There are total 4 Nursing colleges in Hassan. Out of the total, 3 Nursing colleges are private and 1 Nursing are owned by the government.
College Name | Fees | Exams Accepted |
Manipal University | ₹ 164312.0 | Karnataka 2nd PUC, CBSE 12th |
PES University | - | PESSAT |
Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences | - | NEET |
Acharya Institutes | ₹ 96333.0 | - |
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Bangalore | ₹ 200000.0 | CBSE 12th |
Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences | - | - |
Belagavi Institute of Medical Sciences | - | Karnataka 2nd PUC, CBSE 12th |
Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences | - | - |
Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences | - | - |
Rr Institutions | - | Karnataka 2nd PUC, CBSE 12th |
Applied Filters :
40,220 - 3,60,000 Fees
INC Accredition
Karnataka 2nd PUC Exams
1,17,000 - 3,42,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
UG Exams
Indian Nur Accredition
17,000 - 3,17,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
CGBSE 10th Exams
Indian Nur Accredition
Karnataka 2nd PUC Exams
Uttarakhand Nursing Exam
HP B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Test
CG B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Exam