There are total 10 Certificate colleges in Kolhapur. Out of the total, 5 Certificate colleges are private and 1 Certificate are owned by the government. Top 10 Certificate colleges are Government Polytechnic, Kolhapur, Mahavir Mahavidyalaya, Deccan Institute of Technology, Kalaprabodhini Institute of Design, Tatyasaheb Kore College Of Pharmacy, Shahaji Law College, D.R. Mane Mahavidyalaya, Sadashivrao Mandlik Mahavidyalaya, Shivaji University, CHEFS KITCHEN INSTITUTE OF CULINARY ARTS AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT KOLHAPUR.
Total Number of colleges | 10 |
Average Fees | ₹ 9.52 K |
College Name | Fees | Exams Accepted |
Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies Mumbai | ₹ 385000.0 | - |
Mumbai University | - | - |
Tata Institute of Social Sciences | ₹ 38036.0 | - |
Maharashtra Institute of Technology Pune | ₹ 60000.0 | - |
Armed Forces Medical College | - | - |
Institute of Hotel Management, Mumbai | ₹ 27500.0 | - |
National Institute of Fashion Technology, Navi Mumbai | ₹ 89550.0 | - |
Government Polytechnic, Mumbai | ₹ 16684.0 | - |
Universal Business School, Mumbai | - | - |
National Insurance Academy | ₹ 4720.0 | - |
Applied Filters :
12,135 Fees
Bar Counci Accredition
3,260 - 2,20,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
GPAT Exams
7,000 - 36,000 Fees
Government Accredition
Maharashtra HSC Exams
NAAC Accredition
Maharashtra HSC Exams
NAAC Accredition
Maharashtra HSC Exams
14,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
Maharashtra HSC Exams
2,000 - 2,37,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
Maharashtra HSC Exams
6,000 - 18,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
CBSE 10th Exams
2,500 - 40,000 Fees
Other Accredition