There are total 37 Physical Education colleges in Madhya Pradesh. Out of the total, 27 Physical Education colleges are private and 3 Physical Education are owned by the government.CBSE 12th, CBSE 10th, MPBSE 12th, MPBSE 10th, CUET are accepted for admission in Physical Education colleges in India. Top 10 Physical Education colleges are Barkatullah University, ITM University, IES University, Rabindranath Tagore University, Jagran Lakecity University, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, LNCT University, SAM Global University, IPS College of Technology & Management, Swami Vivekanand Mahavidyalaya, Sagar.
Total Number of colleges | 37 |
Accepted Entrance Exams | CBSE 12th, CBSE 10th, MPBSE 12th, MPBSE 10th, CUET |
Average Fees | ₹ 79.5 K |
State | Number of Colleges | Average Fees |
13 | ₹ 33318 | |
9 | ₹ 70000 | |
55 | ₹ 24889 | |
25 | ₹ 48789 | |
163 | ₹ 38768 |
College Name | Seat Intake | Average Fees |
IES University | 100 | - |
Jagran Lakecity University | - | ₹ 50000 |
LNCT University | - | - |
SAM Global University | - | ₹ 17500 |
IPS College of Technology & Management | - | - |
Swami Vivekanand Mahavidyalaya, Sagar | - | ₹ 72800 |
Mandsaur University | 100 | ₹ 90000 |
Mansarovar Global University | - | - |
Maharishi Institute of Management, Bhopal | - | - |
Laxmipati Group of Institutions | - | ₹ 15000 |
Applied Filters :
20,425 - 2,80,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
4 Lacs Avg Package
GPAT Exams
30,050 - 42,400 Fees
AICTE Accredition
MPBSE 12th Exams
6,000 - 2,00,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
4 Lacs Avg Package
5,000 - 20,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
MPBSE 12th Exams
72,000 - 1,80,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
MAT Exams
8,000 - 2,02,999 Fees
Other Accredition
MPBSE 10th Exams
NAAC Accredition
CTET Exams
NCTE Accredition
MPBSE 12th Exams
55,000 - 62,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
12,000 - 2,21,000 Fees
NCTE Accredition
CBSE 12th Exams
856 - 16,418 Fees
Indian Nur Accredition
12,000 - 45,600 Fees
AICTE Accredition
JEE Main Exams
AICTE Accredition
CBSE 12th Exams
NAAC Accredition
NAAC Accredition
MPBSE 12th Exams
NCTE Accredition
MPBSE 12th Exams
NAAC Accredition
20,000 - 9,00,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
4 Lacs Avg Package
MAT Exams
32,000 - 57,000 Fees
NCTE Accredition
MPBSE 12th Exams
UGC Accredition
UP 12th Exams
12,000 - 2,00,000 Fees
MP BE Exams
3,700 - 1,09,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
MAT Exams
10,400 - 2,04,999 Fees
NAAC Accredition
JEE Main Exams
NAAC Accredition
57,000 - 91,200 Fees
MPBSE 12th Exams
MPBSE 12th Exams
10,000 - 3,15,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
MAT Exams
7,000 - 30,000 Fees
Other Accredition