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10 Resume Tips for BBA Students

Looking for a job after BBA? Take a look at this article to know some of the important tips to create a good resume for job interviews. These tips will come in handy while you prepare a resume to appear for a job interview.

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Your first step while looking for a job after completing BBA is to share your resume with the interviewer or the HR department. Your resume should be impressive enough in order for you to get an interview call. Experts also say that since they have to select one or two resumes out of 50-60, they hardly get time to read the complete resume. This shows that your resume should be succinct and cover all the important points so that the company gets a clear idea of your qualifications and skills which can further increase your chances of getting shortlisted for your dream job. This article has all the essential information and some tips which will help you create an effective resume.

Resume Tips for BBA Students

Refer to some of the resume tips given below to know what to put on your resume:

The first look

Your resume format is the first thing that the interviewer will look at so it should not be too fancy. Employers will have a short time to review your resume so it should be as and clear as possible. Use some simple fonts like Times New Roman or Arial. You can keep the size of your font around 10-12. Besides this, the size of your resume should not exceed 2 pages.

Keywords in the job postings

Your resume must include some keywords related to the job role. You can have a look at the job description to collect some relevant keywords. For example, If you are applying for an HR role then your resume should have some keywords related to HR. On the other hand, if you are looking for a job related to marketing then your resume should contain some keywords related to marketing.


You need not follow the template suggested by any other person. Everyone has their own style and mindset. You should keep only the necessary things in the resume. Like you do not have to write a story on any topic. Besides this, you can easily modify the template according to the job’s requirements. However, candidates who have cleared BBA in Aviation, Tourism Management, Hospital Management and Event Management may have a similar template.


Your name and contact information should be placed on the top of the resume so that the interviewer doesn't have to struggle to find out your name in the resume.


Your resume should be formatted in such a way that it doesn’t create any kind of complexity. You should keep the same formatting for all the sections of your resume except for the headings. It should be able to differentiate between all the available sections. You can mark any point as bold or highlight it make it look different from the other points.

Avoid Adding Photographs

You should not add any photograph with the resume. Since it is related to your job, it must contain only relevant information. The interviewer is not going to select you on the basis of your profile picture.

Education Qualifications

While adding your education qualification, add your latest degree on the top and then the other degrees. You must follow the rule of “last thing first and first thing last”. You can add your certification and diploma after adding the degree qualification.

Professional Experience

The same rule of “last thing first and first thing last” will also be followed bere. Your recent job should be on the top and then the previous one. It must be noted that while adding the work experience, you need to describe the job role in detail. You can just add a line describing your job roles and achievements in a company or a particular job role. Besides this, you should mention information about internships or any other kind of training.

Activities & Special Interests

You can avoid adding information pertaining to your interests and activities. The recruiter will be interested in information that can be necessary for the company. Anything except that does not need to be added to the resume.


At last, you should read and re-check all the important mentioned in your resume are correct. Your resume should be error-free. You can also ask someone else to proofread it for you and then make changes accordingly.

Also Read:BBA Salary in India - Average Salary for Top Specializations, Job Profiles, Companies

Jobs For Which You Can Apply After BBA

There are various jobs that a candidate can look forward to after completing BBA. Candidates can shortlist some of the career opportunities and apply accordingly after evaluating their skill sets for a particular role. Some of the jobs and the BBA specialisations after which one can pursue these jobs are listed below:



BBA in Tourism Management

Hotel Manager, Chef,

BBA in Aviation

Airport Operation Manager, Aviation Security, Passenger Service Agent


Management Consultant, HR Generalist, Employee Training Program Manager

BBA in Marketing

Marketing Executive, Marketing Manager, Digital Marketing

BBA in Finance

Banker, Financial Advisor, Research Analyst

The points mentioned above will come in handy while creating a good resume after pursuing BBA. You can also review some resume examples from the industry and prepare separate resumes for different kinds of jobs based on the keywords and requirements.

If you have any doubts or queries, you can get them resolved by consulting our experts on the CollegeDekho QnA Zone. For help with admissions to BBA colleges in India, you can fill our Common Application Form (CAF)

You can also go through some other related articles to know more about BBA.

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