Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 114126 | 148332 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 219770 | 261633 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 67425 | 104090 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 480547 | 480547 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 45807 | 95002 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 262685 | 267664 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 435823 | 1047608 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 390411 | 852772 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 565770 | 565770 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 239055 | 254535 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 65739 | 113601 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 226458 | 250582 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 360901 | 546540 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 129671 | 211690 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 199769 | 204199 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 192801 | 202178 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 160229 | 371893 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 253298 | 274482 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 505291 | 505291 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 195069 | 223453 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 262301 | 353568 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 612000 | 793657 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 282166 | 354465 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 202629 | 212017 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 151026 | 182054 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 160240 | 164691 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 355829 | 398566 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 167068 | 192362 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 625833 | 625833 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 114688 | 136797 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 220772 | 233197 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 75158 | 163905 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 253894 | 295959 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 237484 | 265605 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 417114 | 417114 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 321684 | 827549 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 307316 | 344442 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 286997 | 287154 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 99590 | 113922 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 140370 | 152231 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 345359 | 577796 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 169538 | 234423 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 100387 | 116214 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 336775 | 454979 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 337373 | 355416 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 296154 | 296154 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 232033 | 275457 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 194761 | 265923 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 143865 | 148339 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 120481 | 185728 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 265306 | 273015 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 190376 | 241428 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 275014 | 295342 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 203014 | 266149 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 187000 | 237366 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 137664 | 176588 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 249219 | 275610 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 170924 | 193765 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 691619 | 691619 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 53369 | 168166 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 170926 | 220713 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 465171 | 552860 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 267342 | 295086 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 343486 | 343486 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 118065 | 122926 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 76028 | 122135 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 232033 | 252177 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 185454 | 193366 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 153118 | 193217 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 168130 | 168130 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 153671 | 181702 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 189988 | 202629 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 151026 | 159318 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 133085 | 151563 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 289939 | 289939 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 374663 | 481345 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 72318 | 95797 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 117029 | 193598 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 278577 | 298171 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 249348 | 291292 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 301402 | 350841 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 247543 | 266595 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 265431 | 286997 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 225735 | 261224 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 201906 | 242597 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 834762 | 834762 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 916558 | 916558 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 89690 | 118078 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 179950 | 371981 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 585815 | 801275 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 927502 | 927502 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 596341 | 670097 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 484723 | 552860 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 376662 | 555267 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 219430 | 249446 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 495349 | 495349 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 459344 | 459344 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 332993 | 380158 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 365022 | 365022 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 312582 | 326983 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 434472 | 434472 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 305970 | 333341 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 270492 | 302445 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 122842 | 166771 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 431404 | 431404 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 284199 | 355416 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 218082 | 249415 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 275014 | 286559 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 216338 | 226027 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 274694 | 274694 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 207154 | 219947 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 192737 | 214308 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 534854 | 957035 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 189537 | 207804 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 356706 | 381786 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 270690 | 319174 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 296154 | 360227 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 266972 | 272479 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 302195 | 302195 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 262301 | 290767 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 232417 | 262170 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 507051 | 656363 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 113792 | 117228 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 130680 | 132402 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 103447 | 103447 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 187368 | 206843 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 156443 | 156443 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 191964 | 193409 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 203534 | 203534 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 141672 | 162328 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 117029 | 142029 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 298905 | 333211 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | ST | Both Male and Female Seats | 1024423 | 1024423 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 90009 | 90009 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 132826 | 180393 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 254221 | 254221 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 266376 | 296517 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 286559 | 286559 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 262897 | 296652 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 220850 | 221780 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 220501 | 261434 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 650209 | 1019981 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 110626 | 110626 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 269475 | 415068 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 552414 | 779781 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 559123 | 1000805 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 252813 | 263531 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 473406 | 473406 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 384678 | 437937 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 407472 | 407472 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 376783 | 401160 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 1080308 | 1080308 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 337373 | 357432 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 301373 | 372169 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 124028 | 124028 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 319402 | 319402 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 235434 | 256930 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 296154 | 296154 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 228708 | 236095 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 178049 | 223453 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 715733 | 715733 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 181509 | 184711 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 495349 | 495349 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 301280 | 328491 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 365022 | 365022 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 300529 | 321197 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 308873 | 382661 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 234497 | 234497 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 227263 | 288047 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 534854 | 683890 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 118078 | 119999 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 117029 | 124028 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 179295 | 189084 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 199769 | 199769 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 183014 | 183014 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 164691 | 164691 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 152571 | 153671 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 407342 | 407342 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 191671 | 191671 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 431404 | 431404 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 356706 | 356706 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 299118 | 314975 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 299342 | 321600 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 307316 | 307316 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 261623 | 267342 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 418701 | 418701 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 927502 | 927502 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 263962 | 265285 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 403932 | 416744 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 375046 | 375046 |
