There are total 27 B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education) colleges in Sikar. Out of the total, 23 B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education) colleges are private and 2 B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education) are owned by the government. Top 10 B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education) colleges are Arjun Ram B.Ed. College, Varda College of Education, Vardhman Shiksha Shastri T.T. College, Vidya Bharti B.Ed. College, Vivek Bharati T.T. College, Dr. Rajendra Muni B.Ed. College, Adarsh T.T College, Deendayal T.T. College, Jai Shri Dayal Teachers Training College, Jamna Girls B.Ed. College.
Total Number of colleges | 27 |
Average Fees | ₹ 27 K |
College Name | Fees | Exams Accepted |
VMOU | ₹ 53760.0 | - |
Jaipur National University | ₹ 41400.0 | - |
Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer | ₹ 6000.0 | - |
Apex University | ₹ 70000.0 | - |
Jagannath University Jaipur | - | - |
Maharishi Arvind University | - | - |
OPJS University | ₹ 69000.0 | - |
Mewar University | ₹ 43000.0 | - |
Pratap University | ₹ 75000.0 | - |
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University | ₹ 55000.0 | - |
College Name | Seat Intake | Average Fees |
Arjun Ram B.Ed. College | 100 | - |
Varda College of Education | - | - |
Vardhman Shiksha Shastri T.T. College | - | - |
Vidya Bharti B.Ed. College | - | - |
Vivek Bharati T.T. College | - | - |
Dr. Rajendra Muni B.Ed. College | 100 | - |
Adarsh T.T College | - | - |
Mandiya T.T. College | - | - |
Shri Kesha Balaji Teachers Training College | - | - |
Subodh B.Ed. College | - | - |
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RBSE 12th Exams
NCTE Accredition
10,000 - 60,000 Fees
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NCTE Accredition
RBSE 12th Exams
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NAAC Accredition
AICTE Accredition
AICTE Accredition
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NCTE Accredition