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SNAP 2024 Analytical and Logical Reasoning Preparation Tips

The SNAP 2024 Analytical and Logical Reasoning preparation tips include focusing on critical reasoning questions and enhancing problem solving abilities. The Analytical and Logical Reasoning section is important for a strong overall score.

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The SNAP 2024 Analytical and Logical Reasoning preparation tips include useful guidelines to help candidates prepare for this section of the SNAP 2024 exam. These primarily include getting familiar with the SNAP 2024 exam pattern, practicing critical reasoning questions, and enhancing problem solving abilities. The SNAP 2024 exam will be conducted in three sessions. As a major MBA entrance exam in India, it attracts thousands of applicants annually. The exam consists of three sections: Quantitative, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency, General English, and Analytical and Logical Reasoning. Candidates should review the SNAP 2024 exam pattern to understand the structure. Excelling in the Analytical and Logical Reasoning section is crucial for a strong overall score. This article provides essential preparation tips for the SNAP 2024 Analytical and Logical Reasoning section, offering candidates key strategies for success.

Also Check: What is a Good Score / Percentile in SNAP 2024?

SNAP 2024 Analytical & Logical Reasoning Preparation Tips: Overview of Revised Exam Pattern

The table given below provides a basic understanding of the revised exam pattern of SNAP 2024. Knowing the exam pattern is extremely important for any candidate who wishes to take the exam.


Number of Questions

General English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability


Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency


Analytical & Logical Reasoning




SNAP 2024 Analytical and Logical Reasoning Preparation Tips

Some important steps for the preparation of the SNAP Analytical and Logical Reasoning section have been given below. All test-takers planning to take SNAP must go through these points and include them in their preparation strategy of How to prepare for SNAP 2024.

  • Understand the SNAP syllabus 2024 and familiarize yourself with the topics covered in the Analytical and Logical Reasoning section. The syllabus typically includes topics like seating arrangement, blood relations, coding-decoding, syllogisms, puzzles, analogies, critical reasoning, etc. Master the basic concepts and rules related to logical reasoning, such as conditional statements, inferences, and logical deductions.
  • Critical reasoning questions evaluate a candidate's ability to analyze arguments and make logical inferences. These questions often carry significant weight in the exam and must be practiced more.
  • The difficulty level of the Analytical and Logical Reasoning section of SNAP is usually easy to moderate. However, without enough practice and proper preparation, this section can prove to be easy.
  • To improve your problem-solving abilities, practice a variety of questions from different topics. You'll get better at recognizing patterns and logical connections the more you practice.
  • Depending upon the number of days left for the exam, divide the topics equally and make a timetable. Stick to the schedule and be consistent with your preparation.
  • Solve as many questions as possible. Use SNAP previous year question papers and the SNAP mock test 2024 to understand the exam pattern and types of questions asked. 
  • Practise all the questions in several attempts. In the first few attempts, try to understand the questions, and in the later attempts, focus on speed and accuracy.
  • Use visualization techniques for questions involving arrangements or patterns. Try to visualize the scenario or draw diagrams to gain a better understanding of the problem.
  • Learn shortcuts and techniques to solve reasoning questions quickly and efficiently. Practice these techniques to improve your speed and be able to solve the maximum number of questions within the allotted time. Practicing questions and papers over a long period will also help you discover tricks and shortcuts that you can apply in the exam to solve the puzzles faster.
  • As the SNAP exam has a time constraint, practice solving reasoning questions under timed conditions. Ensure that you time yourself while preparing for the Analytical and Logical Reasoning section of SNAP. Manage your time in such a way that you solve all the questions within the allotted duration. Work on improving your speed without compromising on accuracy.
  • Once you are done solving a SNAP sample paper or mock test, evaluate your performance and work on the questions that you answered wrong. Look for explanations as to why a particular option is correct and the rest are incorrect.
  • Engage in group study sessions or discussions with peers to solve reasoning puzzles and share different approaches to solve problems easily and quickly.
  • Reading newspapers, articles, and editorials can improve your analytical thinking and help you understand different types of reasoning used in various contexts.
  • Not all LR questions are the same, hence you will not be able to apply the same reasoning trick or shortcut on the different questions. Learn to identify different types of questions to know which method to use in a particular question.
  • While appearing for the exam, read the questions carefully, simplify the data, approach the sequence in the question systematically, and draw diagrams to understand the question better, if needed.
  • Read the questions carefully so that you do not miss out on any important information or data.

SNAP 2024 Analytical and Logical Reasoning Preparation Tips: Syllabus

The syllabus of SNAP 2024 for Analytical and Logical Reasoning has been given below in detail.

Blood Relations

Coding/ Decoding

Family Tree

Meaningful Word/ Matrix

Mathematical Reasoning

Direction Sense

Verbal Reasoning



Seating Arrangement

Clocks & Calendars

Visual Reasoning

Critical Reasoning

Analogy & Series

Cause and Effect


SNAP 2024 Analytical and Logical Reasoning Preparation: Best Books 

Here are some of the best books for SNAP 2024 that will assist you in the preparation of the Analytical and Logical Reasoning section.

Name of the Book

Name of the Author/ Publisher

Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for CAT

Nishit K. Sinha

How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT

Arun Sharma

A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning

RS Aggarwal

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