Computer Science And Design (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 373310 | 382557 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 147475 | 147475 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 495349 | 495349 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 258754 | 260237 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 237676 | 239930 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 226027 | 229184 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 193374 | 205671 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 696716 | 696716 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 422577 | 422577 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 328930 | 350662 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 325515 | 328888 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 289057 | 296571 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 259577 | 315321 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 264361 | 271541 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 318950 | 318950 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 241167 | 284394 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 120136 | 204760 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 381786 | 413817 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 262394 | 310880 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 122409 | 125874 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 308873 | 308873 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 364927 | 459387 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 680272 | 680272 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 208489 | 278577 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 527035 | 916558 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 226160 | 256434 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 957035 | 991144 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 301402 | 301402 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 268039 | 271136 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 639598 | 639598 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 177174 | 209523 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 218705 | 261031 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 127574 | 128566 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 163905 | 239209 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 430708 | 465171 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 321411 | 374845 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 403049 | 403049 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 328888 | 352116 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 759203 | 759203 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 300299 | 301327 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 268904 | 315409 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 223622 | 257208 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 451069 | 473406 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 328930 | 378405 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 363947 | 363947 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 342622 | 357369 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 269587 | 331442 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 287998 | 327311 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 101054 | 133179 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 133673 | 133918 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 170170 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 387339 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 394925 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 418317 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 338183 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 270970 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 133534 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 465171 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 391198 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 445655 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 397309 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 284342 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 246769 | 246769 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 548837 | 548837 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 477206 | 526034 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 445655 | 445655 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 355011 | 355011 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Data Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 394925 | 409570 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 258297 | 262484 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 785288 | 785288 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 476109 | 536453 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 454979 | 454979 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 444059 | 467638 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 453016 | 453016 |
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 391198 | 399129 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 209964 | 250684 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 646595 | 646595 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 533448.01 | 919589 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 144601 | 495979 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 992600 | 992600 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 354097 | 718115 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 272204 | 313248 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electrical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 518554 | 976870 |
Electrical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 267170 | 500318 |
Electrical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 652861 | 813887 |
Electrical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 557701 | 976870 |
Electrical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 500318 | 500318 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 179992 | 312040 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 332028 | 490022 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 134653 | 179610 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 448835 | 633701 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 321183 | 429138 |
Electronics and Communication (Advanced Communication Technology) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 125267 | 365073 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 550695 | 952872 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 443413 | 532126 |
Electronics and Communication (Advanced Communication Technology) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 612067 | 810862 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 642860 | 791285 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 759203 | 759203 |
Electronics and Communication (Advanced Communication Technology) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 559848 | 626911 |
Electronics and Communication (Advanced Communication Technology) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 603104 | 875475 |
Electronics and Communication (Advanced Communication Technology) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 440118 | 558138 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 265315 | 363065 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 582350 | 810862 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 558138 | 803933 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 365751 | 650963 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 394592 | 550589 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 137853 | 142373 |
Electronics and Communication (Advanced Communication Technology) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 308061 | 449845 |
Electronics and Communication (Advanced Communication Technology) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 858849 | 858849 |
Electronics and Communication (Advanced Communication Technology) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 466387 | 866710 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 285738 | 390687 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 580623 | 952872 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 481945 | 976870 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 165988 | 165988 |
Electronics and Communication (Advanced Communication Technology) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 263923 | 579713 |
Electronics and Communication (Advanced Communication Technology) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 741053 | 741053 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 391281 | 392112 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 189220 | 189220 |
Electronics and Communication (Advanced Communication Technology) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 586030 | 586030 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 221956 | 255646 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 229055 | 237106 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 413730 | 1058399 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 124723 | 186524 |
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 103550 | 123417 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 191096 | 221186 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 341634 | 341634 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 222194 | 237676 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 288417 | 393862 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 498732 | 498732 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 288883 | 288883 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 195566 | 256954 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 356076 | 404425 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 181276 | 216171 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 255258 | 303831 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 306414 | 306414 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 257656 | 280825 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 259699 | 443988 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 238631 | 297457 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 219770 | 253232 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 407342 | 535502 |
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 124477 | 125072 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 158837 | 218025 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 309861 | 348351 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 299342 | 328888 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 417114 | 417114 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 281146 | 298664 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 237186 | 298642 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 221186 | 221944 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 348920 | 370138 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 335541 | 350069 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 298689 | 306641 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 230486 | 989658 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 477754 | 615427 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 461639 | 461639 |
Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh)
Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh)
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh)