
SaarthiGPT,Your College Shortlist Made Easy!

Introducing SaarthiGPT by CollegeDekho - your ultimate college guide powered by cutting-edge AI, proprietary data, and over a decade of expertise in college admissions!

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Not sure where to start? Don't worry, SaarthiGPT by CollegeDekho is here to answer your queries & help you make the best decision!

Quick Access to Personalized
& Latest Info

SaarthiGPT uses AI to understand your query and delivers the latest updates on exams, colleges, admissions, and campus life

Comprehensive Data and

SaarthiGPT taps into a massive database of 350+ exams, 50,000+ colleges, for insights in exam & admission processes, cut-off etc.

Informed Decision Making

Navigate complex processes easily, understand admission requirements & select the right college and course for you

Personalized Advice, Anytime, Right
at Your Fingertips

Extensive Information & Updates

Get information from an extensive database of 350+ exams and 50,000+ colleges

Stay updated on exam dates, admission processes, and college rankings

Explore available scholarships and financial grant opportunities

Personalized Guidance & Expert Insights

Get tailored recommendations based on your specific queries

Receive expert advice on course selection, admission strategies, and career paths

Personalised career counselling to help you choose the best path based on your skills and interests


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We've Got Answers!

While you're waiting to interact with CollegeDekho SaarthiGPT, check out the answers to some of the most common questions below.

What is SaarthiGPT by CollegeDekho?

SaarthiGPT by CollegeDekho is your intelligent AI companion for exploring your higher education options. It offers instant information on colleges, exams, and scholarships, along with personalised recommendations, making your education journey smoother.

How can I use SaarthiGPT by CollegeDekho?

Just type in your question or select a topic, and SaarthiGPT will provide you with relevant, real-time information. It's that simple!

How can SaarthiGPT make my life easier?

SaarthiGPT shortens your research process including college comparison based on various parameters, that helps students like you and parents to spend less time researching. It also allows you to make data-driven decisions on the best course and college to suit your needs. Hence it makes the entire college shortlist & selection process faster, more efficient and accurate.

What topics can SaarthiGPT help you with?

SaarthiGPT covers a wide range of topics including college details, exam preparation tips, exam & application deadlines, admission processes and available scholarship opportunities. It’s your one-stop solution for all higher education queries.

How do I get early access to SaarthiGPT by CollegeDekho?

Sign up for our waitlist to be one of the first to experience SaarthiGPT by CollegeDekho. Just hit the “Join the Waitlist” button on our site to secure your spot!