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GMCH Guwahati Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

  • 1 Reviews
    Guwahati (Assam)
  • Government Aided
  • Approved by : MCI
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GMCH Guwahati Overall Rating

(Based on 1 reviews)
Infrastructure 4.0/5
Placements 2.0/5
Faculty 4.0/5
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What students says about GMCH Guwahati

  • The faculty are highly qualified with MBBS, MD, MS, DM, March, and various other degrees done by them.
  • The teaching process includes lectures in the classroom with the help of smart slides.
  • The admission process is okay but it is a little complicated because of the various rounds of counseling and college going on at the same time which could be simplified.
  • The frequency of exams is high. More than twice a month you have to appear for an exam, may it be a semester or internal assessment or part completion test.

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

GMCH Guwahati Reviews

Gauhati medical College
By Nilam pathak
Jan 22, 2024 0:09:12

Overall: Great college with great facilities. Really enjoying every day in the college and also really lucky and proud to learn from the greatest brains of assam .

Placement: Internship is provided in the hospital itself and one year rural services in the periphery of assam is compulsory for the students after completing their graduation.

Infrastructure: Great college infrastructure with smart classroom , hostels and hospital facilities . Only lacking point is the absence of a proper sealed campus and also playground or sports complex

Faculty: Very friendly and highly professional faculty with great experience and knowledge of their subject teaching in a very dedicated and effective manner to make the subject easy and interesting for the student

Hostel: Good infrastructure with all the necessary facilities available. There is 24 hours running water and electricity (generator available for power cuts). Each room has two bed, two almirah and two study table for two students.








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-Akshita -Updated on May-15-20241 Answers

Soumavo Das, Student / Alumni

-Answered on May-15-2024

Dear Student,

Gauhati Medical College offers a five-year MBBS programme at the UG level. This course at Gauhati Medical College is affilaited with Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences. The annual intake capacity for this programme is 156. As per the available data, students need to pay around Rs 28,000 to get admission to the MBBS programme. 


Simran Saini, CollegeDekho Expert

-Answered on July-06-2020

Dear Student,

Please elaborate on which course are you interested in so that we can provide you with more information or simply fill the common application form and apply for admissions without stepping out of your home. Our education experts will guide you through the entire admission process. If you have any questions, you can avail FREE counselling by calling on our tollfree number 1800-572-9877.