The MHT CET 2025 registration process took place upto February 27, 2025. However, candidates were allowed to pay the MHT CET application fee 2025 upto February 28, 2025.
The fee structure for the ACPCE B.Tech programme varies depending on the category of the student. Look at the table below for complete details about ACPCE fees for the B.Tech programme category-wise.
Annual Fee
Rs 1,03,743
Rs 2,243
Rs 13, 520
Rs 58,631
Rs 13,520
The fee structure of ACPCE given above includes tuition fees, caution money, development fees, sports fees, university and insurance fees, disaster fund fees, NSS fees, admission fees, etc. It means you will only have to pay the examination fee, hostel fee or any other fee related to events projects, etc. apart from the annual fee mentioned in the table.