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Madras University Distance MBA Admission 2023 - Eligibility, Application and Selection Process

Planning to pursue MBA in distance mode? Find out all the important information from filling the application form to the selection process of Madras University Distance MBA Admission 2023.

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The Madras University Distance MBA admission 2023 refers to the process by which candidates can apply for and secure admission to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme offered by the University of Madras through its Institute of Distance Education (IDE). Through this distance learning programme, students may acquire an MBA without attending in-person regular classes. Meeting certain qualifying requirements, such as having a bachelor's degree from an accredited university, and completing the application process successfully are usually requirements for the Madras University Distance MBA admission 2023. The admission process involves filling up an application, taking an entrance exam, submitting the requisite academic documents and certificates, and paying the required fees. This programme provides people with a flexible choice for higher education in business administration by enabling them to obtain an MBA degree while managing their professional or personal responsibilities.

Madras University is a well-known and reputed university established in the year 1857 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The first to introduce autonomous colleges within the University system in 1978-79. Since then, out of 115 affiliated institutions, 23 have become autonomous. Later the university established the Institute of Correspondence Education (ICE) in 1981. University of Madras Distance Education popularly known as UNOM IDE offers admission in various undergraduate, postgraduate, integrated, MBA, and MSc courses. The UNOM IDE provides candidates with an option to pursue higher education who are unable to pursue the same regular mode. The centre was established to enable learners to achieve career, educational and personal goals. Currently, the Institute of Correspondence Education (ICE) is offering 15 undergraduate, 61 degrees, 20 postgraduate, 8 PG Diploma, 11 Diploma, and 8 certificate programs.

Also Read:  Documents Required for MBA Admissions 2024

Madras University Distance MBA Admission 2023

Candidates looking forward to Madras University Distance MBA admission for 2023 will be required to apply for the same in online mode. The admission of the candidates to various MBA specializations offered by the Institute of Correspondence Education (ICE), University of Madras, Chennai is based on the entrance exam. Candidates can find all the details pertaining to Madras University Distance MBA Admission 2023 such as important dates, eligibility criteria, selection process, course fee, etc here.

Major Highlights of the Madras University Distance MBA Admission 2023

Name of the UniversityUniversity of Madras, Tamil Nadu
Approved ByUGC (University Grants Commission)
Admission ProcessOnline and Offline
Duration of the Programme2 years (four semesters) divided into two semesters per year: July to December and January to June
Credit Requirements & Eligibility
  • Bachelor Degree/Master Degree
  • Choice Based Credit System: the minimum credits is 78

Also Read:  IGNOU MBA Admission 2023

Madras University Distance MBA Specializations 2023

Madras University, Chennai offers MBA (Master in Business Administration) in various specializations. Candidates who want to take admission may check all the six specializations offered by the university mentioned below.

  • MBA Human Resource Management
  • MBA Financial Management
  • MBA Hospital Management
  • MBA Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • MBA Marketing Management
  • MBA Systems Management
  • MBA Business Data Analytics

Madras University Distance MBA Important Dates 2023

heck out Madras University Distance MBA tentative dates here:



Application Start Date

July 5, 2023

Last Date of Application Submission 

October 20, 2023

Madras University Distance MBA Eligibility Criteria 2023

For admission to the distance MBA course at Madras University, the candidates must meet any one of the following qualifications under the 10+2+3 pattern of education. Check out the Madras University complete eligibility criteria for distance MBA here:

  • Candidates must have a bachelor's/master's degree from Madras University or any other university recognized either by AIU or UGC.
  • Candidates need to have a professional degree in Technology/ Engineering/ Architecture/ Law/ Medicine.
  • Those who have qualified for any professional qualification in Cost & Works Accountancy/ Accountancy/ Company Secretaryship.

Note: Besides clearing any one of the mentioned criteria, candidates must have cleared the entrance test conducted by the Institute of Correspondence Education (ICE), University of Madras, Chennai.

Credit Requirements

The Choice Based Credit System is employed at IDE, University of Madras. 30 hours of study time are equivalent to one credit. Only those students who have completed the required course of study for a minimum of two academic or calendar years, who have passed the exams of all the papers, and who have obtained at least 81 credits for an MCA or 78 credits for an MBA are eligible to receive a degree.

Also Read:  JNU MBA Admission 2023

How to Apply for Madras University Distance MBA Admissions 2023

To apply for admission at Madras University in distance MBA mode candidates will first have to register themselves. The application is available both in online and offline mode.

Admission through single window admission center (At the Institute of Distance Education, Campus)

The University of Madras has a single-window admission center opened at the university campus, Chennai. Candidates may refer to the steps mentioned below to apply through a single-window admission center.

  • Candidates need to submit the application form to the admission counter.

