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KCET Physics All Formulas PDF

 To improve marks in the Physics section of KCET 2025, candidates should concentrate on learning formulas and solving more practice problems. Candidates can find the KCET Physics All Formulas PDF here.

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KCET Physics All Formulas PDF - KCET 2025 Physics is one of the most important sections. As per the previous year's analysis, the KCET Physics section consists of formula-based questions. As per the information brochure, the KCET Physics Syllabus is divided into two parts - First and Second PUC syllabi as directed by the Department of Pre-University Education of Karnataka State. To score 160+ in KCET, candidates should focus on the KCET formulas to improve their preparation strategy.

Before the KCET 2025 exam, candidates are advised to check the KCET Physics All Formulas PDF from this article to ace their KCET 2025 preparation. 

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KCET Physics All Formulas PDF

Candidates preparing for KCET Physics should download and learn the KCET Physics Formula thoroughly before the exam. The table below consists of the KCET Physics formula sets.

Source - TestPrep Cart

KCET Physics Syllabus 2025

The table below highlights the syllabus of KCET Physics 2025.

PUC Syllabus for KCET 2025 

PUC Syllabus for KCET 2025

  • Mechanical Properties of Fluids
  • Units and Measurements
  • Physical World
  • Laws of Motion
  • Motion in a Straight Line
  • Motion in a Plane
  • Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion Gravitation
  • Work, Energy & Power
  • Mechanical Properties of Solids
  • Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory
  • Oscillations
  • Thermal Properties of Matter
  • Waves
  • Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
  • Electric Charges and Fields
  • Current Electricity
  • Magnetism and Matter
  • Electromagnetic Induction
  • Moving Charges and Magnetism
  • Alternating Current
  • Electromagnetic Waves
  • Wave Optics
  • Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
  • Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
  • Semiconductor Electronics
  • Atoms
  • Nuclei
  • Communication Systems

KCET 2025 Physics - Topic Wise Weightage

Some of the topics holding the highest weight in KCET Physics are Gravitation, Magnetism Matter, etc. Candidates can check the topic-wise weightage of KCET 2025 Physics.

KCET 2025 First PUC Important Topics

The table below shows the KCET Physics important topics from the first PUC.





Motion in a straight line 


Mechanical properties of fluids 

Mechanical properties of solids 

Kinetic theory 

Units and measurement 

Physical world 

KCET 2025 Second PUC Important Topics

The table below shows the KCET Physics important topics from the second PUC.



Magnetism and Matter 

Alternating Current 

Electromagnetic Induction 



Communication Systems 

Electromagnetic Waves 

Also read: Best Book for KCET Preparation 2025

KCET Physics - Most Asked Questions from Previous Year Question Papers

Candidates can check the KCET physics questions below.

  1. A moving coil galvanometer is converted into an ammeter of range 0 to 5mA. The galvanometer resistance is 90Ω and the shunt resistance has a value of 10Ω. If there are 50 divisions in the galvanometer-turned ammeter on either side of zero, its current sensitivity is - 
  2. 1 × 105 A/div
  3. 2 × 104 A/div
  4. 1 × 105 div/A
  5. 2 × 104 div/A

B. The energy gap of an LED is 2.4 eV. When the LED is switched ‘ON’, the momentum of the emitted photons is

  1. 2.56 × 10-27 kg.m.s-1
  2. 1.28 × 10-11 kg.m.s-1
  3. 0.64 × 10-27 kg.m.s-1
  4. 1.28 × 10-27 kg.m.s-1

C. If the length of a conductor is increased by 20% and the cross-sectional area is decreased by 4%, then calculate the percentage change in the resistance of the conductor.

Answer- 25%

D. A cell of emf 90V is connected across a series combination of two resistors each of 100Ω resistance A voltmeter of resistance 400Ω is used to measure the potential difference across each resistor The reading of the voltmeter will be :

  1. 45V
  2. 40V
  3. 80V
  4. 90V

E. A hollow cylindrical conductor has a length of 314m, while its inner and outer diameters are 4mm and 8mm respectively The resistance of the conductor is n × 10 −3 Ω n × 10 −3 Ω. If the resistivity of the material is 24 × 10 − 8 Ω 24 × 10 −8 Ω m The value of n is ___.


