Importance of Vedic Math in CAT 2024 - Best Vedic Math Tricks to Use in CAT

There are 16 Sutras (formulas) and 13 Sub-Subtras (corollaries derived from the Sutras) in Vedic Maths that will help you increase your speed and accuracy in CAT 2024.

Many CAT aspirants often do not understand the importance of vedic math in CAT 2024. Candidates learn important formulas for CAT and practice shortcuts to avoid complex calculations in the CAT 2024 exam. However, sometimes a complex calculation becomes unavoidable and you have to crunch the numbers to reach a solution. One effective solution to do faster calculations in CAT is Vedic Math.

Vedic Math has its roots in India. Being able to do the calculations accurately and quickly is crucial to crack the CAT. Applying concepts of Vedic Math can help you pass the exam, particularly if you lack arithmetic and calculating skills. Thus, you need to be familiar with Vedic Math techniques to ensure you get through the CAT 2024 exam. CAT 2024 will be conducted on November 24, 2024, in 170 test cities across India. 

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What is Vedic Math?

Vedic Math is the modern name used for the ancient system of Indian Mathematics. Vedic Math is a set of 16 Sutras (formulas) and 13 Sub-Sutras (corollaries) that were discovered from the Vedas by Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha. He developed mathematical principles around these Sutras and Sub-Sutras and published them in 1965 in a book named Vedic Mathematics.

Vedic Maths for CAT: Characteristic Features

There are nine notable features of Vedic Maths that have been listed below:

  • Integrity: Each of the sixteen sutras is connected to the others in a way that facilitates understanding; one sutra can be utilized to use a single rule to the solving of many arithmetic operations. For instance, Nikhilam Navatascaramam dasathah is applied to both division and general multiplication.
  • Simplicity: Our ancestors came up with a solution to the most challenging multiplication problems that require more than five steps. Simplicity is the best approach to save time and boost productivity in this fast-paced world. Vedic mathematics is distinctive in a way that it solves problems in a single, straightforward step.
  • Creative abilities: The best method to address any problem is to consider all the different perspectives that call for creativity and to recognize that there are multiple ways available to solve a particular problem. This encourages students to come up with their own solutions to problems.
  • Rapid and Accurate Results: Vedic mathematics relies heavily on mental calculations to solve problems; by reducing the number of steps required to solve a problem, productivity increases while the likelihood of accuracy increases.
  • Intuitional skills: It is evident that Vedic mathematics produces solutions more quickly and accurately; this trait inspires the student to feel more competent and confident, hence enhancing his intuition skills.
  • Algebraic connection: It is simpler for someone to use these math strategies for arithmetic calculations based on the Vedic Maths method of learning when they have practiced them.
  • Application: The Vedic Maths Sutras include all aspects of mathematics, including arithmetic operations, geometry, trigonometry, analytical astronomy, calculus, differential equations, integrals, and more. 
  • Innovation and Inventiveness: Vedic Maths encourages more researchers and mathematicians to apply these techniques with increased creativity and develop new mathematical techniques for contemporary mathematics.

How Vedic Math Helps Speed Up Calculations in CAT 2024

Vedic Math is a very important tool to make CAT calculations easy. Being well-versed in the principles of Vedic Math will help you understand complex calculations from a different perspective and shorten the time duration of doing calculations. These principles are especially helpful if you are confused as to How to Prepare for CAT 2024.

The most use of Vedic Math in CAT 2024 calculations is in the Quantitative Ability and Logical Reasoning sections. One will be able to perform calculations during the CAT exam with ease after they are familiar with the fundamentals of Vedic Mathematics. This will assist in answering more questions rapidly and accurately during the CAT exam. In order to use Vedic Math to speed up calculations in CAT 2024, you need to be familiar with the key sutras, their interpretation, and how to apply them to various questions.

Vedic Maths Sutras in CAT 2024

Given below is all of the information about the Vedic Maths Sutras important in CAT 2024.

Vedic Math sutras for CAT 2024





Sutra 1

Ekadhikena Purvena

By one more than the previous one.

