Do’s & Don’ts for Writing the CAT 2024 Exam

Candidates appearing for the CAT 2024 exam must be aware of all the do’s and don’ts to have a smooth experience. Some important guidelines include carrying a hard copy of the admit card, carrying original ID proof, dressing up right, not bringing any electronic devices, etc. 

Candidates should remember the do's and don'ts of writing the CAT 2024 exam to ensure they don't experience any hassle. Some important guidelines include carrying a hard copy of the admit card, carrying original ID proof, dressing up right, and not bringing any electronic devices. It's advised to arrive at the exam centre well before the reporting time to avoid any last-minute rush, which could lead to unnecessary stress. Also, check the location of the exam centre a day before the exam to ensure there are no surprises on the exam day. Following these guidelines will not only help students avoid any issues on the CAT exam day but also help them stay calm and composed before the exam. Take a look at the do's and don'ts of writing the CAT 2024 exam and ensure you follow them for a smooth exam experience.

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Do's and Don’ts for Writing the CAT 2024 Exam

Following the stipulated guidelines on the CAT exam day is crucial as it will help aspirants get through the exam day without any hassles. These rules and regulations are put in place to help every test-taker have a smooth examination experience. Thus, candidates must ensure they follow all the guidelines mentioned in the table below on the CAT 2024 exam day.



  • Bring your original ID proofs and any other items listed on your admissions card.
  • On paper that is A4 in size, print the CAT 2024 admit card. Verify that your photo and signature are printed correctly.
  • You must have a mobile phone with a digital copy of the CAT admit card. There is a Google Map link on the digital admit card. The google maps link makes it simple and easy to get to the testing location.
  • You must affix your photograph as instructed on the CAT admit card before turning it over for verification at the CAT 2024 test center. There is a designated spot on the admit card where the photo must be affixed with adhesive. The identical photo that was previously uploaded during the CAT 2024 application procedure must be included.
  • Visit the CAT 2024 Exam Center before the designated time.
  • Be attentive and punctual during pre-exam formalities.
  • Verify the seating arrangements.
  • Verify your documents before the pre-exam formalities.
  • Use the rough paper notepad provided to do all the rough work during the exam.
  • Use the restroom before entering the exam hall.
  • After the exam is over, the writing pad with all of the pages intact must be given back to the exam room monitor along with the pen.
  • The duly signed admit card has to be returned to the invigilator present in the CAT exam lab.
  • To prevent paper cancellation, do not attempt to take the CAT 2024 exam more than once.
  • There are no devices of any kind allowed in the exam lab. Do not bring them along. You will not be allowed to take the test if any prohibited gadgets are found with you.
  • Any attempt to cheat or copy answers from any peer is prohibited and will lead to paper cancellation.
  • Never use the system keyboard throughout the test; doing so will lock your computer.
  • Do not request to change the test center/console/exam lab on the exam day as such requests will be entertained.
  • Do not waste writing pad pages as no extra writing pad will be given to the candidates.
  • Do not apply henna or mehndi on the palm side. This instruction is mainly given to girls attempting the examination. This is suggested as applying mehndi on the palm side will cause trouble in capturing the candidate’s biometric fingerprint which is mandatory for entering the examination lab.

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CAT 2024 Exam Timings

One of the most important aspects of the CAT exam that aspirants must be aware of is the CAT exam timings. Since the CAT exam is conducted in three different sessions in a single day, aspirants must make sure they reach the examination centre assigned to them at the correct time. Candidates who fail to arrive at the CAT exam centre at the scheduled time for their exam will not be allowed to enter the examination hall and appear for the examination. That being said, the CAT exam session timings are mentioned in the table below:

Sl. No.



Reporting Timing



8:30 AM to 10:30 AM

7:00 AM to 8:15 AM



12:30 PM to 2:30 PM

11:00 AM to 12:15 PM



4:30 PM to 6:30 PM

3:00 PM to 4:15 PM

Also ReadCAT 2024 Study Plan for Students in Final Year of Graduation

CAT 2024 Exam Day WorkFlow

Candidates must be aware of the CAT exam day workflow so that they do not feel confused and waste time after arriving at the examination center. One thing that candidates should make a note of is that they have to go through several pre-exam formalities before actually appearing for the CAT exam. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that these exam day formalities are completed in a timely manner so that there is no delay to reach the examination hall. The CAT 2024 exam day workflow has been explained in detail in the flowchart provided below:

Also ReadHow to Approach CAT 2024 Question Paper?

CAT 2024 Question Paper Highlights

Understanding the structure of the CAT question paper is the most important aspect of appearing for the exam. Candidates who can correctly use their time without being confused while answering the question paper are the ones that stand the best chance of cracking the CAT exam. That being said, candidates must check out the major features of the CAT question paper mentioned in the table below:



Types of Questions

MCQ and Non-MCQ (TITA)

Total Number of Questions


Exam Duration

2 hours (40 Minutes Per Section)

Total Marks


Examination Mode


Examination Language


MCQ Choices


Answer Status

  • Answered
  • Not Answered
  • Not Visited
  • Marked for Review

Other Features

Onscreen Calculator, Onscreen Timer

Also ReadCommon Mistakes to Avoid During CAT Preparation

​Important Points to Remember When Writing CAT 2024 Exam

Answering the CAT question paper can be difficult especially for first-time test takers due to the structure of the question paper. Aspirants must be aware of how to use all the options available on the CAT question paper to use their exam time efficiently and not make errors. Take a look at vital instructions to answer the CAT 2024 question paper:

  • The amount of time left for each section is indicated by the timer in the top right corner of the screen. The answers will automatically get locked and submitted once the 40 minutes are over.
  • Candidates should select the correct answer bubble by clicking on the visible question number on the tray.
  • Candidates should only click on the “Save and Next” button if they are sure that their answer to a particular question is correct.
  • Candidates should click on the "Mark for Review and Next" button when they are unsure about their answer and wish to reconsider it later during the exam.
  • Answers will not be saved if candidates don’t select any option.
  • Candidates can view the status of attempted questions on the right side.
    • Green: answered and not marked for review
    • Red: neither answered nor marked for review
    • Grey: questions not visited
    • Violet: questions marked for review without answers
    • Violet with a green tick: questions marked for review with answers
Candidates must also check out the articles mentioned below to know more about CAT 2024!

Related Articles:

If you want to know more about the CAT exam, you can ask questions on the Collegedekho QnA zone. For admission-related assistance, fill out the Common Application Form or call our toll-free number 1800-572-9877. We wish you all the best for CAT 2024!

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