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Best Study Plan for CLAT 2025: Timetable, Tips and Preparation Strategy

A solid timetable for CLAT preparation is very important to score above 90. With the help of a robust schedule, you will know how much time to allot to a particular subject or other preparation activities like solving mock tests, etc. Read the article to jumpstart your CLAT 2025 study plan with an effective timetable.

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Timetable for CLAT Preparation (Study Plan): Preparing for the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is about managing time in a smart way. You need to make a good timetable and give yourself specific periods for each subject. A structured plan helps you study in an organised manner. If there is no clear schedule, students can become overwhelmed by the large amount of material they have to cover. This results in poor time management and usually leads to underperformance. 

If students set aside fixed time slots for every subject, they can make sure to dedicate enough time to each topic. This will promote better understanding and memory retention. Such an arrangement might also help in not leaving studying to the last minute which could result in exhaustion or lack of motivation. If a student manages their time well, it helps them keep a steady speed during preparation and stay concentrated towards reaching their target scores in the CLAT 2025 test.

Also Read: Best Books for CLAT Preparation 2025

Timetable for CLAT Preparation 2025

To score better in the Common Law Admission Test exam, it is important to be aware of an effective timetable that will speed up your preparation and allow enough time to do multiple revisions of all the CLAT important topics while making you ready to ace the exam. Below-mentioned is the timetable for CLAT 2025 Study Plan.

CLAT Topics

Preferred Time Allotment

Reading of Newspaper/ Magazines

1 hour

Topics Related to Error Logs

1 hour


45 mins

Latest Legal Knowledge and Case Studies

1.5 hours


1 hour

CLAT Prep Official Guide

1.5 hours

Revising topics and preparing for the next day’s topics

2 hours

Puzzles/ Analytical or Logical Reasoning

45 mins

Quantitative Aptitude Study

1 hour

Grammar & Passages

1.5 hours

Revision for the day and the next day’s planning

1.5 hours

CLAT Mock Tests

Twice a week; ramped up to 5 times a week during last month of CLAT preparation

Timetable for CLAT Preparation 2025: Subject-wise Timetable

Here’s the subject-wise timetable for your CLAT preparation.

CLAT Subjects

Time Allotment for Preparation

Quantitative Techniques

45 minutes initially; ramped up to 1 hour daily

Logical Reasoning

45 - 50 minutes initially; ramped up to 1.5 hours daily

Legal Reasoning

1.5 hours initially; ramped up to 2 hours daily


1 hour initially; ramped up to 1.5 hours daily

Current Affairs, including General Knowledge

40 minutes initially; ramped up to 1 hour daily

Also Read:CLAT Toppers Preparation Tips

CLAT Study Plan 2025: Toppers' Recommendations

CLAT toppers suggest that you make a well-organised and disciplined study plan. For CLAT 1 month study plan, your schedule should include every subject of the exam with set timings for each one among other things as mentioned below:
  • Read the newspaper daily to stay updated on current affairs.
  • Spend 1.5-2 hours daily on quantitative aptitude, noting all formulas.
  • Attempt at least 2 mock tests every 4-5 days, and spend 1 hour evaluating performance after each.
  • Regularly revise all topics, as revision is extremely important.
  • Solve 20 critical reasoning questions and 3 reading comprehension passages daily.
CLAT Study Plan for 2 months preparation period should include the following:
  • 1-1.5 hours daily for English language
  • 1.5 hours daily for current affairs and general knowledge
  • 1.5-2 hours daily for legal reasoning
  • 2 hours daily for logical reasoning
  • 1.5-2 hours daily for quantitative techniques
  • At least 2 mock tests per day
  • Maintaining a work-life balance with proper sleep and nutrition is also important for effective CLAT preparation.

Best Study Plan for CLAT 2025

Below-mentioned are some of the most successful tips that will help you in preparing best study plan for CLAT 2025:
  • It is very important for you to do your best in following your CLAT preparation schedule, at all costs. The exam is easy only if you are consistent with your preparation—and remember, the timetable is your guide.
  • Devote 7-8 hours each day to CLAT preparation with 4 sections a day. As for the class 12 students, they should spend 5-6 hours studying on the weekends.
  • Devote 2 hours a day to prepare for each section of CLAT. Organise topics on the basis of their weightage and your proficiency.
  • Do as many questions as possible to increase fluency within a given time frame. Evaluate the effectiveness of your work to correct the errors in the future.
  • One should attempt as many mock tests as possible. Take full papers under an exam situation to gauge your preparedness.
  • Divide time equally in a week as per your schedule to practise English Comprehension and Logical Reasoning questions as well as Legal Reasoning and Quantitative Techniques questions. 
  • Read current affairs weekly and all subjects well before taking any mocks. Scheduling should be done to allow time for tasks that remain incomplete in the last month.
  • Work hard, be consistent, and maintain a positive outlook during your preparations. Ask others for help if you feel you require more time to effectively manage your schedule.

Best Time Management Tips for CLAT 20

Time management is crucial when it comes to attempting the CLAT question paper. If you don’t have practice in managing your time well then it’s very difficult to complete your question paper on time. Therefore, along with effective preparation, time management is also of utmost importance to complete the paper on time and achieve the best possible results. Here are some time management tips for CLAT preparation that will work in your favour if incorporated correctly:

Prioritise and allocate time for each section: Divide the available time for the CLAT exam into sections such as General Knowledge, English, Legal, Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude, all of which should have a fixed duration. This will help you pace yourself and also make sure that you do not miss any area that you should revise or go over.

