Arya College of Education is a Private college in Hisar. Arya College of Education offers B.Ed, Diploma in Education. Diploma is offered in Education & Teaching. B.Ed is offered in Education & Teaching.
Course | Online Counseling Fee | Annual College Fee | University/Board Charges | Books, Practical | Total | Fee Installments |
Bachelor of Education. (B.Ed.) | 1020/- | 44000/- (as per fixed by state fee committee) | 5880/- (B.Ed. EXAM WILL BE CONDUCTED BY GOVT.UNIVERSITY CRSU, JIND) | 4100/- BOOKS and All Practical Material including Postal & packing Charges | Rs. 55000/- per year including all college fee, university fee, Books, Practical files, sample files & Parcel Charges, SMS Facilities, whatsapp information. | 20000/- in 1st Month of Admission 17500/- in 2nd Month of Admission 17500/- in 3rd Month of Admission |
Diploma in Education.(D.El.Ed.) | 0520/- | 25800/- | 4100/- (D.Ed. exams will be conducted by Baord of School Education Haryana (A govt. Board)) | 4580/-BOOKS and All Practical Material including Postal & packing Charges | 35000/- IN FIRST YEAR including College fee, Board fee, Books, Practical files, Sample files & Parcel Charges, SMS Facilities, whatsapp information etc. | 17500/- in 1st Month of Admission 8750/- in 2nd Month of Admission 8750/- in 3rd Month of Admission |
BA BEd 4 Years Integrated Course | 1030/- | 35000/- | 5880/- (B.A. B.Ed. EXAM WILL BE CONDUCTED BY GOVT.UNIVERSITY CRSU, JIND) FOR BOTH SEMESTERS | 1800/-PER SEMESTER NOTES X 2 =3600/= | 45000/ -PER YEAR (BOTH SEMESTERS) including College fee, University fee, Books, Practical files, Sample files & Parcel Charges, SMS Facilities, whatsapp information etc. **********Discount Rs.10000/- per year********** | 15000/- in 1st Month of Admission 15000/- in 2nd Month of Admission 15000/-by in 3rd Month of Admission |
Gurgaon (Haryana)
Gurgaon (Haryana)
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)
Bahadurgarh (Haryana)