
H.L.Patel Arts & Commerce College Campus Facilities - Hostel Fees, Infrastructure, Address

LocationJetpur (Gujarat)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 06:08 PM IST


The library is partially automated by SOUL softwere where 12 journals are subscribed and has 3641 titles of thw books. The collage has 24 computers and has dial up internet connectivity with two computers. All staff member and students arts and commerce collage, computer is an integral part of the students' and faculties lives. The collage has sports field, womens' restroom, transportation, canteen, student center, vehicle parking in house dispensary having visiting doctor. Collage has out performed the average university result year after year. Collage has well set student counseling senter, grievnce redressal cell, alummi association, patent teacher association. The institute is at the cross roads of existence with increasing competition form self financed collages. The number of students in year 2005-06 was 515 while in 2006-07 the number is 479, which is a clean indication that collage needs to do more attract more student. This is a clear indication that collage needs to do more attract more students. The Collage has not been able to create a culture of research amongst students and faculties is a clear reflection that efforts are paying off. The collage has not been able to contribute much in curricular aspect as it strictly asheres to the university curriculum. The collage immediately needs to open its account in organizing and participating in major cultyral events, seminar, coference etc. Though, collage is working on applying innovative methodologies in terms of delivery of the curriculum, The student progression is not upgraded and the data is still no crated. Inclusive practices and stakeholder relationship needs to be strengthened. Library needs to be upgraded and activities for student placement and further study counseling need to be established.

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H.L.Patel Arts & Commerce College QnA

What are the various facilities available on campus at HLPACC , Jetpur ?

HLPACC , Jetpur offers various facilities to its students including Auditorium, Canteen, Computer Lab, Cultural zone, Theatre and more.
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