  • While submitting the application form need to submit the required documents mentioned below:

  • Filled-in application form

  • Photostat copies of the Certificates

  • Filled-in Computer Coding Sheet

  • Certificates other than Tamil/ English an authenticated translation in English duly attested by a Gazetted Officer
  • Transfer Certificate / Course Completion Certificate from the Head of the Institution where the applicant last studied
  • Statement of Marks of the Qualifying examination right from their Secondary School Education and Provisional Pass Certificate / Diploma / Degree Certificate of the Qualifying UG/PG examination along with the application form
  • Submitted photocopies will be verified and the original certificates will be returned to the candidates.
  • Candidates will have to register for the entrance test conducted by IDE after paying the application fee of INR 400/-.

Admission through Online Mode

Candidates must note that the applications are open to Indian nationals only. The complete procedure to fill out the application form is mentioned below.

  • Candidates need to apply online by visiting the website:www.ideunom.ac.in.
  • Candidates are advised to check the instructions and eligibility criteria decided by the university before proceeding to fill out the application form.
  • Candidates will then have to fill in the required details mentioned on the application fee along with the application fee.
  • Once done, candidates will then have to send the photocopies of the Provisional Intimation slip and passport size along with the original certificates through Speed Post / Registered Post or Courier addressed to the Director, Institue of Distance Education, University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005 within 15 days from the date of online registration for verification purpose and return. Any delay may lead to application rejection.
  • Candidates may also come personally for document verification at the university campus.

Admission through learner support centers (Within Tamil Nadu)

Learner Support Centers are established by the university to facilitate admission. The complete process to apply for admission via learner support centers is mentioned below:

  • Candidates need to download the prospectus and application form from the official website of the Institute of Correspondence Education (ICE), University of Madras, Chennai.
  • Once downloaded, candidates will then have to submit it to the coordinator of any of the available learner support centers with the required certificates/ documents as mentioned by the university.
  • An enrollment number will then be assigned to the candidates. Candidates may then submit the requisite fees online or through offline triplicate Challan of Indian bank and submit the same through the Co-ordinator, Learner Support Centers.
  • Candidates need to register for the MBA entrance exam conducted by the Institute of Correspondence Education (ICE), University of Madras, Chennai.
  • The Fee Challan shall be forwarded by the Learner Support Centers to the Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras, and on receipt of the same, Students' Identity Card and Study materials will be sent to the concerned Learner Support Centers.

Madras University Distance MBA Application Fee 2023

The registration fee for the distance MBA program at Madras University is mentioned below:


Fee Amount

Application Fee

INR 500

Fee for Entrance Test conducted by ICE, Chennai

INR 400

Madras University Distance MBA Selection Process 2023

The selection of the candidate for the Madras University distance MBA course for the 2023 academic year is based on an entrance test conducted by the Institute of Correspondence Education (ICE), University of Madras, Chennai. The candidates must pass the entrance exam for the distance MBA course. Candidates who cleared the exam will be sorted out based on marks scored in the required degree. Once done, candidates will be called to the documents verification round. All the original documents will be returned to the candidates and photocopies will be kept at the campus after verification is done. All the candidates who got selected need to submit the fee for the first year with the help of the enrolment number provided to them. Any candidate who delays in submitting the academic fee may lose his seat.

Madras University Distance MBA Course Fee 2023

Candidates who got selected for admission need to freeze their seats after submitting the course fee. The fee structure for the distance MBA Program at Madras University is mentioned below:

Break Up of Fee

Sl. No.

Type of fee

Amount (INR)

Fee Applicable for First Year Only


Registration Fee



Admission Fee



Matriculation fee



Examination of Other Board (+2) / Universities in India



HSC Examination of Other Board / Universities outside India


                     For Every Year


Development Fee



Tuition Fee



Special Fee



Postage Fee



Study Materials Fee



Project Fee (if Applicable)


MBA Total Fee Detail

Name of Program

Madras University Graduate

Other University Graduate

Project Fee

Ist Year MBA


Ist Year MBA (Online Admission)

II Year MBA17600176003000

Note: The fee structure can be changed by the university without any prior notice.

Admission to all the courses available at Madras University will be provided to Indian nationals only. Applicants who are enrolling for admission need to state clearly the Specialization of MBA Programme for which they are applying for admissions. Candidates may visit the official website of ICE, Madras University, Chennai for further information.

Other Distance MBA Offering Colleges in India

Many other MBA colleges in India offer distance education. You can check the table provided below to know some well-known Distance MBA Offering Colleges in India

Candidates can apply to any of the colleges provided above by filling out the Common Application Form.

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How can I apply for distance MBA admissions at Madras University?

You can fill the application form available on the college website in order to apply for distance MBA admissions at Madras University. You will have then have to submit the application fee along with the application form.

What is the tuition fee of distance MBA at Madras University?

The tuition fee of distance MBA at Madras University is INR 10000

What is the eligibility criteria for distance MBA admissions at Madras University?

Candidates must have completed a bachelor/master degree in Technology/ Engineering/ Architecture/ Law/ Medicine or any related field

What MBA specialisations are available for distance admissions at Madras University?

Some of the MBA specialisations available for distance admissions at Madras University are Human Resource Management, Financial Management and Logistics and Supply Chain Management

What is the last date to apply for distance MBA admissions at Madras University?

The last date to apply for distance MBA admissions at Madras University will be updated on the official website of the college soon

Admission Open for 2025

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