  • Squaring numbers ending in 5

  • Calculating the value of vulgar fractions whose denominators end in 9

Sutra 2

Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah

All from 9 and the last from 10

  • Multiplication of numbers close to 10, 100, 1000...etc.

  • Division by 9

Sutra 3

Urdhva Tiryagbyham

Vertically and Crosswise

  • Multiplication and division of large numbers

Sutra 4

Paraavartya Yojayet

Transpose and Apply

  • Division of numbers when divisors is slightly greater than 10, 100, 1000... etc.

Sutra 5

Sunyam Saamya Samuccaye

Equated to Zero

  • Used in several different places where some of the identities are equated to 0

Sutra 6

Anurupye - Sunyamanyat

If one is in ratio, the other one is zero.

  • Solving simultaneous linear equations

  • Finding out the product of two numbers when both close to the same base

Sutra 7

Sankalana - Vyavakalanabhyam

By addition and by subtraction.

  • Solving simultaneous equations where x and y coefficients are interchanged.

Sutra 8


By completion or by non-completion.

  • Finding the roots of quadratic equations.

Sutra 9

Chalana - Kalanabhyam

Sequential motion.

  • Factorising 3rd, 4th and 5th-degree expressions.

Sutra 10

Ekanyunena Purvena

One less than the previous one.

  • Multiplications of numbers such as 9/ 99/ 999... etc.

Sutra 11


The deficiency.

These all Sutras have various applications in different contexts and are often also applied along with the above-mentioned Sutras.

Sutra 12


Whole as one and one as whole.

Sutra 13

Sesanyan Kena Caramena

Remainder by the last digit.

Sutra 14


Ultimate and twice the penultimate.

Sutra 15


The whole product is the same.

Sutra 16

Gunaka Samuccayah

Collectivity of multipliers.

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Vedic Maths Sub-Sutras in CAT 2024

Sub-Sutras are corollaries or derivations of the original Sutras. They generally mold the sutras and apply them to special cases of calculations.

The following table contains important information regarding the 13 Vedic Math Sub-Sutras used in CAT calculations.



Parent Sutra



Sub-Sutra 1


Ekadhikina Purvena


  • Finding the product of two numbers that are close to powers of 10 (10/ 100/ 1000 etc.)

Sub-Sutra 2



The first by the first and the last by the last.

  • Factorization of quadratic equations

  • Multiplying terms containing two different units (eg. ft. and in)

Sub-Sutra 3

Yavadunam Tavadunikrtya Varganca Yojayet


Whatever the deficiency, subtract that deficit from the number and write alongside the square of that deficit

  • Finding squares/cubes of numbers close to 10, 100, 1000...etc.

Sub-Sutra 4

Antyayor Dasakepi


Sum of last digits is 10.

  • Multiplication of numbers whose last digits add up to 10, 100, 1000... etc. if the remaining digits are the same. (eg. 64x66, 783x717 etc.)

Sub-Sutra 5


Chalana - Kalanabhyam

Only the last terms.

  • Solving special types of algebraic equations.

Sub-Sutra 6

Lopana Sthapanabhyam


By alternate elimination and retention.

  • Solving 2nd-degree homogenous equations with 3 variables.

  • Finding HCF of algebraic equations.

Sub-Sutra 7


Sesanyan Kena Caramena


  • Solving problems by making simple observations. Can be applied in:

    • Partial Fractions

    • Simultaneous Linear Equations

    • Simultaneous Quadratic Equations

Sub-Sutra 8

Gunita Samuccayah-Samuccaya Gunitah


The product of the sum of coefficients is equal to the sum of coefficients in the product.

  • Factorization and solving of algebraic equations.

Sub-Sutra 9

Sisyate Sesasamjnah

Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah

All from 9 and last from 10.

  • A corollary of Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah.

Sub-Sutra 10

Kevalaih Saptakam Gunyat

Paraavartya Yojayet

In case of 7 multiplicands should be 143.

  • Division based on 1/7 = 0.142857 (approx. 0.143)

Sub-Sutra 11


Sunyam Saamya Samuccaye

By osculation.

