
Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped Cutoff 2023

LocationKanpur (Uttar Pradesh)
Updated on - Aug 05, 2024 04:14 PM IST

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech CSE Cutoff 2023 - Round 1

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(Girl)Female Seats361556386113
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats6406189235
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats113723121772
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats91254112600
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(PH)Both Male and Female Seats10156891015689
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats100475102191
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(AF)Both Male and Female Seats484167484167
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats112706124142
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(Girl)Female Seats243330345948
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats9858099519
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats9275194311
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(AF)Both Male and Female Seats197444197444
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats9122292557
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats130602138285
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW)B.TechHome StateOPEN(TF)Both Male and Female Seats5889484905
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats100212100212
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats9073998202
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(AF)Both Male and Female Seats163170163170
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats182103204130
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(AF)Both Male and Female Seats140115156021
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats9339393866
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(AF)Both Male and Female Seats131052131052
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(AF)Both Male and Female Seats114164124245
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats192235204992
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats124300128646
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(AF)Both Male and Female Seats416745416745
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats131533131533

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech Chemical Engineering Cutoff 2023 - Round 1

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats216158269267
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(AF)Both Male and Female Seats698404698404
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(Girl)Female Seats530867640605
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats317247333034
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)(FW)B.TechHome StateOPEN(TF)Both Male and Female Seats132007180805
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats272365379075
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats150225213766
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats270117295868
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats224585226321
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSTBoth Male and Female Seats916556916556
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats248515248515
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats215769218906

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech IT Cutoff 2023 - Round 1

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(Girl)Female Seats395318416295
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats96230104954
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats135157135157
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats210257210257
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(AF)Both Male and Female Seats544362544362
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats106773106773
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(AF)Both Male and Female Seats110480110480
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats125739135054
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW)B.TechHome StateOPEN(TF)Both Male and Female Seats9000990590
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats104961105464
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats106311107546
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(AF)Both Male and Female Seats177603177603
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats137068141608

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech EE Cutoff 2023 - Round 1

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(Girl)Female Seats423169425832
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(AF)Both Male and Female Seats161924161924
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats138873177757
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats109239123588
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats128051128894
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats124744127544
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats238920288860
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(AF)Both Male and Female Seats216200216200
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats190596190596
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW)B.TechHome StateOPEN(TF)Both Male and Female Seats106883111786
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats195469204921

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech CSE Cutoff 2023 - Round 2

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats8660797065
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats125629148726
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats117158128051
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(AF)Both Male and Female Seats199058199058
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats128646131533
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats119689133402
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(AF)Both Male and Female Seats131052131052
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats114304125079
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats97815116985
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(Girl)Female Seats229901229901
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats221877295881
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSTBoth Male and Female Seats621210665233
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW)B.TechHome StateOPEN(TF)Both Male and Female Seats7601687870
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats99056112397
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(AF)Both Male and Female Seats216200216200
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats149404151455
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats135946145013
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats138873138873
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats136860142191
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(AF)Both Male and Female Seats216150216150
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats131563135157
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats115708134411
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(Girl)Female Seats312887312887
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats255907322541
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSTBoth Male and Female Seats722505722505

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech Chemical Engineering Cutoff 2023 - Round 2

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats197388251847
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats286119399523
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats339025443937
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats451042484745
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats368287481766
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats260270272365
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats257591335935
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(Girl)Female Seats608603608603
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats393949633586
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)(FW)B.TechHome StateOPEN(TF)Both Male and Female Seats213766218906

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech IT Cutoff 2023 - Round 2

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats105689126324
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(AF)Both Male and Female Seats225684225684
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats152536170841
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats143251149533
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats165220165220
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats141722145549
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(AF)Both Male and Female Seats212017212017
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats139757150407
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats129372141376
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(AF)Both Male and Female Seats653563653563
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(Girl)Female Seats425832440645
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats301512346376
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSTBoth Male and Female Seats895896895896
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW)B.TechHome StateOPEN(TF)Both Male and Female Seats9348693486

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech EE Cutoff 2023 - Round 2

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats95507153682
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(AF)Both Male and Female Seats649859649859
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats224051227620
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats170774193731
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats202350202350
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats174125190163
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(AF)Both Male and Female Seats266490266490
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats178943197937
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats154342168429
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(Girl)Female Seats447783522438
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats365964419319
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW)B.TechHome StateOPEN(TF)Both Male and Female Seats112706134893

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech CSE Cutoff 2023 - Round 3

