Chaudhary Babu Mahadeo Prasad Degree college has all necessary facilities for the students in their endeavor to education. Following facilities provides excellent opportunities to the students to explore their potential: Library:-College library has thousand of reference and text books. Library has also subscribed several journals & periodicals, magazine & paper for the students. Library also provides online journals and internet facility.Gymnasium:-Gymnasium has latest exercise and workout machine.Ch. Naunihal Singh Museum and Art Gallery The Museum has sculptures of Ancient age to 12th Century AD.Ch Mahadeo Prasad Botanical Garden The garden is well developed and has plants of all variety.Cafeteria Common hall Play Ground Conference room Dr Sampoorna Nand Hostel- Presently under repair and maintenance. Auditorium Jamindari Building.
Infrastructure: Building infrastructure is good only road outside the college is the worst. There is facility for handicapped and stand for scooty and bikes and cars as well.
Hostel: There is separate hostel for boys and girls and the hostels are near the college. There also facility of mess and wifi and separate area for study and play.
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Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)