R=ρ A ℓ, the cross-sectional area is π(b2−a2) 

R=ρ π (b2−a2) ℓ​=3.14×(42−22)×10−62.4×10−8×3.14​ 


∴ n=2

F. A metallic rod of length 1 m held along the east-west direction is allowed to fall freely. Given the horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field BH = 3 × 10-5 T. The emf induced in the rod at an instant t = 2s after it is released is (Take g = 10 ms-2 )

  1. 3 × 10-3 V
  2. 3 × 10-4 V
  3. 6 × 10-3 V
  4. 6 × 10-4 V

G. The energy gap of an LED is 2.4 eV. When the LED is switched ‘ON’, the momentum of the emitted photons is - 

  1. 2.56 × 10-27 kg.m.s-1
  2. 1.28 × 10-11 kg.m.s-1
  3. 0.64 × 10-27 kg.m.s-1
  4. 1.28 × 10-27 kg.m.s-1

H. In Young’s double-slit experiment, the intensity of light passing through each of the two double slits is 2 × 10-2 Wm-2. The screen-slit distance is very large in comparison with the slit-slit distance. The fringe width is β. The distance between the central maximum and a point P on the screen is 33 β. Then the total light intensity at that point is - 

  1. 4 × 10-2 Wm-2
  2. 2 × 10-2 Wm-2
  3. 16 × 10-2 Wm-2
  4. 8 × 10-2 Wm-2

I. If the area of cross-section is halved and the length of a wire having Young's modulus Y is doubled, then its new Young's modulus will be - 

  1. Y
  2. 4Y
  3. Y/2
  4. Y/4

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What is the KCET cutoff?

The cutoff of KCET refers to the minimum marks required by candidates to qualify for the KCET exam. KEA KCET cutoff is released separately for the general merit and Hyderabad Karnataka region. The exam authority releases the KCET cutoff after each counselling round.

Can I give the KCET exam without Biology?

It is not mandatory to attempt the Biology paper in the KCET exam if you want to opt for Engineering. Biology marks are only considered for the Medical, Dental and Paramedical fields. However, if you want to pursue Biotechnology in Engineering, attempting Biology in the KCET exam is compulsory.

What are the passing marks in the KCET exam?

50% mark is the passing percentage for the general category candidates and 40% for the SC/ST/OBC category for the KCET exam.

Is cracking the KCET exam easy?

As per the previous year exam analysis, the KCET 2025 exam might be of a moderate to difficult level. KCET questions will be based on the first and second-year PUC syllabus as determined by the Department of Pre-University Education of Karnataka State.

Can I skip Mathematics in the KCET exam?

Candidates cannot skip Mathematics in the KCET exam. Mathematics is a mandatory subject in the KCET exam, and skipping it would disqualify candidates from the KCET examination.

Is PYQ enough for the KCET exam?

Candidates looking to score good marks in the Karnataka CET exam are advised to solve the KCET previous year question papers and mock tests. Solving PYQs of KCET will enable candidates to get an idea about the KCET question paper pattern and the marking scheme.


Is NCERT enough for the KCET exam?

NCERT best books are a good choice for candidates to start if they want to prepare for the KCET 2025 exam. Upon finishing the NCERT books, candidates can move ahead to the crucial KCET best books. Additionally, the KCET best books are another resource that candidates can use to study for the KCET exam.

Is KCET tougher than the JEE Main exam?

The identical chapters and subjects from Classes 11 and 12 are covered by the questions in both KCET and JEE Main exams. However, in comparison to KCET, the questions in the JEE Main exam are more difficult.


What are the highest weightage chapters in KCET Physics 2025?

In KCET Physics, chapters such as Gravitation, Motion in a Straight Line, Oscillations, and Thermodynamics each contribute approximately 7% to 8% of the exam paper.


Which chapter has more weightage in the KCET exam?

Chapters with maximum weightage in KCET Physics are Gravitation, Motion in a Straight Line, Oscillations and Thermodynamics since they carry 7% to 8% weightage. Important chapters for KCET Maths comprise Integration, Vectors, Permutation and Combination, and 3-D Geometry which weigh around 6% to 7% in the KCET exam.

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