
D H S K Commerce College Questions and Answers

LocationDibrugarh (Assam)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 06:08 PM IST

Questions Asked On D H S K Commerce College, Assam

Diksha Nautiyal •  Jul-17-2020

Dear student, 

The online application window for D H S K Commerce College (DHSKCC), Dibrugarh, admissions have now been closed. But, you can get admission in other top Commerce colleges in India. For that, we request you to fill out our Common Application Form. Our experts will be guiding you throughout the application and admission process to ensure your admission in the commerce course of your choice. You can also try our toll-free student helpline number - 1800-572-9877 to avail instant counselling. 

Good Luck!

Shreya Sareen •  Jun-15-2020

Dear Student,

The information that you are asking for regarding the seat matrix of DHSK Commerce College, Dibrugarh is not available currently as per the official notification of the college. However, we will try and source this information for you. Also, if you can specify the course for which you need the seat matrix, it will be easier for us to help you. Meanwhile, you can go through the list of a few other commerce colleges in Dibrugarh. 

Dibrugarh University Institute of Engineering and Technology (DUIET)

Commerce Colleges in Dibrugarh 

If you have any more queries, our expert counsellors can help you out. Just fill our Common Application Form (CAF) or call 1800-572-9877 for free student counselling.

Thank you