2 English | 89.67 | 986 |
Marunmayee Shirishkumar Amshekar | XH – C3 Linguistics | 87.81 | 1000 |
Tushar Chaturvedi | XH – C4 Philosophy | 91.33 | 1000 |
Shivam Rajendar Bohra | XH – C5 Psychology | 82 | 1000 |
Mohd Umar Khan | XH – C5 Psychology | 85.33 | 1000 |
Sourab Chakrabarti | XL | 88 | 983 |
Arun Saraswat | XH – C6 Sociology | 85.33 | 1000 |
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We hope you find this post on GATE Rank vs Marks vs Score Analysis 2025 helpful and informative. For more updates related to GATE 2025 and other upcoming exams, stay tuned to Collegedekho!
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GATE Score 800 Means How Many Marks?
The GATE score is assigned to students based on their marks. The authorities use a formula to convert students' scores out of 100 into 1000. To know the GATE score of 800 means how many marks you need to wait for the release of the result.
What is the rank of 75 marks in GATE?
A 75 mark in GATE 2025 can get you around 11 ranks in CSE; around 501 ranks in ME and around 102 ranks in Civil Engineering per the GATE 2025 marks vs rank analysis. Keep in mind that, GATE marks vs rank 2025 analysis varies paper-wise. What may be the highest marks for one specialization could be the average marks for another specialization.
What is the rank for 40 marks in GATE?
A 40 marks in GATE 2025 can you get you around 2001 rank as per the GATE 2025 marks vs rank analysis.
How can students predict their colleges to get admission after GATE 2025 Score Calculation?
You can predict your colleges using CollegeDekho’s GATE college predictor tool to be aware of the institutes that offer admission into M.Tech. courses on the basis of your GATE scores. You can also predict your scores using the GATE rank predictor tool to know your expected score.
How much marks is a 600 GATE score?
To get a GATE score of 600, students are required to achieve at least 50-60 marks. However, GATE score vs marks depends on the branch or specialization opted for, as well the difficult level of the exam.
What will be my rank in the GATE exam if I score 70 marks?
As per the GATE marks vs rank analysis, students scoring 70 marks in GATE are offered 884 ranks out of 1000.
What is a good GATE score for PSU?
Students with a rank of 150 or less in GATE have better chances of getting into the PSUs.
How many marks are required to be scored in the GATE exam for Mechanical Engineering to get a rank between 1 to 10?
Students are required to score 92+ marks in Mechanical Engineering to get a rank between 1 to 10 in the GATE exam.
How is the GATE score calculated?
The GATE Score is calculated using the students' actual marks obtained for all papers in a single session. The GATE score is calculated utilizing normalized marks for papers in the multi-sessions.
Why is GATE rank vs marks important?
It is crucial for the students to know the GATE rank vs marks so that they can evaluate their probable scores and analyze the ranks for getting admission into institutes or PSUs through the GATE entrance exam.