Manage time for each question: Set up a time frame within which you should be able to answer the questions. This will help you avoid dwelling on questions that may prove hard and instead cover lots of questions in the least amount of time possible.

Avoid distractions: Ensure you concentrate fully while taking the exam and don’t let the environment or other candidates influence you in any way. Distractions are likely to lead to time wastage.

Understand questions in the first reading: Go through each question properly the first time through the exam. Do not reread questions or try to make a lot of notes as this will take a lot of time.

Practise online tests: For online practice, one must attempt several mock tests and CLAT previous year question papers to be aware of the test pattern and time management. This will assist you in managing your time well in order to achieve what is expected of you.

Maintain a balanced preparation schedule: Develop a realistic study schedule which allows you to incorporate breaks and recreational periods. This will assist you avert exhaustion while preparing to answer a number of questions during your preparation.

With the help of these time management strategies mentioned above, one can be more productive and should be able to secure enough marks in CLAT which is a highly competitive examination.

Do’s and Don’ts for CLAT Preparation

The candidates who are getting ready for the Common Law Admission Test need to know what should and shouldn't be done in this test. They must check CLAT exam analysis for understanding question trends and difficulty levels. Below are some points to remember about what you should or shouldn't do when preparing for CLAT:



Practise regularly with previous years' question papers and mock tests to improve speed and understand the exam pattern.

Don't skip revision, as it is key to retaining information.

Prioritise topics based on their weightage in the exam and focus more on your weak areas.

Don't gather too many study resources, as this can lead to confusion and waste of time.

Create a rigid timetable for the CLAT study plan and stick to it.

Don't create any extra notes during the last week of the test, and revise only the previously made notes as per your CLAT timetable.

Maintain a work-life harmony with proper sleep and food.

Do not ignore any section.

Study as much as possible, as the CLAT syllabus is limitless.

Don't rely on last-minute revision.

Keep a separate note book for every section. Change your study topics at regular intervals to avoid boredom.

Don't think that your fluency in English will help you in any way in clearing the exam.

Choose a good newspaper, like The Hindu, and read it regularly. Make short notes of important topics for CLAT.

Don't underestimate CLAT. Thinking it is too easy will ruin your prospects of admission to a National Law University (NLU).

The path to the entrance exam may appear intimidating, yet it is certainly possible to succeed with a precise understanding of the CLAT exam syllabus and a carefully prepared timetable. As you start on this trip, keep in mind the ultimate aim and imagine yourself sitting in one of the National Law Universities.

For more latest updates on CLAT preparation, stay tuned to CollegeDekho. Also, for any query head to our QnA Zone or fill out our Common Application Form.

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What are the common mistakes to avoid during CLAT preparation?

Do not study at the last moment or avoid weaker areas of yours and don’t only depend on coaching classes or online materials. Keep checking your progress, get feedback and make changes in the study plan.

How can I stay motivated throughout my CLAT preparation journey?

Create attainable targets, appreciate minor accomplishments, and gather a helpful community around yourself. Keep checking your advancement and modify the plan of study to keep up with energy and interest.

How can I enhance my Legal Aptitude for the CLAT exam?

Get to know the Indian law system, major laws and legal terms. Practise legal reasoning queries, study case examples and build a good comprehension of law principles and ideas.

What is the importance of staying updated with current affairs for CLAT?

Current affairs questions are very important for the CLAT exam. Keep up with national and worldwide news, major happenings, and changes in the legal and political areas to do good in this section.

What are the best resources for CLAT preparation?

Use a mix of CLAT-focused books, internet sources and coaching classes. Look at last year's question papers, practice sets and pretend tests to get familiar with the exam style and types of questions.

What are the key components of a successful CLAT study plan?

To make sure your CLAT study plan is successful, you should include practice tests, mock exams and analysis of performance. Find out your weaknesses and keep up with current affairs while managing a balanced work-life equation.

How can I effectively manage my time during CLAT preparation?

Put your tasks in order of importance, make a study plan that is detailed and stick to it. Use tools for productivity, take breaks often and try not to get distracted. Look at how you are doing from time to time and change the plan if necessary.

What is the ideal time to start preparing for CLAT?

Starting your CLAT preparation is most ideal once you complete your 12th standard. This gives you a chance to concentrate on forming a strong base, regularly practising and refining everything before the exam.

How should I structure my daily CLAT study routine?

Think of your day as a timetable, assigning specific time slots for each subject - Logical Reasoning, Legal Aptitude, English and General Knowledge. Give more time to subjects where you feel less strong and make sure there is balance between understanding the concept and doing practice with them.

What is the recommended duration for preparing for CLAT?

The suggested time frame for getting ready for CLAT usually spans from 6 to 12 months. This period may change based on your educational basis and how much time you can devote into preparing yourself, permitting enough coverage of the wide-ranging syllabus as well as extensive practice along with targeting areas where improvements are needed.

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The college has not released any official information regarding the fee structure for any of its courses including the Bachelor of Law (LLB) course. Other details available for the course are its duration, which is 3 years and the total number of seats available for the course, which is 300. All the Pt. RK Shukla College of Law courses are approved by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and affiliated with Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur. 

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Dear student, 

The college has not released any official information regarding the fee structure for any of its courses including the Bachelor of Law (LLB) course. Other details available for the course are its duration, which is 3 years and the total number of seats available for the course, which is 300. All the Pt. RK Shukla College of Law courses are approved by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and affiliated with Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur. 

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