Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 159154 | 189718 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 270976 | 270976 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | ST | Both Male and Female Seats | 584948 | 584948 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 205057 | 244863 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 573365 | 1015852 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 103274 | 167400 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 253575 | 349000 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 171931 | 213792 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 525601 | 779897 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 256412 | 262905 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 222498 | 243563 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 84610 | 100666 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 249235 | 287420 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 204808 | 245923 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 115277 | 204236 |
Computer Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 94428 | 107496 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 254107 | 283784 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 310361 | 364526 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 223364 | 240279 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 155870 | 170304 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 275285 | 275285 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 221573 | 265513 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 174254 | 197829 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 270617 | 390269 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 91542 | 110185 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 557461 | 919591 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 214163 | 244121 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 424909 | 431404 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 268405 | 275381 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 516357 | 951525 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 251435 | 259938 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 129965 | 155470 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 309472 | 464874 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 218493 | 230362 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 268259 | 314639 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 181627 | 204483 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 290231 | 554454 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 193555 | 223468 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 169891 | 187404 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 136456 | 201022 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 201183 | 221420 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 173952 | 220474 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 247996 | 262641 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 260716 | 298149 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 58947 | 128645 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 132463 | 164608 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 57781 | 84516 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 306112 | 306112 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 189687 | 198897 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 108501 | 135798 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 366402 | 366402 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 226226 | 242481 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 173644 | 206648 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 306112 | 306112 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 203651 | 208629 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 170929 | 190255 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 150919 | 176896 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 135822 | 167697 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 575243 | 636839 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 344118 | 597271 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 84610 | 95668 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 91623 | 228377 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 438512 | 565770 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 327019 | 399087 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 276529 | 324353 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 289774 | 341673 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 270865 | 299887 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 239946 | 275381 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 229171 | 270853 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 759498 | 759498 |
Computer Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 104130 | 117276 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 161299 | 179413 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 458774 | 458774 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 289299 | 296974 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 219526 | 263041 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 233868 | 244121 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 213661 | 224988 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 260716 | 269530 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 214163 | 225850 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 185539 | 213378 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 620606 | 620606 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 81445 | 104798 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 189299 | 221127 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 505134 | 528944 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 296234 | 315730 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 259072 | 300622 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 255501 | 268326 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 310361 | 361697 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 226135 | 249487 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 221741 | 248953 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 106773 | 115425 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 424909 | 424909 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 152495 | 232214 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 410599 | 410599 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 316981 | 373364 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 97605 | 128706 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 224223 | 224223 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 185844 | 216019 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 183927 | 191229 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 133503 | 177356 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 129731 | 169500 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 396388 | 744281 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 92557 | 97297 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 318950 | 318950 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 311822 | 359749 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 391883 | 391883 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 245152 | 283836 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 261283 | 308082 |
Computer Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 116160 | 116160 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 164831 | 180168 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 272933 | 272933 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 245656 | 273501 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 231745 | 243824 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 361697 | 370227 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 216027 | 216027 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 192227 | 230819 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 102585 | 102585 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 193045 | 230936 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 282754 | 321008 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 268405 | 276044 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 281135 | 299887 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 358965 | 434472 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 248725 | 263708 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 236268 | 279989 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 106000 | 117276 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 129731 | 133503 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 220461 | 220461 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 216659 | 216659 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 192495 | 192832 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 182750 | 182750 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 169891 | 170985 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 805027 | 805027 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 232327 | 235962 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 566628 | 566628 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 419230 | 424909 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 374976 | 385143 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 370761 | 375470 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 438512 | 478645 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 289002 | 289002 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 309161 | 318121 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 183721 | 184006 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 278087 | 279392 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 257605 | 259938 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 244347 | 255501 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 229520 | 233172 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 231223 | 236268 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 112595 | 112595 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 231818 | 233446 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 301436 | 301436 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 322035 | 327960 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 276440 | 314045 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 300976 | 316813 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 266900 | 275381 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 280492 | 287998 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electrical & Computer Engg. (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 229809 | 375201 |
