There are total 18 Information Technology colleges in Goa. Out of the total, 11 Information Technology colleges are private and 1 Information Technology are owned by the government.Goa CET (GCET), CBSE 12th are accepted for admission in Information Technology colleges in India. Top 10 Information Technology colleges are Goa Engineering College, IIAS School of Management, Panaji, Rosary College of Commerce & Arts, Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, Fr. Agnel College of Arts & Commerce, Carmel College for Women, Saraswat Vidyalaya's Sridora Caculo College of Commerce and Management Studies, Narayan Zantye College of Commerce, St Xaviers College of Arts Science & Commerce, Shree Rayeshwar Institute of Engineering & Information Technology.
Total Number of colleges | 18 |
Accepted Entrance Exams | Goa CET (GCET), CBSE 12th |
Average Fees | ₹ 61.8 K |
State | Number of Colleges | Average Fees |
390 | ₹ 51131 | |
590 | ₹ 157079 | |
997 | ₹ 115132 | |
737 | ₹ 66239 | |
175 | ₹ 149737 |
College Name | Seat Intake | Average Fees |
Rosary College of Commerce & Arts | - | - |
Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics | - | ₹ 48520 |
Fr. Agnel College of Arts & Commerce | - | - |
Carmel College for Women | - | - |
Narayan Zantye College of Commerce | - | - |
St Xaviers College of Arts Science & Commerce | - | - |
M.E.S. College of Arts & Commerce | - | - |
Dnyanprassarak Mandal College | - | - |
Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science | - | - |
Goa Salesian Societys Don Bosco College Panaji | - | - |
Applied Filters :
NAAC Accredition
NAAC Accredition
NAAC Accredition
GSEB 12th Exams
4,01,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
Goa CET (GCET) Exams
Other Accredition
CBSE 12th Exams
1,45,713 - 1,46,000 Fees
NAAC Accredition
CBSE 12th Exams
4,648 Fees
NAAC Accredition
CBSE 12th Exams
4,415 - 54,723 Fees
NAAC Accredition
8,000 - 2,88,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
GATE Exams
UGC Accredition
Karnataka 2nd PUC Exams
Goa SSC Exams
4,410 - 97,600 Fees
UGC Accredition
NAAC Accredition
NAAC Accredition
CBSE 12th Exams