XAT 2025 Percentile vs College: Check Cutoffs for Top Colleges
As per the XAT 2025 percentile vs college analysis, colleges like XLRI Jamshedpur, XIMB, IMT Ghaziabad, and XIMR Mumbai are expected to have a percentile range between 90 and 100. In the 80-90 range include Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi; Xavier Business School, Kolkata, among others.
Based on the XAT 2025 percentile vs college analysis, candidates who score above the 95 percentile in XAT are more suited for colleges like XLRI Jamshedpur, IMT Ghaziabad, XIM University, GLIM Chennai, etc. The XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) is not just another exam—it's a gateway to some of the most prestigious business schools in India, especially those under the Xavier Group of Institutes. The XAT 2025 percentile reflects your performance in comparison to others, and each percentile opens doors to different levels of B-schools, ranging from highly competitive top 10 institutes to others that still provide solid academic and career opportunities.
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How to Calculate XAT 2025 Percentile & Score | XAT 95 Percentile Marks 2025 |
XAT 97 Percentile Marks 2025 | XAT 96 Percentile Marks 2025 |
XAT 2025 Percentile vs College
Check the table below to find out which colleges are available for different XAT percentile scores:
XAT Score vs Percentile 2025
Understanding the XAT percentile vs college analysis will require aspirants to understand the XAT percentile calculation. The XAT score vs percentile analysis is an excellent tool for understanding how much raw score translates into what percentile in the XAT exam for a particular academic year.
XAT Percentile | Overall XAT Score |
99 | 43 |
97 | 40 |
95 | 36 |
90 | 31 |
85 | 24 |
80 | 22.25 |
75 | 21 |
70 | 19.75 |
65 | 17.5 |
50 | 14.25 |
Also Read:XAT Score vs Percentile 2025
Percentile-wise XAT 2025 Colleges
Candidates must do their research before selecting a particular college for MBA admission through XAT. This is only possible if candidates know nearly all colleges that will be suitable for their XAT score. Check out the links below to find the XAT colleges for every percentile range:
Percentile Range | List of Colleges |
60-70 Percentile | |
70-80 Percentile | |
80-90 Percentile | |
90-95 Percentile |
Hopefully, we were able to inform aspirants about the XAT percentile vs college analysis. Check out the articles below to learn more about XAT 2025!
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Can I predict XAT colleges using XAT score vs percentile?
Yes, candidates can predict XAT colleges using XAT score vs percentile. The XAT score vs percentile analysis will help aspirants ascertain their percentile score which will help them figure out which colleges they can secure MBA admission at during the XAT MBA selection process.
What is the XAT percentile vs college analysis?
The XAT percentile vs college analysis is used to determine which colleges will be the best suited for a candidate based on their XAT percentile score. This analysis is very important since it allows candidates to prepare for the XAT MBA selection process and also the XAT application process where candidates have to select the institutes they are interested in for MBA admission.
Is XAT percentile the only factor considered during MBA admission?
No, XAT percentile is not the only factor considered during MBA admission through the XAT MBA selection process. Candidates are selected for MBA admission to XAT accepting colleges based on their overall performance in both the XAT exam and the MBA selection rounds conducted by XAT colleges after the XAT results are announced. Candidates must perform well in these MBA selection rounds to be considered for admission to their preferred XAT participating college.
How are candidates selected for admission through XAT?
Candidates are selected for admission through XAT through the XAT selection process which is conducted by each XAT participating institute separately. Aspirants who clear the XAT cutoff for their preferred XAT colleges are invited for further rounds of selection including personal interviews, group discussions, and written aptitude tests. Candidates are allotted seats based on their XAT percentile score and their performance in the XAT selection rounds.
Which are the colleges accepting 70-80 percentile in XAT?
The colleges accepting 70-80 percentile in XAT mostly include the Tier 2 category of colleges since 70-80 percentile is an average score on the exam as compared to the entire candidate pool in most years. Nevertheless, candidates can secure MBA admission in some decent colleges with this score range, including colleges like:
- Institute for Financial Management and Research, Chennai
- St.Aloysius Institute of Management and IT, Mangalore
- Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida
- FORE School of Management - Delhi
- Welingkar Institute of Management Education and Research, Mumbai
What are the factors that determine the XAT percentile every academic year?
The factors that determine the XAT percentile for MBA admission change every year. These factors include several parameters like:
- Difficulty level of XAT
- Total number of XAT test takers
- Total number of students who cleared XAT
- Total number of seats available in an XAT accepting institute
- Ranking of the XAT accepting institute
- Cutoff trends from previous years
Can I secure admission to XLRI Jamshedpur with 90 percentile in XAT?
No, you cannot secure admission to XLRI Jamshedpur with 90 percentile in XAT. Candidates must score above 95 percentile in XAT to be considered for admission to XLRI Jamshedpur. Since the competition for admission is so high at this institute, the XAT cutoff for admission at XLRI is also high every year.
What is the XAT percentile required for XLRI Jamshedpur?
The XAT percentile required for admission to XLRI Jamshedpur falls in the 94+ percentile range. Since XLRI is one of the top-ranked MBA colleges in India, the level of competition for admission at this institute is also high. candidates will have to obtain a raw score of 38-45 in XAT in order to be eligible for MBA admission at XLRI. A raw score of 38-45 will equate to a percentile score of 94-96 percentile.
Which are the colleges accepting more than 90 percentile in XAT?
The colleges accepting more than 90 percentile in XAT are the Tier 1 XAT participating colleges. Aspirants must have a high percentile score to secure admission at these institutes. Some of the top colleges accepting a XAT percentile score of 90 percentile include:
- XLRI- Xavier School of Management, Jamshedpur
- XIM University Bhubaneswar
- MICA Ahmedabad
- Goa Institute of Management
- S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research Mumbai