Electrical & Computer Engg. (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 816196 | 816196 |
Electrical & Computer Engg. (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 448136 | 652615 |
Electrical & Computer Engg. (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 828487 | 828487 |
Electrical & Computer Engg. (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 387772 | 547665 |
Electrical & Computer Engg. (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 573466 | 854503 |
Electrical & Computer Engg. (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 638024 | 702699 |
Electrical & Computer Engg. (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 285043 | 444640 |
Electrical & Computer Engg. (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 469338 | 634179 |
Electrical & Computer Engg. (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 543340 | 938724 |
Electrical & Computer Engg. (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 392804 | 547665 |
Electrical & Computer Engg. (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 622795 | 780776 |
Electrical & Computer Engg. (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 592691 | 622795 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 422361 | 463689 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 197627 | 313723 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 319286 | 417961 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 492943 | 632628 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 438542 | 670770 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 640415 | 640415 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 313898 | 416956 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 609311 | 888517 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 419270 | 542879 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 126365 | 151271 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 263441 | 385365 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 609942 | 760673 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 530844 | 877034 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 658235 | 950872 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 532126 | 677538 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 388800 | 497802 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 387772 | 520076 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 133636 | 145502 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 202733 | 417961 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 627454 | 828487 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 441703 | 567072 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 441739 | 1048183 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 115669 | 146422 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 422204 | 433716 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 970191 | 970191 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 577676 | 640415 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 614018 | 713014 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 557094 | 748178 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 288961 | 411516 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 462769 | 591690 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 675323 | 920704 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 192954 | 203257 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 342819 | 748178 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 749849 | 976351 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 278737 | 312636 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 749415 | 976351 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 342834 | 342834 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 467834 | 528944 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 271132 | 306641 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 238421 | 294469 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 237597 | 259095 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 317400 | 434472 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 512142 | 1038792 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 132297 | 199898 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 203651 | 262855 |
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 95462 | 118670 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 267254 | 367822 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 200428 | 235840 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 150663 | 229809 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 566628 | 784384 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 359612 | 387589 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 295762 | 324397 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 343077 | 366927 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 284067 | 299840 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 467834 | 530120 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 244774 | 278405 |
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 118687 | 124075 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 230300 | 275772 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 198745 | 248359 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 368028 | 405797 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 319423 | 370805 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 374251 | 378511 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 318309 | 360500 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 404943 | 404943 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 255935 | 324466 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 252754 | 317709 |
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 110613 | 118884 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 248572 | 250261 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 406698 | 435773 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 371908 | 403656 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 390643 | 392175 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 361179 | 368257 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 330040 | 334173 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 318309 | 323206 |
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 122922 | 122922 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 418827 | 1003729 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 278737 | 321087 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 749415 | 749415 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 332623 | 438197 |
The expected ABES Engineering College cutoff 2024 for JEE Main general all India category CSE is 80524 - 108790. Under the same category, candidates can expect the BTech CSE (AI & ML) cutoff to be around 145650 - 155425. Candidates who wish to get admission to BTech IT through JEE Main should aim to rank between 209925 and 209930. Meanwhile, the ABES Engineering College cut off 2024 for BTech CSE (Data Science) and BTech CE is expected to be around 227505 - 227510 and 261500 - 261509 respectively. Moreover, the expected ABES Engineering College cutoff 2024 for MCA through CUET PG is 10520 - 10525 and for MBA through UPCAT is around 6690 - 6699.
For UPTAC, the expected cutoff rank for ABES Engineering College CSE is 131995 - 131999. The expected rank for BTech IT is between 377395 and 377399. For other courses like CSE (AI & ML), CSE (Data Science), and CE, the expected ABES Engineering College cut off is 280450 - 280455, 369470 - 369475, and 289755 - 289759 respectively. Admission to BTech courses at ABES Engineering College is done through JEE Main/ UPTAC, MCA is done through CUET PG, and MBA is done through UPCAT.
Course (Degree) | Cutoff 2024 (Expected) |
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering | 80524 - 108790 |
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) | 145650 - 155425 |
B.Tech. in Information Technology | 209925 - 209930 |
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) | 227505 - 227510 |
B.Tech. in Computer Engineering | 261500 - 261509 |
Exam | Cutoff 2024 (Expected) |
CUET PG | 10520 - 10525 |
Exam | Cutoff 2024 (Expected) |
UPCAT | 6690 - 6699 |
Course (Degree) | Cutoff 2024 (Expected) |
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering | 131995 - 131999 |
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) | 280450 - 280455 |
B.Tech. in Information Technology | 377395 - 377399 |
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) | 369470 - 369475 |
B.Tech. in Computer Engineering | 289755 - 289759 |
Note: The above expected cutoff has been prepared on the basis of previous years cutoff analysis.
Analysing the ABES Engineering College cutoff trends, it can be seen that the cutoffs for JEE Main admissions at ABES Engineering College have shown a steady upward trend over the past three years. B.Tech CSE cutoff has increased by over 50,000 ranks over the years. Similar trends are observed in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning and Data Science, with a significant rise in cutoffs.
The ABES cutoff trends also suggest a significant increase in the cutoff for the MCA programme compared to the previous year (UPCAT) while also showing a rise in cutoffs for MBA/MBA Integrated programmes between 2019 and 2020.
Similar to the JEE Main trends, UPTAC cutoffs have also increased steadily across all B.Tech. programmes offered.