  • Perform divisibility checks for numbers.

Sub-Sutra 12

Yavadunam Tavadunam

Anurupye - Sunyamanyat

Lessen by the deficiency.

  • Finding the cube of a number that is close to the powers of 10 such as 10, 100, 1000...etc.

Sub-Sutra 13



By the deficiency.

  • Used in special cases.

Also Read:What is a Good Percentile in CAT 2024?

Importance of Vedic Maths: Using Vedic Math in CAT 2024

For a candidate who has never made use of Vedic Math to solve questions before, it will seem very difficult and confusing at first. This is because it is quite different from the traditional methods of calculation that we are used to. One more reason why it can seem a bit difficult is that sometimes it has very specific uses (For eg. Kevalaih Saptakam Gunyat).

However, regular practice, will not only increase your speed of calculations many times but also make them more accurate. While the methods used in Vedic Math may seem chaotic and disorganized, each Sutra has an algebraic derivation and proof, which you can study if you are curious.

Advantages of Using Vedic Math in CAT 2024

There are a number of advantages of using Vedic Math to solve calculations in CAT 2024. Check the points below.

  • Increases Calculation Speed and Precision: Vedic Math will assist the candidates to perform calculations more easily and quickly. It will enable the test-takers to solve two of the most time-consuming sections in CAT -- QA and LR -- easily. Candidates will be able to answer more questions accurately with an improvement in speed. They will benefit much from this since it will allow them to achieve a high percentile.

  • Promotes Analytical and Logical Thinking: The CAT exam includes an extensive portion of logical reasoning and data interpretation. The candidates' capacity for logical thinking will increase greatly if they are familiar with various principles of Vedic mathematics. Candidates will comprehend questions more quickly and be able to solve them more rapidly if their reasoning ability is improved.

  • Aids in Cross-Checking Responses: Vedic Math also allows you to cross-check whether the response you provided to a question in the CAT question paper is accurate or not by applying the techniques you have learned through Vedic Mathematics. Candidates can cross-check their answers in a short period of time.

  • Increases Self-confidence: When candidates are preparing for the CAT exam, their confidence will be boosted greatly by their increased comprehension of Vedic math and their ability to accurately apply it to the questions. With the required boost to the confidence level, candidates will perform well on the day of the exam and know exactly how many questions they have correctly answered.

CAT Best Coaching Institutes

Candidates can increase their efficiency in Vedic Math for the CAT 2024 exam at the following coaching institutes.

Practice using Vedic Math tips and tricks for the exam in the Mock Tests and CAT Previous Year Question Papers and see the improvement yourself. Once you give the CAT 2024, you can use the CAT Percentile Predictor 2024 to get an idea of the percentile you will score. After the announcement of CAT results 2024, you will also be able to check which college you can expect to get with the help of the CAT College Predictor 2024

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If you have any queries regarding CAT 2024, ask them on the CollegeDekho QnA Zone. Apply to MBA colleges easily through our Common Application Form (CAF) or call our helpline number 18005729877 to schedule a free counselling session.

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What kind of calculations can be solved using CAT Vedic Maths formulas?

Vedic Maths formulas can be used to solve many different kinds of calculations such as quadratic equations, simultaneous equations, multiplication and division of large numbers, calculating HCF etc.

What is the advantage of using Vedic Maths in CAT 2024?

Using Vedic Maths in CAT 2024 can not only help in increasing your speed of calculations but also improve accuracy in the exam. It can have a positive impact on your confidence to crack the CAT and improve your logical thinking skills.

How many Vedic Maths Sutras can be used in CAT 2024?

There are a total of 16 SUtras and 13 Sutras in Vedic Maths that can be used in CAT 2024.

In which sections of CAT can Vedic Maths be used?

The main application of Vedic Maths is in the Quantitative Ability and Logical Reasoning sections.

What is Vedic Maths?

Vedic Maths, as we know it, is a set of Sutras (or formulas) derived from the Atharva Veda. These principles are very useful in making calculations quicker and easier.

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