Updated By Lam Vijaykanth on 07 Jan, 2022 08:19
19 days Remaining for the exam
Your Ultimate Exam Preparation Guide Awaits!
BHU PET 2022 syllabus describes the subject matter that the aspirants should go through before appearing for the examination. For every course, the syllabus is different. The syllabus of technical courses and vocational courses are discussed in detail in the following paras.
This detailed description can also help candidates plan their schedule and distribute their time subject and topic-wise.
MBA in Agri-Business, Master of Personnel, Industrial Relations
Multiple-choice questions based on
General Knowledge & Awareness
English Comprehension,
Aptitude Test,
Data Interpretation & Numerical Ability,
MBA (Financial Management) / MBA (Foreign Trade) / MBA (Risk And Insurance)
Section 1: Academic Aptitude: English Comprehension, Vocabulary, Usage, Grammar, Idioms, Phrases, Completion, and Correction of Sentences, etc.
Section 2: Numerical and Quantitative Reasoning Ability on Computation Ability, Quantitative Reasoning, and Interpretation of Tables, etc.
Section 3: General Knowledge โ Economic, Finance, Foreign Trade, Insurance, Banking, and Current Economic Affairs
M. P. Ed. (Master of Physical Education)
Total of 120 questions carrying 360 marks. The duration of the exam is 120 minutes. There are multiple-choice questions based on the following:
Principles of Physical Education and Educational Psychology,
Organisation, Methods, Materials, and Supervision in Physical Education,
Principles of Coaching and Officiating,
Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology,
Kinesiology, Care of Athletic Injuries and Health Education,
Recreation Camping and History of Physical Education.
M.A. in Mass Communication
Multiple choice questions on:
Current Affairs and General Knowledge
Language Proficiency including Proficiency in the English Language
Logical Quantitative
Analytical Abilities and Aptitude (inferences from percentages, tables, graphs, etc.).
Apart from this, the candidates appearing for M.A. in Mass Communication have to sit for group discussion, interview, and oral presentation. Based on the marks of all of these, candidates are selected for the course.
LL. M. (2-Yr 4- Semester)/ LL. M. (1-Yr 2- Semester) / LL. M. (Human Rights & Duties Education)
There are multiple-choice questions based on topics like
Constitutional Law,
Law of Contracts,
Law of Torts,
Law of Crimes,
Environmental Law,
Public International Law,
Indian Evidence Act,
Hindu Law and Muslim Law.
M.A. in Social Work (Under Special Courses of Study)
Multiple choice question based on:
General knowledge,
Basic knowledge of Research Methodology,
English Comprehension,
Indian Social Problem and their remedies,
Awareness to NGOs,
Nature and Dynamics of Socio-Economic Development,
Policy and Planning, Areas of Social Work, etc.
M.Lib.I.Sc. (Master of Library & Information Science)
Multiple-choice questions based on
General Awareness,
Verbal Abilities
The questions are from diverse areas of experience varying from the activities of daily life to broad categories of academic interest such as Science, Social Studies and Humanities, etc.
Mathematical Aptitude Test Areas (+2 Level):
Matrices and Determinants,
Binomial Expansion,
Permutation and Combination,
Equations (up to degree 2),
Function and Relation,
Complex Arithmetic,
2-D Coordinate Geometry,
Basics of Calculus,
Basic Concepts of Probability.
Analytical and Logical Reasoning: Questions asked are mainly for checking logical conclusion, graphical/data interpretation, etc.
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