Course (Degree) | 2021 cutoff | 2022 cutoff | 2023 cutoff |
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering | 80524 | 108790 | 133503 |
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) | 145654 | 155425 | 184006 |
B.Tech. in Information Technology | 209926 | 176056 | 250261 |
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) | 227505 | 178058 | 233446 |
B.Tech. in Computer Engineering | - | - | 261506 |
Course (Degree) | 2023 cutoff | 2022 cutoff |
Master of Computer Applications (MCA) | 10521 | 3559 |
Course (Degree) | 2019 cutoff | 2020 cutoff |
MBA/ MBA Integrated | 6690 | 7543 |
Course (Degree) | 2021 cutoff | 2022 cutoff | 2023 cutoff |
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering | 131996 | 131148 | 170985 |
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) | 280453 | 218780 | 236268 |
B.Tech. in Information Technology | 377398 | 291071 | 323206 |
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) | 369471 | 263794 | 287998 |
B.Tech. in Computer Engineering | - | 289758 | 357834 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Fee Waiver | 7581 | 5358 |
Fee Waiver | 9199 | 7904 |
Fee Waiver | 20983 | 6927 |
BCAF | 23750 | 23353 |
BCAF | 41242 | 41242 |
BCGL | 27330 | 17380 |
BCGL | 32026 | 27453 |
BCGL | 109095 | 49361 |
BCOP | 18003 | 12854 |
BCOP | 23469 | 18419 |
BCOP | 112270 | 48422 |
GNAF | 21361 | 15563 |
GNAF | 26212 | 26212 |
GNAF | 90351 | 31715 |
GNAF1 | 21361 | 15563 |
GNAF1 | 26212 | 26212 |
GNAF1 | 90351 | 31715 |
GNGL | 14978 | 10233 |
GNGL | 17594 | 16353 |
GNGL | 37575 | 23333 |
GNOP | 9244 | 5949 |
GNOP | 12608 | 9277 |
GNOP | 13425 | 9911 |
GNOP | 17676 | 13446 |
GNOP | 22763 | 11214 |
GNOP | 47710 | 23070 |
SCGL | 93168 | 30870 |
SCGL | 125514 | 111630 |
SCOP | 70056 | 22112 |
SCOP | 100050 | 73999 |
SCOP | 90549 | 77297 |
GNFF | 60697 | 60697 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Fee Waiver | 12150 | 9619 |
Fee Waiver | 15071 | 14668 |
BCAF | 51080 | 46825 |
BCGL | 44068 | 32519 |
BCGL | 56040 | 46173 |
BCOP | 37525 | 29748 |
BCOP | 46922 | 36780 |
GNAF | 36493 | 25914 |
GNAF | 42012 | 41029 |
GNAF1 | 36493 | 25914 |
GNAF1 | 42012 | 41029 |
GNGL | 27615 | 21040 |
GNGL | 37968 | 29361 |
GNGL | 118348 | 93823 |
GNOP | 20551 | 10629 |
GNOP | 25716 | 18384 |
GNOP | 29699 | 21031 |
GNOP | 34751 | 26772 |
GNOP | 91348 | 21046 |
GNOP | 121449 | 121449 |
SCGL | 110950 | 110950 |
SCOP | 125668 | 54330 |
SCOP | 102384 | 83965 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Fee Waiver | 13973 | 11794 |
BCAF | 59716 | 59716 |
BCGL | 64235 | 47647 |
BCOP | 35267 | 29059 |
GNAF | 38297 | 37339 |
GNAF1 | 38297 | 37339 |
GNGL | 37108 | 23124 |
GNGL | 102893 | 83850 |
GNOP | 22743 | 9769 |
GNOP | 28860 | 22931 |
GNOP | 73084 | 23421 |
GNOP | 125235 | 96249 |
SCGL | 118375 | 113298 |
SCOP | 126356 | 87392 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Fee Waiver | 10688 | 7855 |
Fee Waiver | 24667 | 14780 |
BCAF | 43290 | 43290 |
BCGL | 35085 | 29224 |
BCOP | 26742 | 20311 |
GNAF | 29576 | 27032 |
GNAF1 | 29576 | 27032 |
GNGL | 17961 | 15272 |
GNGL | 60449 | 43384 |
GNOP | 14834 | 12590 |
GNOP | 20098 | 15528 |
GNOP | 41197 | 23766 |
GNOP | 76993 | 42253 |
SCGL | 110906 | 66564 |
SCOP | 120331 | 71234 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Fee Waiver | 10211 | 8079 |
Fee Waiver | 11349 | 10415 |
Fee Waiver | 32354 | 14168 |
BCAF | 36614 | 36614 |
BCGL | 78463 | 66273 |
BCGL | 107207 | 76144 |
BCOP | 24345 | 20798 |
BCOP | 30381 | 27211 |
GNAF | 34058 | 33528 |
GNAF | 34131 | 34131 |
GNAF1 | 34058 | 33528 |
GNAF1 | 34131 | 34131 |
GNGL | 69922 | 21627 |
GNGL | 56400 | 26582 |
GNOP | 21132 | 8649 |
GNOP | 16567 | 10320 |
GNOP | 20771 | 16637 |
GNOP | 25257 | 21294 |
GNOP | 72163 | 17805 |
GNOP | 124661 | 75839 |
SCOP | 83759 | 51689 |
SCOP | 90967 | 67904 |
GNFF | 91231 | 91231 |
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)