
BRCM Surat Questions and Answers

LocationSurat (Gujarat)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 07:30 PM IST

Questions Asked On B.R. C. M. College Of Business Administration, Gujarat

Priya •  Jan-18-2023
The registration in LPU for the BBA program has already started. LPU’s business school is ACBSP accredited, its a US based organization which provides accreditation services to business school all around the world, so you are getting a degree accredited by USA, that's something, isn’t it? LPU has 30000+ students, 6000+ students from 70+ countries studying in various 200+ courses including business programs. Imagine the quality or standard LPU has to provide to satisfy these many national and international students. Not only their infrastructure but their quality of education is also that good to get accredited from United States.Their practical way of teaching not only prepares students for passing their exams but also prepared them for the corporate worlds. Their Placement services as well as impeccable as even BBA/B.COM students gets the opportunities to compete for job placements with their seniors i.e MBA’s. Some of the students I know from BBA got placed recently in The Royal Bank of Scotland and they are over the moon and many more. The abroad study programs they provide are also great, you by enrolling into LPU can complete your degree in US, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, name any country under articulation programs. You can go for student exchange programs on scholarships paying nominal fees, You do foreign internships and process for foreign study from the university itself. The opportunities are endless.

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