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats9467299519
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats154923154923
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats119011128894
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats122518122518
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats107401107401
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats107546117817
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats252230313587
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSTBoth Male and Female Seats412608412608
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW)B.TechHome StateOPEN(TF)Both Male and Female Seats8851288709
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats118537129046
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(AF)Both Male and Female Seats225684225684
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats150803155913
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats144926146857
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats144998144998
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats144069145292
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats138873138873
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats131552138481
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats320838343609
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSTBoth Male and Female Seats661848661848

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech Chemical Engineering Cutoff 2023 - Round 3

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats184819260635
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats403421403421
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats444870489858
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats490497508996
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats286119286119
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats325346375326
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(Girl)Female Seats731295731295
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats554347840826
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)(FW)B.TechHome StateOPEN(TF)Both Male and Female Seats238831238831

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech IT Cutoff 2023 - Round 3

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats126965134754
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(AF)Both Male and Female Seats280299280299
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats170761177757
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats150091160192
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats167010167010
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats150225156774
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats162812165220
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats141722149107
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats329973375985
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSTBoth Male and Female Seats566859566859

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech EE Cutoff 2023 - Round 

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening Rank
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats111089
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats221937
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats197862
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats204519
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats196189
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats202350
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats167193
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats433406
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW)B.TechHome StateOPEN(TF)Both Male and Female Seats145733

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech CSE Cutoff 2023 - Round 4

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats9959299592
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats155483155773
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats129046130673
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats133694134496
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats125629125629
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats118037119689
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSTBoth Male and Female Seats566859566859
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats130940131164
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats150816155602
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats148642148642
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats146875146875
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats144998145292
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats138999139251
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats346132346132

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech Chemical Engineering Cutoff 2023 - Round 4

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats261597286119
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats438071489858
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats511524699256
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats513239513239
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats553158553158
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats307849375326
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats383485473497
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(Girl)Female Seats753904753904
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats9411251037038

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech IT Cutoff 2023 - Round 4

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats134966135121
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats178943178943
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats161369168281
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats179296179296
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats158474158474
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats167010167010
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats149355149533
Information Technology (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats380972401700

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech EE Cutoff 2023 - Round 4

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechAll IndiaOPENBoth Male and Female Seats170774182293
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBC(Girl)Female Seats246254246254
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateBCBoth Male and Female Seats218843230122
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(GL)Female Seats210004210004
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateEWS(OPEN)Both Male and Female Seats215636239435
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(AF)Both Male and Female Seats342638342638
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPEN(GIRL)Female Seats204519204519
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats196189204837
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSC(Girl)Female Seats608603608603
Electronics Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateSCBoth Male and Female Seats529124535328

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped B.Tech Chemical Engineering Cutoff 2023 - Round 6

ProgramStreamQuotaCategorySeat GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Chemical Engineering (Shift I)B.TechHome StateOPENBoth Male and Female Seats197388759421
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Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped (UPSEE, B.Tech in Computer Science, Cutoff, Final Round, 2016)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
Fee Waiver59083528

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped (UPSEE, B.Tech in Chemical Engineering, Cutoff, Final Round, 2016)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
Fee Waiver122639943

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped (UPSEE, B.Tech in Electronics Engineering, Cutoff, Final Round, 2016)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
Fee Waiver77796782

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped (UPSEE, B.Tech in Information Technology, Cutoff, Final Round, 2016)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
Fee Waiver91566789

Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped (UPSEE, B.Tech in Bio Tech Engineering, Cutoff, Final Round, 2016)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
Fee Waiver13263

Related Questions


Ankita Sarkar, Content Team

-Answered on Oct-09-2023

Hello Shravan,

To secure admission at Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped, located at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, you have to first meet the basic admission requirements stated as per the AKTU guidelines. According to the dates provided on the official website of the institute, the last date for admission for engineering students through JEE Main was September 30, 2023. The classes commenced on October 3, 2023. Through UPTAC counselling, the last date for admission for the special round was October 6, 2023. The result release date is October 9, 2023. If it is said that you are already admitted to the Dr Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped Kanpur, you must contact the official college authorities at 5122583221 or email at, You can also fill out the Feedback/ Query Form on the official website for further clarification regarding admission.

Hope this was helpful. Feel free to ask for any more queries.


mayank Uniyal, Content Team

-Answered on Sept-25-2023

Dear Aishwarya, 

Yes, It is okay to take admission to the college without the fee waiver option. However, you will not be able to get the fee waived off the facility in such a college. As per the guidelines released by Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology for Handicapped, the fee waiver option is available for economically weaker meritorious students. No tuition fee is charged from the students against such seats. Moreover, students have to submit the income certificates of their parents during the document verification process. Note that, this shall not be confused with the EWS category.  

Hope this helps!

Feel free to contact us for any more questions or queries.   

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