Agrawan Heritage University fees range between Rs 7000 to Rs 50,000 per year for several diploma, UG, and PG level degrees offered at this college. The fee structure varies based on the program's level and specialization chosen by the students. Some of the popular courses at Agrawan Heritage University include BSc, BA, BCom, BLib, BBA, BCA, DLib, BHM, DHM, MBA, MCA, MSc, MCom, MLib, PhD, etc. Additionally, students can apply for both BSc, BA, and BCom hons too. Agrawan Heritage University offers a BSc with a specialization in Agriculture and a Diploma degree in yoga.
Furthermore, Agrawan Heritage University accepts exam scores of Class 12 or Equivalent examinations for undergraduate and diploma admissions. Candidates holding bachelor's degrees can apply for different PG-level courses. Agrawan Heritage University considers a postgraduate degree for admission to PhD course as an eligibility criterion.
Students can check out the Agrawan Heritage University courses and fee details in the section below.
Courses | Duration | Fee | Eligibility |
BA | 3 years | Rs 7000-12000 | Class 12th pass |
BSc | 3-4 years | Rs 9000-16000 | Class 12th pass |
BCom | 3 years | Rs 7000-12000 | Class 12th pass |
BBA | 3 years | Rs 20000 | Class 12th pass |
BCA | 3 years | Rs 20000 | Class 12th pass |
B.L.I.S (B.Lib) | 3 years | Rs 18000 | Class 12th pass |
B.Tech | 3-4 years | Rs 50000 | Class 12th pass |
Polytechnic | 2-3 years | Rs 25000 | Class 12th pass |
D.Lib | 1 year | Rs 12000 | Class 12th pass |
Diploma in Yoga | 1 year | Rs 12000 | Class 10th and 12th pass |
P.G.D.C.A | 1 year | Rs 12000 | Graduation pass |
B.H.M | 4 years | Rs 50000 | Graduation pass |
MSW | 2 years | Rs 30000 | Graduation pass |
MSc | 2 years | Rs 18000-20000 | Graduation pass |
MCom | 2 years | Rs 10000 | Graduation pass |
MA | 2 years | Rs 10000 | Graduation pass |
MBA | 2 years | Rs 50000 | Graduation pass |
MCA | 2 years | Rs 50000 | Graduation pass |
PhD | 3 years | Rs 3 lakhs | Post graduation pass |